After saying goodbye to Uncle Jiu, Lin Muye felt a little empty in his heart.

Since he traveled through time and space to this place, Uncle Jiu has been by his side, and he has long been accustomed to the feeling of Uncle Jiu being by his side.

Saying goodbye to Uncle Jiu in the dilapidated house was something Lin Muye did on purpose. It started in the dilapidated house and ended in the dilapidated house, which was a complete beginning and an end.

Returning to the Xiangling headquarters, Lin Muye saw Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai, who had already started to prepare for the relief of refugees under the city wall. He was relieved and welcomed the farewell again.

This time, it was Queqiao Shao who came to say goodbye.

Queqiao Shao brought Hua Ling and the old foreigner to find Lin Muye who had just walked to the city gate.

Partridge Whistle got straight to the point and said with a smile: "Master Lin, I came here to say goodbye."

Lin Muye knew that Partridge Whistle had his own mission, so he said: "I know you have your own pursuits and missions. The road ahead is long, please take care."

Partridge Whistle nodded and said apologetically: "Thank you Master Lin for your concern, but I have two more requests that I hope Master Lin can agree to."

Lin Muye heard it, looked at Partridge Whistle, and said: "Tell me about it."

Partridge Whistle turned his head to look at Hua Ling, and saw that Hua Ling bowed her head and said nothing, a little embarrassed, so he clasped his fists towards Lin Muye He said, "My three brothers and sisters are disciples of Uncle Jiu. We should follow the master's orders and accompany Master Lin."

"But my Banshan lineage has an inescapable fate, and we don't want to disappoint Uncle Jiu, so after some discussion, we decided that Hua Ling would stay and accompany Master Lin and be at his disposal. My junior brother, the foreigner, and I will continue to complete the mission of my Banshan lineage."

"I know that Master Lin has supernatural powers, but the master's orders are in front of me. I hope Master Lin will fulfill it. This is one of them."

After saying this, Queqiao Shao moved slightly closer to Lin Muye and spoke again in a low voice.

"At Hua Ling's age, she should be innocent, but she was born in my Zagrama tribe and was cursed since birth."

"I was blessed by Master Lin and was able to step into the path of cultivation before my junior brothers and sisters. I accidentally discovered that entering the path of cultivation can actually delay the erosion of the curse of my tribe! As a senior brother, I also hope that my junior sister can be safe and happy, and live a long and healthy life."

"If possible, I hope Master Lin can guide my junior sister in the path of cultivation so that she can enter the path of cultivation as soon as possible. In this way, even without the Zhuchen Pearl, I believe my junior sister can live a little longer and live a peaceful life. This is the second."

After listening to what Queqiao Shao said, Lin Muye looked at Hua Ling again and found that the little girl was staring at him and Queqiao Shao with two big eyes, revealing expectation and reluctance in her eyes.

So he said calmly: "I don't care, as long as Hua Ling is willing. Uncle Jiu has something to do and left first. If Hua Ling accompanies him on the way, it won't be too boring. Even if you are Uncle Jiu's disciple, it's nothing to give him some pointers."

When Queqiao Shao heard this, he was instantly delighted and said with a fist: "Then I would like to thank Master Lin in advance. After I find the Zhuchen Pearl and lift the curse of the tribe, I will definitely accompany Master Lin."

Lin Muye did not comment, but Hua Ling spoke: "Two senior brothers, without Hua Ling in the future, "Don't rush into the matter of the Zhuchen Pearl. Master Jiushu said that everything is predetermined and cannot be forced. Even if I don't find the Zhuchen Pearl, I will definitely find a way to remove the curse of the tribe with Brother Lin." "What's more, Brother Lin is here. Even if I can't, Brother Lin can definitely do it. I believe in him." Lin Muye didn't refute Hua Ling when he heard what Hua Ling said. In fact, if it comes to the way to remove the curse of the Zagrama tribe, Lin Muye does know several. One of them is the Zhuchen Pearl. Lin Muye knows that the Zhuchen Pearl is in the tomb of King Xian. But the tomb of King Xian is not comparable to the Pingshan Yuan Tomb. Without making full preparations, Lin Muye does not intend to go rashly. This is also the main reason why Lin Muye did not directly tell Queqiao Shao that the Zhuchen Pearl is in the tomb of King Xian. Secondly, there are some precious pills in the system mall that can remove the curse, but the required treasure value is relatively large. If it is just the three brothers and sisters of Queqiao Shao, Lin Muye can consider rescuing them. But if it is the entire Zagrama tribe, then Lin Muye is powerless.

Thirdly, there are some cultivation techniques in the system that can cultivate a special physique that is immune to any curse. But the path of cultivation is not something that everyone can take, and it is also not universal, and naturally it is not applicable to the entire Zagrama tribe.

Queqiao Shao looked at Hua Ling with satisfaction, nodded and said: "Hua Ling, follow Master Lin in the future, you must practice well, and don't be temperamental. When the brothers are not around, you must take care of yourself.Besides taking care of yourself, you also need to take good care of Master Lin, understand?"

Hua Ling nodded, her eyes red as she spoke: "Hua Ling knows."

Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner looked at each other, then both clasped their fists and said to Lin Muye: "Master Lin, goodbye! Hua Ling, take care!"

Lin Muye also clasped his fists and said: "Take care, both of you, remember Uncle Jiu's teachings, think twice before acting, and make plans before taking action. Don't forget to comprehend the art of Feng Shui. "

Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner nodded solemnly, then jumped on their horses and galloped towards Shaanxi and Gansu without looking back.

Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai had just arranged the work of their subordinates and returned at this time. Seeing the backs of Partridge Whistle and the other two going away, sadness appeared in their eyes.

Several people went down to the Yuan Tomb of Pingshan together. They were already friends who shared weal and woe. Now they have to go their separate ways. How can this not make people sad?

Lin Muye saw Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai returning, and he also clasped his fists and said to them: "Brother Chen, General Luo, I am leaving too."

When Chen Yulou heard this, he said anxiously: "Master Lin is leaving too? Why not stay for a few more days? The relief work for refugees has just started, and Master Lin needs to supervise more. "

Luo Laowai also quickly agreed: "Yes, Master Lin, stay a few more days. I am a rough man and I don't know how to be pedantic, but I sincerely hope that Master Lin, you can stay for a while."

Lin Muye listened to what the two said and said: "Everyone has things they must do, and I am no exception. I appreciate the kindness of Brother Chen and General Luo. As for saving the people, I believe that you will keep your promise. "

After saying this, Lin Muye paused and spoke again: "If there is a chance, I will definitely go back to the southwest again, and I will have to rely on General Luo and Brother Chen at that time. By the way, Brother Chen, if you know the news about the tomb of King Xian, listen to Lin's advice and don't go there rashly. That's all I have to say, I hope you two take care. "

The two saw that Lin Muye was determined to leave, so they didn't say much. They said goodbye and wished each other well, and then left. It was their first time back in Pingshan, and both of them had a lot of things to deal with.


At noon.

Lin Muye led the horse and Hua Ling out of the gate of the Xiangling headquarters.

Hua Ling walked side by side with Lin Muye, turning her head from time to time to secretly glance at Lin Muye.

Lin Muye had already noticed her little action and said lightly: "Ask whatever you want to ask, don't be so restrained with me."

After getting Lin Muye's approval, Hua Ling's eyebrows curved, and she immediately said: "Brother Lin, where are we going?"

Lin Muye looked up at the northeast direction and said: "Northeast! But if you want to go to the northeast, you have to take a train with me first, from Changsha to Beijing, and finally to Lushun. It will be very hard along the way."

Hua Ling looked at Lin Muye beside her and said firmly: "I am not afraid of hard work. "

Lin Muye nodded, stopped talking, and headed towards Changsha with Hua Ling.

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