Lin Muye's words immediately made Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan look at him.

The two were born in the Zhang family and knew everything about the tomb since they were young. In their early years, they had also gone to the tomb many times to rob.

They did not expect that Lin Muye, who was so young, could recognize the whistle coffin at a glance. They were also a little shocked by his knowledge.

Without a huge force and ancient heritage, it would be impossible for Lin Muye to know about the whistle coffin at his age.

Zhang Qishan also felt that the previous rumors were 80% credible.

Intent on testing, Yu He clasped his fists and said, "Since Master Lin knows this coffin, I think he has a way to open it. Can Master Lin help?"

Uncle Jian glared at Zhang Qishan when he heard what he said, and said lightly, "What qualifications do you have? Can you..."

Uncle Jian hadn't finished speaking when Lin Muye raised his hand to stop him. Lin Muye clasped his fists and said jokingly, "Master Buddha, you are flattering me. Speaking of this whistle coffin, I'm afraid no one in Changsha knows how to open the coffin better than Master Buddha, right? Master Buddha should have learned the Zhang family's unique skill of probing the cave with two fingers!"

After saying this, Lin Muye looked at Zhang Qishan with a smile.

Zhang Rishan, the adjutant behind him, heard what Lin Muye said, and his eyes flashed fiercely. He was about to step forward, but was stopped by Zhang Qishan.

Zhang Qishan clasped his fists again and said with a smile: "Master Lin, you are joking. Zhang is just a small defense officer. How can he do two-finger exploration? Don't you agree, Master Lin?"

After saying this, Zhang Qishan looked at Lin Muye with a smile, and Lin Muye also smiled without saying anything.

The scene became a little weird for a while.

Hua Ling, who had been silent all the time, was not able to use her little brain at this time.

For the people who always spoke in a fog, Hua Ling said that she could not understand a word.

At this moment, a soldier came hurriedly, followed by another person far behind him, and seemed a little out of breath.

The soldier saluted Zhang Qishan and said: "Master Buddha, Master Eight is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from behind him, speaking with a little breath, obviously a little tired.

"Hey, Master Buddha, how come your soldiers don't know how to wait, wait, wait, my old man, ran all the way, and I was exhausted. I can't even speak clearly, what lacquer coffin or something..."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit weird, so he stopped talking and looked at everyone.

He found that there were three people besides Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan, so he looked carefully.

Lin Muye was also looking at the person at this time.

He saw that this person was wearing a gray gown and a long plaid scarf. He looked to be in his early thirties, with a handsome face, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and his hair was neatly combed. At first glance, he was an intellectual.

But on his shoulders, there was a pair of saddle bags (bags with an opening in the middle and things at both ends), which were bulging, and I don't know what was in them.

Lin Muye recognized at a glance that this person was the Eight Masters of the Nine Gates, Qi Tiezui, known as the "Eight Calculations of Qimen".

Qi Tiezui is indeed a strange man.

As one of the "lower three gates" among the nine gates, the Qi family has its own hall, which is used to sell antiques and artifacts, but the Qi family is quite strange. The hall is a fortune-telling stall.

Any broker who comes to buy antiques pays six cents, and the fortune-teller knows that this is a broker and has "goods" to take. And for any broker who takes the "goods", the Qi family will tell him a fortune for free, which is called "send fortune-telling".

It has been passed down to Qi Tiezui for several generations, and the Qi family's business has always been booming, just because the Qi family's "send fortune-telling" is extremely accurate, and Qi Tiezui is even better. Therefore, he was nicknamed "Qimen Basuan".

According to legend, there was a broker who came to Qi Tiezui's hall to buy goods. He didn't like anything, but only liked an incense burner used for offering incense on the fortune-telling stall.

This incense burner is not an antique, nor is it a valuable item.

But the broker had a narrow vision and did not see it. He only wanted the incense burner.

The clerk at that time asked Qi Tiezui for permission, but Qi Tiezui was very disciplined. Antiques should be sold. Since this incense burner was not an antique, why should it be sold? So he refused the deal.

Unexpectedly, the clerk became greedy and thought that since it was not an antique, how much money could it be worth? I sold it to him and secretly bought another one to replace it. Wouldn’t the money be mine?

So the clerk secretly sold the incense burner, but was afraid of being discovered, so he sent the broker away quickly.

At that time, Qi Tiezui was watching inside, waiting for the broker to come so that he could give him a fortune, but he didn’t expect the other party to leave without even turning his head.

Qi Tiezui felt strange and asked the clerk. The clerkQi Tiezui was timid, so he told him everything.

Qi Tiezui told him that doing so would offend the gods and ancestors, which was a taboo and he might suffer retribution.

When the clerk heard this, he was frightened and took out all the money immediately, saying that he was just greedy and asked if there was any way to resolve it?

At that time, the clerk was in charge of collecting rent for the Qi family. Qi Tiezui made a fortune and had an idea.

So he took out all the money the clerk got from selling incense burners and asked him to take the money with him, and put the collected rent at the bottom of the box.

And he told him that the rent of the melon farmers would be waived.

The clerk was very surprised and got on the road for no reason. When he arrived at the village, he found that because it was the melon season, it rained heavily for half a month, and the melon farmers had no harvest and could not pay the rent at all. Even if he tried to collect it, he would definitely not be able to collect it.

On the way back, he met a robber on the road, and all the money on him was robbed, but the robber did not harm his life, nor did he search the box and ran away.

Shortly after returning, the robber was caught, and it turned out that he was one of the melon farmers in the village.

It turned out that the melons that year were all soaked by rain and there was no harvest. The melon farmer had no choice but to become a bandit and rob people on the road, but he found that the person he robbed was the one who waived his rent.

The simple villagers could not bear to hurt his life, and were afraid of being recognized, so they robbed a little money and ran away in a hurry.

It is not difficult to infer that if the guy had not waived the rent of the melon farmer, he would have died this time. And if he had not kept the money from selling the incense burner on his body, the silver in the box would have been robbed.

Since then, Qi Tiezui's name of "Qimen Basuan" has spread throughout Changsha City.

Many brokers came to him to buy goods in order to ask him for a fortune, and Qi Tiezui's business became more and more prosperous.

This is the origin of "Qimen Basuan".

Let's get back to the point.

Zhang Qishan saw Qi Tiezui coming, so he smiled and said: "Eighth Master, this incident happened suddenly, and my subordinates don't know the etiquette, please don't blame me."

After saying this, Zhang Qishan introduced the two parties in turn.

Then he spoke again: "This time, I invited Eighth Master to come here to ask Eighth Master to tell a fortune. Unexpectedly, Uncle Jian is also proficient in this deduction technique and has calculated that the source of the incident is the mine outside the city. I wonder if Eighth Master has any opinion?"

When Qi Tiezui heard what Zhang Qishan said, he immediately looked at Uncle Jian. Seeing Uncle Jian's disdainful expression, he quickly stretched out his hand and started to calculate.

The more he calculated, the more solemn the expression on Qi Tiezui's face became, and then it turned into shock.

After a long while, Qi Tiezui, who had finished calculating, took a step forward, clasped his fists towards Uncle Jian, his face full of admiration, and said, "Sir, you are so talented, Qi is ashamed to be inferior to you."

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