Lin Muye was satisfied after recovering the corpse pill.

The corpse king of Pingshan has been destroyed, so the next step is to discover treasures.

The three people of Queqiao Shao surrounded Uncle Jiu and listened to Uncle Jiu's experience in cultivation.

As for Chen Yulou and Hua Maguai, they were sent back to Zanguan to recuperate by Lin Muye's arrangement. After all, they were both seriously injured and unconscious in this battle.

The task of discovering treasures was naturally handed over to Luo Laowai.

Although most of the treasures in this underground palace are gold, silver and jewelry, there are also some antiques and jade.

For this reason, Lin Muye also wandered around the underground palace. After accumulating gradually, he also gained nearly 1,000 treasure points, which is better than nothing.


A place in the underground palace.

Several soldiers were holding torches and carefully searching every piece of rubble. After all, Luo Laowai had ordered not to miss any place.

Just as one of them found a gold brick under a piece of rubble and wanted to take it out, a stone came from a dark corner very quickly and hit him on the back of his head, making him see stars, and then his eyes went black and he fainted.

The people who were traveling with him didn't notice this scene and were still searching for stones.

"Bang, bang, bang--"

A few more stones flew over, and several more people were knocked unconscious.

Only one soldier was left. He turned his head and found that all his companions fell to the ground, bleeding from their heads and unconscious. At this time, he finally found something wrong.

For a moment, he was terrified. Could it be that there was something dirty in this underground palace?

Without time to think about it, the soldier ran away.

But how could he run as fast as the stone?

Another stone flew out from the darkness. Perhaps it was luck that the soldier tripped over a stone while running away and fell flat on his face. This is how he avoided the stone that was heading for the back of his head.

The stone flew over his head and hit the mountain wall in the distance, making a "bang" sound. Seeing this, the soldier panicked instantly, climbed up, took out the rifle behind him, and fired randomly into the darkness.


The sound of the gun echoed in the underground palace.

Luo Laowai, who was directing his men to dig treasure, naturally heard the gunshots. He frowned and shouted angrily: "Damn it, who shot? He broke my treasure, I will kill him!"

Adjutant Yang beside him immediately said: "Marshal! Did you encounter any danger?"

When Luo Laowai heard this, his heart tightened and he said: "Damn it, Master Lin said that there is no danger except the mechanism, then there is no danger. You, bring a few people to me and go and see what's going on."

When Adjutant Yang heard this, resentment flashed in his eyes and he said: "Yes, Marshal!"

Then he pointed a team of people and went to the place where the gunshots came from.

After arriving at the place where the gunshots came from, Adjutant Yang found that there were some traces of fighting here, and there were a few bloodstains on the ground, but there was no shadow of a soldier.

Adjutant Yang was immediately afraid. Along the way, he had also gained some knowledge. In this underground palace, any strange things could happen.

With this in mind, Adjutant Yang dared not stay here, and led everyone back quickly to report the situation to Luo Laowai.

Luo Laowai pondered for a moment, then looked at Lin Muye who was sitting on a huge rock in the distance and looking at this side, and had an idea in his mind.

He took a few quick steps and trotted to the bottom of the huge rock where Lin Muye was. At this time, Uncle Jiu also came with the three people of Partridge Whistle. They heard the gunshots and came to join Lin Muye.

Luo Laowai saw that everyone was there, calmed down, smiled and clasped his fists and said: "Master Lin, Uncle Jiu, a few of my men disappeared inexplicably, leaving only some bloodstains on the spot."

"I wonder if Master Lin and Uncle Jiu can help Lao Luo see what the hell is going on?"

Lin Muye became interested instantly when he heard it. Logically speaking, the Bottle Mountain Corpse King has been destroyed, and there should not be any great danger in this underground palace. Then why did those soldiers disappear for no reason?

Thinking of this, Lin Muye said calmly: "You have nothing to do, take us to have a look."

When Luo Laowai heard this, he was instantly delighted and quickly clasped his fists and said: "Okay! I knew that Master Lin would not ignore me, Lao Luo, let's go!"

After saying this, Luo Laowai shouted to Adjutant Yang in the distance: "Little Yangzi, lead the way!"

When Adjutant Yang heard this, he quickly agreed, and then led Lin Muye and others to the place where several soldiers disappeared.

When they arrived at the place, Lin Muye looked at the traces of fighting and blood left behind, and was a little confused. Could there really be something else?

Just as he was thinking, a stone shot out quickly from the darkness, and once again released a soldier on the edge.

This scene instantly frightened the other soldiers.

How could a stone fly out of nowhere?

Seeing this, Luo Laowai shouted angrily: "Who the hell is playing tricks? Lao Luo, I will shoot you!"

After speaking, he raised the revolver in his hand and fired a shot into the darkness.


The sound of the gun echoed, and Luo Laowai's shot seemed to turn on a switch.

"Swoosh, swoosh——"

In an instant, a large number of large and small stones flew out of the darkness!

The stone seemed to have eyes, and it hit Luo Laowai and his soldiers and made them run away.

But Lin Muye, Uncle Jiu and others were not attacked by any stone.

Seeing this, Lin Muye glanced at Uncle Jiu, who shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't understand the situation either.

Just as Lin Muye was puzzled, a monkey cry came from the darkness.

Then a large group of white apes rushed out, confronting the crowd and facing each other.

The missing soldiers were dragged behind them.

The leading white ape was huge, almost the same size as an adult, with snow-white hair and clear eyes, not like a ferocious beast.

Seeing this, Luo Laowai, who was hiding behind a huge rock, got angry instantly and said angrily: "Damn it, they are a group of beasts!" After saying that, he raised his hand and wanted to shoot.

Unexpectedly, this old white ape was not an ordinary person.

I saw its hand tremble, and a stone flew out quickly, and it was one step ahead of Luo Laowai and hit Luo Laowai's head directly.


Luo Laowai was immediately hit on the head and bleeding, and squatted down with his head in his arms, and he was even more angry. Just when he wanted to order his men to open fire,

Lin Muye said, "General Luo, wait a minute. I see this white ape is quite spiritual and doesn't seem to be a vicious beast."

Seeing that Lin Muye had spoken, Luo Laowai suppressed his anger and said with a smile, "Since Master Lin has spoken, then Lao Luo will naturally not touch it."

After saying this, Luo Laowai quickly hid behind the boulder again and looked at the group of white apes carefully.

Strangely enough, the group of white apes seemed to only focus on Luo Laowai and his group, and had no intention of attacking Lin Muye and his group.

The old white ape got on all fours and jumped from a boulder in the darkness to Lin Muye's front. After circling around Lin Muye, it knelt down in front of Lin Muye with a "thump".

He raised his hands, as if he was going to offer something to Lin Muye.

Lin Muye looked closely and found that the white ape was holding a very strange talisman!

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