After going down to the underground palace, everyone lit torches, and for a moment, the underground palace was as bright as day.

Everyone could see clearly that there were many broken stones and damaged underground palace buildings in the underground palace, which must have been caused by the landslide.

Chen Yulou raised his arm and said, "Brothers, explore it, be careful, and report any situation in time!"

Everyone agreed and dispersed.

Lin Muye, Uncle Jiu, Queqiao Shao and others walked towards the place that looked like a tomb door they had seen before.

After getting closer, they found that this was not a tomb door at all, but just a door-shaped relief. On both sides of the door of the door-shaped relief, there were densely engraved Yuan characters. Everyone did not know Yuan characters, and did not know what was engraved.

On the contrary, Chen Yulou was well-read and had a little understanding of Yuanwen, but he only understood a little bit. Looking at the words above, he murmured: "Emperor Yuan, pearl, Pingshan, immortality, general, general Zhenling..."

Although he was mumbling and speaking in fragments, Partridge Whistle still heard it.

Partridge Whistle immediately stepped forward, grabbed Chen Yulou, and said anxiously: "Brother Chen, what pearl are you talking about? What does this engraving mean?"

Chen Yulou saw that it was Partridge Whistle, and seeing that he was so anxious, he immediately explained: "Brother Partridge Whistle, I also have a little understanding of Yuanwen. The general meaning is that the Emperor Yuan got a pearl to refine the immortal elixir, and Pingshan is the most important place for the Emperor Yuan to refine the immortal elixir. He sent his general to Escorting the pearl here, and then letting this great general to guard this place, and after the general died, he was also buried here, as a general to guard the tomb forever! "

The light in the eyes of the partridge whistle flashed, and he spoke again: "Did anyone say what pearl it was?"

Chen Yulou shook his head and said: "No, I know that you moved mountains just for the pearl. Since the pearl has appeared in this bottle mountain, it is worth your trip here. "

The partridge whistle nodded slightly, with a little joy on his face.

The reason why he came to this bottle mountain was actually to find the Zhuchen Pearl. He had previously obtained clues about the Zhuchen Pearl in a tomb, and the clues pointed directly to this bottle mountain, but he had returned empty-handed after three explorations of the bottle mountain. Now he finally has some clues, how can he not be happy?

Seeing this, Lin Muye also reached out and patted Queqiao Shao on the shoulder, and said: "Boss Chen is right. Since there have been beads in this bottle mountain, no matter what kind of beads they are, we have to see them before we know. Even if it is not the Zhuchen Pearl, at least there are some clues."

Lin Muye knew that there was no Zhuchen Pearl in this Yuan Tomb. He did not want to discourage Queqiao Shao and the other two, so he continued: "Hua Ling, old foreigner, you copy down the Yuan text here, and when you go back, find someone who understands Yuan text to take a look."

Hua Ling and the other two nodded, and took out pens and ink to copy.

Queqiao Shao looked at Lin Muye gratefully. At this time, a brother from Xiangling came excitedly with something in his hand.

He ran up to a few people, clasped his fists and said: "Boss! Brothers have found a large number of gold, silver and jewelry under the rubble of this underground palace!"

After speaking, he presented the object with both hands.

Chen Yulou took it and saw that it was actually a gold brick. His eyes shone brightly and he said excitedly: "Okay! Let the brothers look carefully. Even if we dig three feet deep, we must not miss any treasure!"

Before this person left, another brother from Xiangling came hurriedly and said with a fist: "Boss! The brothers found a coffin under the rubble."

When Chen Yulou heard it, he immediately looked at Lin Muye and Uncle Jiu.

Seeing this, Lin Muye knew that the real owner had appeared, so he looked at Uncle Jiu, and Uncle Jiu nodded slightly.

Lin Muye said: "Let's go and take a look."

The group followed the people from Xiangling and soon came to a ruin.

On the ruins, there were some broken stone pillars and rubbles, which were carved with dragons and phoenixes, and they were extraordinary.

And under the ruins, a Bagua altar could be vaguely seen, and in the middle of the altar was a huge coffin! The coffin was tightly pressed by the ruins, and the outer coffin had been cracked by the stone pillars, revealing the coffin inside.

Speaking of this coffin, it is completely different from the one I saw in the Wengcheng before.

Although the outer coffin has been broken, it can still be vaguely seen that it is inlaid with many gems, gold and jade, which can be said to be extremely luxurious.

The purple gold coffin inside is even more luxurious. The whole coffin is cast in purple gold and carved with complex patterns.

Because the Yuan people came from the Western Regions, their culture is very different from that of the Central Plains. For a while, no one could tell what the pattern on the purple gold coffin is, but this does not affect the luxury of this purple gold coffin.

Seeing Lin Muye, Uncle Jiu andChen Yulou and others came, and the brothers of Xiangling made way for them.

When they came to the purple gold coffin, Chen Yulou waved his hand and said loudly: "Brothers, clean it up, let's open the coffin and take the treasure!"

The bandits of Xiangling were excited and shouted in unison: "Dump it!"

Just as the bandits of Xiangling were about to take action, a cry interrupted them.

"Where is it? Where is the purple gold coffin?"

Everyone turned their heads and found that it was Luo Laowai, who stumbled all the way and kept crying.

When he found the gold, silver and jewelry before, Luo Laowai was ecstatic, so he personally led people to take the treasure, which led to his late arrival and became the last person to see the purple gold coffin.

After running a few steps, Luo Laowai bent over and panted in front of the purple gold coffin. Seeing the purple gold coffin, he burst into tears.

After crying bitterly, he raised his right hand, tremblingly pointed at the purple gold coffin, and said with a crying voice: "I finally see you, you really hide deep enough, huh?"

After saying that, his trembling hand slowly stretched out to the purple gold coffin, obviously wanting to touch it.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu's face changed instantly, and he hurriedly stopped him and said: "Don't touch it!"

But it is obvious that Uncle Jiu's words are not as fast as Luo Laowai's hands. At this time, his hand has already touched the purple gold coffin.

Luo Laowai turned his head blankly and looked at Uncle Jiu. Everyone also looked at Uncle Jiu with confusion and puzzlement. Uncle Jiu looked helpless. He didn't want to explain because the purple gold coffin had given the best explanation.


A loud noise came, and everyone turned their heads to see that the lid of the purple gold coffin was suddenly lifted up.

The broken stone pillars, rubble, and ruins that were originally pressing on the purple gold coffin were all blown away, showing how powerful this force was.

The crowd had no time to marvel, and they all dodged the things that were blown away, while Luo Laowai was frightened and motionless, looking at everything in front of him blankly.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu stepped forward, pulled Luo Laowai up, and took him away from the purple gold coffin, so that Luo Laowai was not killed by the falling stone pillars and rubble.

The people who were still frightened looked at the purple gold coffin.

I saw a figure in the purple gold coffin, standing upright, with black hair all over his body, a dark and stiff face, a pair of strangely long fangs in his mouth, wearing a general's armor, a pair of scarlet eyes, looking around, and then looking up and roaring.


A fishy smell spread, and the roar also made everyone's ears buzz.

Bottle Mountain Corpse King!

Seeing this, everyone knew that this person was the real owner of the Bottle Mountain Underground Palace, the legendary Bottle Mountain Corpse King!

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