As soon as Uncle Jian's talisman was completed, a roar came from the whistle coffin.


Then the whistle coffin shook, but it returned to calm in an instant.

Uncle Jian nodded with satisfaction, walked back to stand behind Lin Muye, expressionless, silent, as if everything just now had nothing to do with him.

At this time, Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan were already shocked by Uncle Jian's magical means. The talisman appeared out of thin air, and some tricks could also achieve such an effect.

But the talisman glowed, runes appeared out of thin air, and then the whistle coffin moved. This is not something that can be done by ordinary means!

Zhang Qishan stared at Uncle Jian intently, his heart full of questions, but he was too shocked for a moment and couldn't speak.

Zhang Rishan was not much better, he stared at the whistle coffin in a daze.

Seeing this, Lin Muye said calmly: "Zongzi has been subdued, Master Buddha, do you want to try again?"

The two people in shock came back to their senses instantly after hearing Lin Muye's words.

Zhang Qishan looked at Lin Muye meaningfully and said, "Then let's try."

Zhang Rishan saw that Master Buddha wanted to do it himself, so he stepped forward and said, "Master Buddha, let me try first?"

Zhang Qishan waved his hand and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter. I believe Master Lin and Uncle Jian. If they say it's okay, then it's okay."

Zhang Rishan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zhang Qishan with his eyes, and had no choice but to retreat.

Zhang Qishan saw this and quickly took off his military uniform, naked upper body, revealing his strong muscles.

Lin Muye looked at Zhang Qishan's body with interest and found that he had no tattoos except muscles and scars.

Lin Muye was not surprised either. He knew that the Qiongqi tattoo would only appear when the blood circulated rapidly, and it would not appear at ordinary times.

Zhang Qishan walked slowly to the whistle coffin, stretched out his right hand, and quickly reached into the hole without hesitation.

Two fingers exploring the hole!

Although Zhang Qishan was very fast, how could Lin Muye have such good eyesight? Naturally, he could see that the middle finger and index finger of Zhang Qishan's right hand were indeed as long as the rumors said.

This is the Zhang family's unique skill, two fingers exploring the hole!

It is worth mentioning that this two-finger hole exploration skill is almost exactly the same as the "Fa Qiu Finger" of the Fa Qiu Zhonglang General. I wonder if there is any connection between the two?

Zhang Qishan put his hand into the hole, and nothing happened.

Zhang Rishan was relieved and watched the Buddha's every move carefully.

After a while, there was a "click" sound, and an iron bar popped out from the head of the whistle coffin, and Zhang Qishan also retracted his hand from the hole.

Seeing that the mechanism had been cracked, Zhang Rishan was completely relieved, and he also admired Lin Muye and Uncle Jian.

Zhang Qishan retracted his hand, walked to the head of the coffin, and pulled the iron bar hard.

"Ka Ka Ka——"

The sound of the mechanism came from the coffin, and then everyone saw that the coffin lid opened a gap automatically.

Zhang Qishan glanced at Zhang Rishan, who understood, stepped forward, and cooperated with Zhang Qishan to open the coffin lid.

Everything in the whistle coffin was revealed.

The first thing everyone saw was the broken arm of the soldier before, and some bloodstains.

And under the broken arm, there was a corpse, but strangely, it seemed that only half of the corpse was left.

Seeing this, Lin Muye understood instantly.

It turned out that the word "kill" on Uncle Jian's corpse-suppressing talisman not only has the function of suppressing corpses, but also has the ability to kill zombies!

Lin Muye was somewhat helpless. Sure enough, Uncle Jian was still Uncle Jian, cruel and merciless. He could not tolerate any sand in his eyes. He would never let anyone who could be killed have a chance to breathe.

If it was Uncle Jiu, he might only suppress the zombies instead of killing them, but Uncle Jian would kill or injure them!

Zhang Qishan and the other two also understood the effect of Uncle Jian's previous talisman at this time. Looking at the Zongzi, which was only half of its body left, they admired and were shocked by Uncle Jian, and even a little afraid of him.

Retracting his thoughts, Zhang Qishan said, "Clean it up and see if there are any clues."

After listening, Zhang Rishan immediately stepped forward, pulled out a dagger, and carefully searched.

This whistle coffin was strange. There were no burial objects in the coffin. At least on the surface, there was only a corpse, which obviously did not conform to the rules of the whistle coffin.

After a while, Zhang Rishan excitedly said, "Master Buddha, I got it!"

Everyone looked closely and saw Zhang Rishan picking up an object with a dagger.

This object seems to be a ring. Upon closer inspection, it is found that the ring has an ancient shape and a strange pattern. It is obviously quite old.

Lin Muye stepped forward and looked atRing, but unexpectedly, a system prompt came in my mind.

[Treasure value +1000]

[Current treasure value: 7650]

Lin Muye was a little surprised, but soon understood that this ring was also a good treasure, and the treasure value was quite high.

Lin Muye said calmly: "Artifacts from the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Master Buddha, is this a clue?"

Zhang Qishan's eyes lit up when he heard what Lin Muye said, and he said: "Master Lin is really knowledgeable. I wonder if Master Lin can tell me the specific origin of this ring."

Lin Muye smiled and said: "Master Buddha, you are flattering me. I can only tell the generation. As for the specific origin, I really don't know."

Zhang Qishan smiled and said: "Master Lin is modest."

After that, he said to Zhang Rishan: "Get ready, let's go find the second master. No one in Changsha knows more about the objects from the Northern and Southern Dynasties than the second master."

Zhang Rishan took the order and left.


Changsha City, Huagu Opera Troupe.

Lin Muye and Zhang Qishan sat in the audience, sipping tea, watching the play on the stage, waiting for Er Yuehong.

The person performing the play on the stage was the target of their trip-Er Yuehong.

Er Yuehong, whose name is Hongguan, ranks second among the nine families. He is known as Erye and Hongye.

He is a famous "dan" (one of the five roles in opera) in the Huagu Opera Troupe in Changsha City, and he sings "Huagu Opera".

The Hong family is a tomb-robbing family. The hall is this opera troupe, which performs operas during the day and robs tombs at night. The tools for tomb robbing are hidden in the costume box.

The people of the Hong family are all skilled and extraordinary. This also gives them a natural advantage when robbing tombs. According to legend, the Hong family robs tombs without touching the ground. They can walk on the tomb walls with only a bamboo pole, and their movements are smooth and graceful.

When it came to Er Yuehong, in order to treat his wife "Yatou", Er Yuehong stopped robbing tombs and concentrated on running the opera troupe.

Er Yuehong learned from his father since he was a child, and he has acquired a lot of skills and became famous at a young age. In addition, he was handsome and loved by celebrities, which made him often linger in the red-light district when he was young.

But since his father passed away, Er Yuehong changed his usual behavior and married his wife "Yatou". He only cared for his wife and could be regarded as a prodigal son.

As for why he was so good to his wife "Yatou", there is a story, which is a later story and will not be mentioned for now.

Let's just talk about Er Yuehong.

At this time, Er Yuehong on the stage had seen Zhang Qishan sitting in the audience, and the person sitting with him was a teenager who looked only about 18 or 19 years old, and she was a little curious.

What kind of teenager could be on par with Zhang Dafoye?

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