Uncle Jiu walked out of the broken house and saw Lin Muye, and then he said, "Muye, what are you daydreaming about?"

Uncle Jiu's words woke Lin Muye up.

Uncle Jiu!

This is the real Uncle Jiu!

The Uncle Jiu who is a first-class Taoist and a zombie nemesis!

With him, my trip to Pingshan can be guaranteed to be safe!

"It's okay, Uncle Jiu, I..."

Before Lin Muye finished speaking, an anxious cry of a little girl interrupted him and attracted the attention of him and Uncle Jiu.

"Grandma! What's wrong with you?"

In the broken house next to him, an old lady suddenly fell to the ground, her face was ashen, and it was obvious that she was breathing out more than breathing in.

A little girl was shaking the old man helplessly, crying anxiously, which made people feel distressed.

There were many disaster victims in the same room, but these disaster victims were oblivious and looked at the scene with dull eyes.

For the victims now, this kind of thing has long been commonplace, even numb, and they are busy taking care of themselves, so how can they care about others?

But for Lin Muye, who grew up under the red flag, and Uncle Jiu, who is upright and upright, they can't ignore this scene anyway.

Uncle Jiu took a few steps quickly, and a yellow talisman slipped out of his sleeve.

He held the talisman in his hand, pinched his hands, and clamped the talisman between his right sword finger. He was still muttering something, but it was not clear.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Lin Muye who was following closely behind him.

"Muye, go find a bowl of water."

Lin Muye knew that Uncle Jiu wanted to use the talisman water to treat the old man because he had checked Uncle Jiu's ability information.

Without any hesitation, he hurried out and brought back a bowl of water in a short time.

Uncle Jiu changed his finger gestures again, and the talisman paper in his right hand was natural without fire. This scene made the refugees around him exclaim and kneel down, calling "the immortal has come to the world".

Uncle Jiu put the burning talisman into the bowl, waited for the talisman paper to burn out, stirred it with his fingers a few times, and then took the bowl and fed the bowl of talisman water to the old man.

The little girl stared at the two people in front of her blankly, letting them do whatever they wanted, and had forgotten to cry.

Grandma's sudden illness made her feel at a loss, and with Uncle Jiu's little trick, she had placed all her hopes on the two people.

Sure enough, the old man woke up in less than a minute after the talisman water was swallowed.

This scene once again shocked many victims beyond words, where had they seen such a strange method.

The recovered old man knelt down in front of Uncle Jiu with the little girl and kowtowed repeatedly. The scene seemed more chaotic than outside for a while.

What Lin Muye and Uncle Jiu didn't realize was that this scene was seen by Miss Hong who was passing by.

Miss Hong thought for a moment, then turned and left.


On the city wall, Chen Yulou was listening to what Luo Laowai was saying.

But he didn't seem to be in a good mood.

This time he came to Chen Yulou to discuss an important matter - robbing an ancient tomb from the Yuan Dynasty.

Chen Yulou was not interested in this matter and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Luo Laowai hurriedly followed, turned his eyes, looked at the refugees below, and said: "Look, look, looking at these refugees, my heart is really distressed. Boss Chen, you have been releasing grain for more than a month, right? It is really a good deed, Lao Luo admires it!"

As he said, Luo Laowai also bowed to Chen Yulou, and then said: "But! In my opinion, this method is only a temporary solution! Now the world is in chaos, and refugees from other places are pouring into Xiangxi. If we don't protect ourselves, the people of Xiangxi will sooner or later become refugees."

Chen Yulou glanced at Luo Laowai with a puzzled look, closed the folding fan in his hand, tilted his head slightly and said: "Marshal Luo, you can say it directly."

Seeing Chen Yulou like this, Luo Laowai didn't hesitate, waved behind him, and the adjutant immediately handed a bronze medal to Luo Laowai.

Luo Laowai handed it to Chen Yulou and said, "Brother, please look!"

Chen Yulou stopped and turned his head to take a look. Suddenly, his eyes flashed. He reached out to take the bronze plate, looked at both sides, turned his head and looked at Luo Laowai with a little surprise, and said, "A round talisman with a tiger head in Phags-pa script! It is a unique item in the Yuan Dynasty!"

Luo Laowai behind him was very happy when he heard it. He raised his hand and gave a thumbs up, shouting, "Good eyesight!"

Then he patted Chen Yulou on the shoulder and continued, "Brother Chen, to be honest, this treasure is said to have been obtained from a Miao village in the Laoxiongling area. What do you think? Are you willing to go treasure hunting with your brothers?"

After listening to this, Chen Yulou looked thoughtful.

In fact, what Luo Laowai said was not without reason.

After more than a month of opening the warehouse to release grain and helping countless disaster victims, Chen Yulou was almost unable to hold on.

Just as he was thinking, Miss Hong rushed up the city wall and headed straight towards the few people.After approaching, Miss Hong clasped her hands and said to Chen Yulou: "Boss, I just found two strange people among the refugees. Maybe we can get to know them."

Luo Laowai was waiting for Chen Yulou to agree, but was interrupted by Miss Hong, and he got angry instantly.

"What kind of strange people are they? Can they be more strange than Boss Chen?"

Miss Hong glanced at Luo Laowai with disdain, and then looked at Chen Yulou and said: "Those two people saved a dying old man with just a bowl of magic water!"

Miss Hong's words caught Chen Yulou's attention. As if he thought of something, he quickly said: "Is it true?"

Miss Hong nodded.

Seeing this, Chen Yulou continued, "Go and invite the two strange people to come and have a chat. Tell them that I, Chen Yulou, see that you two have strange skills and good intentions, and I want to make friends with you and discuss the plan to save the people!"

Hong girl looked at Chen Yulou with some doubts, and then took the order and left.


In the broken house, Uncle Jiu and Lin Muye helped many refugees who knelt down, and then treated many refugees in this broken house.

Uncle Jiu is not only a Taoist priest of Maoshan, but also has superb medical skills. Although there is a shortage of medicine and materials now, some small tricks can also relieve the pain of refugees.

Lin Muye, who knows Uncle Jiu's character well, did not stop him and was helping him on the side.

He was worried that he had no excuse to approach Chen Yulou. At this time, Uncle Jiu's actions would definitely attract Chen Yulou's attention.

Just when Uncle Jiu finished taking the pulse of a skinny old man, a beautiful figure rushed into the broken house.

Uncle Jiu and Lin Muye cast curious glances.

The person who came was Miss Hong.

Miss Hong looked around and saw that Uncle Jiu was treating the refugees, and she was impressed.

She walked a few steps to the two of them, lifted her red jacket with both hands, clasped her fists and said: "You two are kind, and I, the Xiangling clan, will remember it in my heart!"

Uncle Jiu was polite and courteous. Seeing the other party like this, he immediately stood up and clasped his fists and replied: "Miss, you are too polite!"

Lin Muye looked at Miss Hong curiously, wondering why she came. He hadn't caused any sensation here, so why did this person from Xiangling come to his door?

So he asked: "Miss, what are you doing here?"

Miss Hong was straightforward, and she clasped her fists again and said: "General Chen wants to see you! The general has learned that you two have magical skills and good intentions, so he asked me to invite you to come and talk about the plan to save the people!"

When Lin Muye heard this, he was shocked.

It's really a case of searching for something without any effort!

Then he clasped his fists and replied: "It is our duty to save the people from danger. Please lead the way, young lady!"


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