As soon as Chen Yulou finished speaking, there were bursts of mechanical sounds from all around the tomb.

The stone door behind him also closed again with the sound of mechanical sounds, and with a "boom", a thousand-jin dragon-breaking stone fell from above the stone door!

Then there were bursts of mechanical sounds from the city wall.

Everyone looked up and saw faint human figures on the city walls around the tomb.

Then there were bursts of arrows breaking through the air.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh--"

Seeing this, everyone's scalp numbed instantly, and they hurriedly scattered to avoid it.

But these arrows were dense, like heavy rain from the sky, and there was no way to avoid them.

But fortunately, the arrows were from top to bottom.

Seeing this, Lin Muye shouted: "Draw up shields! Lift the coffin lid! Block the arrows!"

After saying this, Lin Muye, Uncle Jiu, Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle and others quickly hid under the hanging coffin.

Lin Muye looked at Uncle Jiu and said, "Uncle Jiu, the mechanism is on the city wall!"

Uncle Jiu didn't say anything when he heard it. He took out the talisman paper, pinched the magic formula with his hands, and chanted the spell: "Use my talisman, pave the way with Xunfeng, and the wind will rise!"

I saw gusts of breeze coming from Uncle Jiu's feet, blowing Uncle Jiu's robes.

Uncle Jiu took a step and entered the rain of arrows.

Chen Yulou, Queqiao Shao and others were shocked when they saw this.

But the next scene made them stunned.

I saw Uncle Jiu stepping on the steps of the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams, and he actually shuttled through the rain of arrows and went straight towards the city wall.

Xunfeng Curse!

A kind of Maoshan spell that can control the wind and increase one's own speed. The saying "wind under your feet" is this principle. Those with deep magic power can even fly in the wind for a short time!

Uncle Jiu was obviously like this. He was seen running through the rain of arrows with his feet flying in the wind, feeling like "passing through a bush of flowers without getting a single leaf on him".

Soon, Uncle Jiu rushed to the bottom of the city wall.

But the next scene shocked everyone again.

Uncle Jiu stepped on the city wall with his feet, and the whole person actually flew into the air. The breeze under his feet actually dragged Uncle Jiu directly to the top of the city wall!

Seeing this scene, Partridge Whistle showed a yearning look in his eyes.

Chen Yulou rubbed his eyes hard, thinking that he had seen it wrong.

Luo Laowai was so shocked that the gun in his hand almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he caught it in a hurry, muttering: "Damn, he is really an immortal!"

After saying this, Luo Laowai secretly glanced at Lin Muye who was looking calmly. Even though he was simple-minded, he felt that Lin Muye was not simple at this time.

Before going to the tomb, Lin Muye specifically reminded him to control his subordinates and not let them touch it randomly. As a result, it was indeed because of his subordinates' random touch that triggered the mechanism, which led to the current situation.

With this thought, Luo Laowai looked back at the subordinate and saw that he had been buried in the arrows, so he gave up. Otherwise, he must kill him with his own hands.

Speaking of Uncle Jiu, he had already climbed the city wall at this time.

On the city wall, there were many wooden men densely arranged, and each wooden man held a powerful crossbow in his hand. With the sound of the mechanism, these wooden men changed their positions regularly. Every time the wooden man was moved to the front of the city wall, the crossbow in his hand must be fully drawn and loaded with arrows.

This is also the reason for the continuous rain of arrows.

There was no time to admire the wisdom of the ancients.

Uncle Jiu rushed to a tall building behind these wooden men in one step.

He knew that the tall building was the core of the mechanism.

Entering the tall building, you can see a huge vertical shaft with huge gears on it. As the shaft rotates, these gears rotate with it.

Uncle Jiu saw that this shaft was the key.

Looking around, he didn't find any usable tools. Uncle Jiu listened carefully and found that the sound of the mechanism under his feet was slightly different.

So he stepped hard, and the powerful force immediately broke the wooden board under his feet.

And under the wooden board were conveyor belts, and on the conveyor belts were huge arrows as thick as thighs!

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu did not dare to delay. He took out the talisman paper, pinched the magic formula with his hands, pointed at the conveyor belt, and muttered something.

The talisman paper flew out quickly and stuck on a giant arrow, and then the giant arrow flew up!

Uncle Jiu took the giant arrow, walked to the vertical axis, found the right time, and inserted the giant arrow into its gear.



After a series of earthquakes, the gear was finally stuck by the giant arrow, but it was obvious that the giant arrow could not last too long, and gradually deformed in the gear, and there was a risk of breaking at any time.

You should know that the vertical axis in this kind of mechanism is usually connected.The wisdom of the ancients who knew the underground river should not be underestimated.

They used the river water as a driving force to drive the vertical axis, and then through the gears on the vertical axis, they drove the surrounding mechanisms. Once the mechanism was triggered, it would never stop unless the vertical axis was destroyed or the underground river was cut off.

And the vertical axis and the mechanism were made of the hardest wood, otherwise it would not be possible to preserve for a thousand years and still operate normally.

Uncle Jiu was knowledgeable and knew all this. He knew that it was difficult to resist the power of the underground river with just one giant arrow.

So he did not dare to delay. While the giant arrow bought him time, he wanted to set up a formation! Try to destroy the vertical axis in front of him in one fell swoop.

He took out a small incense burner from his package, and then took out three incense sticks, used his magic power, and the three incense sticks burned without fire.

Uncle Jiu inserted the incense into the incense burner. It was amazing that there was nothing in the incense burner, but the incense was inserted into the incense ash, as stable as Mount Tai, without bias.

Then Uncle Jiu pinched the magic formula with his hands and chanted the spell: "Heaven and earth are the roots of all qi. I have cultivated the catastrophe and proved my supernatural power. Inside and outside the three realms, only Taoism is supreme. There is a divine fire in my body, burning the void and keeping the truth."

"Three Flavors True Fire! Rise!"

As Uncle Jiu's spell fell, the incense in the incense burner quickly burned out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Uncle Jiu's hands gradually glowed with red light. After the red light, a handful of flames ignited in Uncle Jiu's hands.

Uncle Jiu pinched the magic formula with his hands, stretched out his hand and pointed, and the flames in his hand flew out and attached to the vertical axis!

The vertical axis actually burned rapidly under this small flame.

Three Flavors True Fire Spell!

This move is Uncle Jiu's specialty, the Three Flavors True Fire!

This Three Flavors True Fire, according to legend, is the divine fire in the Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace, which can burn everything, let alone this vertical axis?

This vertical axis is made of wood. Although it is extremely hard, fire overcomes wood! This is an eternal truth!

The Three Flavors True Fire burned when it encountered something, and in just a few breaths, the vertical axis was completely burned.

As the vertical axis burned, the mechanisms of the city wall were also completely broken.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu put away the incense burner, turned over and floated down from the city wall.

Seeing this, the people around knew that it was Uncle Jiu who broke the mechanism, and they all knelt on the ground, shouting: "Thank you, immortal, for saving my life!"

Lin Muye saw this and walked to Uncle Jiu. Seeing Uncle Jiu nodded, he said: "The mechanism of this city has been removed. You can explore it and get the treasure to save the people!"

When everyone heard it, they shouted in unison: "Yes!"

Lin Muye looked at the hanging coffin in front of him and said to Uncle Jiu: "Uncle Jiu, you have worked hard."

Uncle Jiu nodded, stepped on a coffin on the ground, and the whole person flew into the air, and put his foot on the lid of the hanging coffin.

The extremely heavy coffin lid was kicked away by Uncle Jiu and hit the city wall in the distance.

When everyone saw this, they were secretly amazed. Before, they only knew that Uncle Jiu was a supernatural being, but when they went to the tomb this time, they realized that Uncle Jiu's skills were also so amazing. If it came to just stretching out one's hands, Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou concluded that the two of them combined might not be Uncle Jiu's match.

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