Look at the Corpse King again.

At this time, the Corpse King was lying in the gravel, without any movement.

Everyone approached carefully to take a look.

It turned out that the Corpse King had a golden talisman on his forehead!

Seeing this, everyone looked at the Partridge Whistle on the stone pillar again, and they were amazed and puzzled.

What surprised them was that Uncle Jiu's talisman could actually suppress the Corpse King.

What puzzled them was that they couldn't figure out how the Partridge Whistle had stuck the talisman on the Corpse King's forehead?

Time went back to three minutes ago.

It turned out that the Partridge Whistle twisted itself in mid-air to avoid the Corpse King's attack, and then hung itself with its arm guard, used the Kuixing Kick, and hit the Corpse King in the face.

The corpse-suppressing talisman was placed on the corpse king's foot by the right hand before Queqiao Shao used the Kuixing Kick.

The Kuixing Kick is about hitting the face directly, and Queqiao Shao placed the talisman on his foot. With a Kuixing Kick, he just used his foot to place the corpse-suppressing talisman on the corpse king's forehead.

Such precise grasp and the ability to respond calmly in times of crisis once again made everyone admire Queqiao Shao.

Let's talk about Uncle Jiu.

After Uncle Jiu used his blood to draw the corpse-suppressing talisman, his magic power was actually damaged, but he knew that since the corpse king had appeared, there was no reason to leave it alone. If he didn't get rid of this scourge here, who knows how many people would be slaughtered by the corpse king.

Once this zombie sucks human blood, it can never stop!

So he immediately did it again.

I saw him changing his steps again, the seal in his hand also changed, and the spell changed with it.

"The Mysterious Sect of Heaven and Earth, the root of all qi. I have cultivated catastrophes to prove my supernatural powers. In and out of the Three Realms, only Taoism is supreme. There is divine fire in my body, burning the void to preserve the truth."

It was the first time that everyone saw Uncle Jiu use this trick, and they all cast curious eyes.

Before in the city, they all knew that it was Uncle Jiu who broke the mechanism of the city, but they did not see how it was broken.

I saw Uncle Jiu finish the spell, and a ball of flame suddenly appeared in his hands.

The flame was red and everyone felt warm all over, and then felt a chill.

Three Flavors of True Fire!

It was said before that this Three Flavors of True Fire was the legendary divine fire, and like the thunder, it was the existence that carried the magnificent power of heaven.

Seeing this, Luo Laowai and others instantly knelt on the ground, lowered their heads and dared not look at Uncle Jiu.

The Three Flavors True Fire, fueled by Uncle Jiu's magic power and blood essence, grew rapidly.

At this time, the people who were still marveling at the wonder of the corpse-suppressing talisman felt a pressure coming. They turned their heads and saw Uncle Jiu holding the divine fire and walking slowly, just like the legendary god of fire.

The people surrounding the corpse king naturally couldn't bear the pressure of the Three Flavors True Fire. They knelt on the ground and trembled like sieves.

Uncle Jiu took a step forward, flew forward, came to the pile of rubble, jumped up, and stood on a broken pillar. Seeing this, Lin Muye followed Uncle Jiu. He also stood on a broken pillar.

Uncle Jiu's right hand formed a sword finger and stood in front of his chest, and his left hand also formed a sword finger and pressed on his right forearm.

The Three Flavors True Fire came out from the tip of Uncle Jiu's right sword finger, suspended above it, constantly jumping and shining.

Uncle Jiu took a horse stance and shouted: "Use my divine fire to kill evil and eliminate evil!"

After speaking, Uncle Jiu pointed his sword at the Bottle Mountain Corpse King in the rubble, and the three-flavor true fire on his fingertips also flew out quickly and directly sank into the Corpse Suppression Talisman on the Corpse King's forehead!

After the divine fire sank into the Corpse Suppression Talisman, it actually burned the Corpse Suppression Talisman first!

Without the suppression of the Corpse Suppression Talisman, the Corpse King naturally gained the ability to move instantly.


A roar came, and everyone looked at the Corpse King in horror.

The Corpse King stood up again, with a red light in his eyes, and he was obviously extremely angry!

Seeing this, everyone didn't care about the pressure of the divine fire, and quickly got up and fled from here.

But the scene of the Corpse King suddenly getting up and hurting people that they imagined did not happen.

Instead, the Corpse King roared again, and in the roar, they actually heard a trace of pain and pleading.

"Roar, roar, roar"

Everyone stopped running and turned their heads to look.

They saw that the Corpse King was now bathed in fire, waving his arms wildly among the gravel, obviously in great pain.

"Bang, bang"

The Corpse King is a Corpse King after all, and any object hit by his arm will be crushed to pieces under his iron-clad arm.

Lin Muye was also somewhat shocked at this time looking at the Corpse King.

He knew that Uncle Jiu's Three Flavors True Fire was said to be able to burn everything in the world, but he didn't expect, this corpse king was not instantly burned under Uncle Jiu's three-flavor true fire.

Uncle Jiu was slightly surprised when he saw this. He pinched the magic formula with his hand, and forced out another drop of blood from the wound on his finger that had not yet healed, and pointed at the corpse king who was bathed in fire.

The blood flew out and landed on the corpse king, just like adding a handful of firewood to the divine fire.

The moment the blood entered the corpse king's body, the flames burning on his body suddenly surged, and in a flash, the fire covered the corpse king completely.

The corpse king finally fell down with a painful roar.

Uncle Jiu was relieved when he saw this, and his whole body staggered.

Lin Muye discovered Uncle Jiu's situation, quickly jumped onto the stone pillar erected by Uncle Jiu, and reached out to support Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu turned his head and nodded to him.

Lin Muye knew that Uncle Jiu was just over-consuming, so he nodded in greeting.

Since entering the underground palace, Uncle Jiu has used his blood essence three times, which is a huge consumption.

You know, for a cultivator, every drop of blood essence is extremely precious, and it takes a long time to accumulate before it can be condensed.

As the saying goes, "There are three treasures in the sky, the sun, the moon, and the stars; there are three treasures in people, the essence, the qi, and the spirit."

The "essence" here refers to the essence in the human body. This blood essence is the essence of blood, and it is the purest part of the blood of a cultivator. Blood, in the cultivation system, is a yin existence, but blood essence is the yang in the yin!

This is why Uncle Jiu uses blood essence as a medium to perform the corpse-suppressing talisman and the three-flavor true fire.

Generally speaking, the corpse-suppressing talisman, which is the basic talisman of Maoshan, cannot suppress the corpse king, but with the extremely yang blood essence cultivated by Uncle Jiu, it can have a miraculous effect.

Although the Three Flavors True Fire is a divine fire, it is thought that the Corpse King has been in Pingshan for a long time and has been affected by the alchemists' elixirs, which has caused some changes, which is why the Three Flavors True Fire did not burn it up instantly.

Uncle Jiu used his blood essence as fuel to help burn the Three Flavors True Fire, which strengthened the most rigid and yang properties of the Three Flavors True Fire, and thus killed the Corpse King.

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