After passing through the landslide area, everyone set out on the road of exploration again.

This exploration did not have too many twists and turns.

There was no trap in this corridor.

After walking for almost half an hour, everyone finally arrived in front of the temple gate!

This temple gate was just as magnificent and majestic as we saw before.

But under the steps of this temple gate, it was not the straight road we saw before, but an open space.

On this open space, there were eight tall stone pillars, the stone pillars were as thick as three people hugging, and they were carved with dragons and phoenixes. The eyes of these auspicious signs were inlaid with gems of different colors, which served as eyeballs.

When Luo Laowai saw the palace door, his eyes widened and he said excitedly: "Hahaha, I finally found you. Come on, take all the gems on the pillars for me! Don't let any of them go."

When Luo Laowai's men heard this, they shouted in unison: "Yes!"

Then they took out their daggers, ran quickly under the stone pillars, set up ladders and started fighting.

When the people in Xiangling saw this scene, they became a little anxious. His Xiangling lineage has always left no tiles behind, but they also have their own methods. When dismantling gems and jades, they will not damage them at all. But they didn't expect that Luo Laowai's men would be so rude. So they all looked at Chen Yulou and Lin Muye.

Chen Yulou knew his brothers' concerns. If these gems were damaged, their value would be greatly reduced, but Lin Muye didn't say anything, so Chen Yulou couldn't say anything either. He just looked at Lin Muye, hoping that he would say something.

Seeing this, Lin Muye frowned slightly. He didn't mind whether the gem was damaged or not, but he was dissatisfied with Luo Laowai's unauthorized action.

So he said: "General Luo, let your brothers stop. If the gem is damaged, its value will be greatly reduced. Are you willing to do it? Let the brothers in Xiangling dismantle the gem, and your people will be responsible for guarding and transporting it."

When Luo Laowai heard this, he immediately realized that he was a little too careless and aroused public anger.

So he hurriedly said: "No, I can't bear it! Stop it for me! If you break a gem, I will kill you. Let..."

But before he could finish his words, the people on the stone pillars held their heads with their hands, in great pain, and soon fell from the stone pillars to the ground.

Everyone looked up and saw that many centipedes quickly crawled out from the top of these stone pillars.

After struggling for a few times, the people who fell to the ground quickly turned into a pool of thick water.

This scene shocked everyone instantly. I don't know who shouted, so everyone dodged in all directions, and even took out their guns and shot in panic.

And the people in Xiangling in the distance were all furious.

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

It was not the first time for Chen Yulou and the people in Xiangling to see these brown centipedes. They all drew their short knives from their waists, raised torches nervously, and waited for them.

The first time Xiangling went down to the underground palace, he was defeated by these centipedes. If it weren't for the fact that he burned a way out of his head, everyone would have died without a complete body, but these centipedes still took the lives of many Xiangling brothers.

Seeing this, Chen Yulou gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Lin, it's these centipedes! The first time I went to the underground palace, I was defeated by them! These centipedes are extremely poisonous. People who are bitten will quickly turn into a pool of thick water. They are extremely vicious!"

Chen Yulou's words instantly made everyone step back again, and Luo Laowai even drew his gun and shot.

For a while, the sound of gunfire, the sound of swords, the sound of arrows breaking through the air, and screams were endless.

Lin Muye frowned even more when he saw this.

These six-winged centipedes were all killed by thunder, so why can these centipedes still move forward and backward in moderation?

No longer entangled with this issue, Lin Muye reached out and patted the partridge whistle beside him, and said, "Get the angry chicken!"

Partridge whistle heard this and did not dare to delay. He quickly put the bamboo basket he had been carrying on his back on the ground and opened the lid.

But the angry chicken in the bamboo basket was actually sleeping soundly, with no intention of coming out.

Seeing this, Lin Muye took a step forward, squatted down and said to the Angry Rooster: "I know you have an extraordinary nature and can break the poisonous insects and demons and drive away ghosts. I don't want you to be buried in the hands of ignorant people, so I brought you out. Now the poisonous insects and demons are in front of you, you have to show all your abilities, but don't ruin your reputation as the Angry Rooster!"

Luo Laowai was so anxious at this time, watching his men struggling in the centipedes all over the ground. It was not that he felt sorry for his men, but that he was worried about his gems.

He saw that Lin Muye was talking to a chicken at such a critical moment, and he was speechless, but he didn't dare to get angry.

He could only smile and say: "LinBrother, can this chicken really understand you? You should think of a solution quickly, because I have lost many of my brothers. "

Uncle Jiu saw this and patted his shoulder, signaling him to be patient.

Lin Muye ignored him and just stared at the angry chicken. Luo Laowai saw this and looked into the bamboo basket.

After hearing what Lin Muye said, the angry chicken instantly raised its head, a gleam of light flashed in its eyes, and it made a series of low cries.

Then it spread its wings and flew into the open space from the bamboo basket. Its wings were colorful, and it was still dazzling even in this dark underground palace.

After the angry chicken flew to the open space, the brown centipedes on the ground scattered and fled.

The angry chicken lowered its head, and its huge beak accurately pecked a centipede, raised its head and threw it, opened its mouth and caught it directly, and put it in the empty space. Swallowed into the stomach. Then raised the left foot, stood in a golden rooster posture, and then waved the wings, bringing whirlwinds and crowing loudly.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck——"

The sound of the crowing rang out in the underground palace, echoing and lingering for a long time.

After the crowing of the rooster, the centipedes that were originally densely packed instantly felt the breath of their natural enemies and retreated one after another.

And the angry chicken pecked at the centipedes everywhere after crowing.

This scene made Luo Laowai, who had some complaints, widen his eyes. This brother Lin is worthy of being the Immortal Lin! I didn't expect that the chicken he found early was so magical!

Seeing this, Lin Muye said to his uncle Jiu beside him: "Uncle Jiu, go help the angry chicken and use the fire talisman! "

Uncle Jiu nodded when he heard this, and rushed to the side of the angry chicken in one step.

Uncle Jiu took mysterious steps, pinched the magic formula with his hands, and several talismans appeared in his hands.

Uncle Jiu tapped his hands continuously, and talismans flew out one by one, sticking to the eight stone pillars, and then flashed a faint red light.

With Uncle Jiu's voice: "Eight Trigrams Lihuo, the formation starts! "

The talisman papers on these pillars suddenly glowed red, and then a fire suddenly started from under the pillars!

This fire was very strange. It burned out of thin air without any fuel!

The eight pillars of fire quickly raised a wall of fire, instantly forcing back all the centipedes that had not had time to escape. Some centipedes that accidentally touched the fire were quickly burned into a pile of ashes, which shows how powerful this fire is.

The angry chicken saw that the escaping centipedes were forced back by Uncle Jiu, and instantly got excited. It flapped its wings and kicked its feet, and instantly jumped into the group of centipedes. It used its beak and claws to quickly kill and eat these centipedes.

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