Lihuo Formation!

I didn't expect that Uncle Jian would use Lihuo Formation!

When Uncle Jian chanted this spell earlier, Lin Muye was a little curious.

Wasn't this spell the one that Uncle Jiu chanted when he used the Three Flavors True Fire? Why did Uncle Jian also chant this spell when he used the Lihuo Formation?

But after thinking about it, he understood.

This spell is exactly the spell of the Taoist "Divine Fire Spell", and the Three Flavors True Fire and the Nanming Lihuo are also a kind of divine fire.

It may be because the two people's proficiency in fire arts is different, which leads to the difference in the effect of using it.

To say that this Lihuo Formation can also be called the Nanming Lihuo Formation.

Nanming Lihuo is also one of the ten legendary divine fires. According to legend, the ten divine fires are: Three Flavors True Fire, Nanming Lihuo, Sun True Fire, Six Ding Divine Fire, Taiyin True Fire, Ziwei Heavenly Fire, Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, Red Lotus Karma Fire, Nirvana Divine Fire, and Nether Ghost Fire.

Each kind of divine fire has extremely powerful power.

Of course, these so-called divine fires generated by Taoist magic, although they are also called these names, can only be regarded as Taoist fires with a trace of divine power, and are also directly related to the level of magic power of the person who casts this magic, and cannot be regarded as the true divine fire.

Otherwise, the three-flavor true fire cast by Uncle Jiu in the bottle mountain before would not be able to melt even a small corpse pill.

Lin Muye, who figured this out, looked at the moths outside through the translucent fire wall with interest.

The dense moths, seeing the fire wall rising, actually crashed into the fire wall without flinching.

But the power of Lihuo, how could these little insects resist it?

I saw these moth armies, coming one after another, and before they approached the fire wall, they were ruthlessly burned to ashes in an instant, turned into powder, and floated in the air, without even leaving a moth corpse.

As the saying goes: "Moths fly into the fire and perish by themselves."

After a while, all the moths died outside the fire wall. Only in the air, there was a scorched smell, proving that they had existed.

Zhang Qishan stared at this scene blankly, and was already speechless due to shock.

His body also unconsciously stepped back, away from the fire wall that exuded this supreme aura.

Although his face was dull at this time, his mind was surging with thoughts. It seemed that he still underestimated the strength of the "Shangxianmen". Uncle Jian's move was probably only the group of people from the "Shangxianmen" who practiced Taoism in the rumored cultivation.

Seeing that the moths had died, Uncle Jian calmly pinched another spell, and the Lihuo Formation slowly retreated and eventually returned to nothingness.

Seeing this, Uncle Jian also stood back behind Lin Muye again. Obviously, everything just now was easy for him.

Seeing this, Zhang Qishan clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Master Lin, Uncle Jian, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, he began to stagger, and fell to the ground without being able to stand firmly.

Seeing this, Lin Muye looked at Hua Ling on the side and said, "Hua Ling, go see Master Buddha. I think this moth is probably not simple. If you have any detoxification pills, give him one first."

Hua Ling nodded and walked quickly to Zhang Qishan who fell to the ground. She stretched out her hand to feel his pulse, then frowned slightly and said, "Brother Lin, his breath is very disordered, his fingers are black, it seems that he is poisoned, but from the pulse, although it is very disordered, it is strong and powerful. There seems to be two kinds of energy in his body, colliding with each other, it seems that he is not poisoned, strange..."

Lin Muye knew that Zhang Qishan was not poisoned, and he also guessed about the two kinds of energy, but he did not explain it. He said, "In this case, let's go out first and then make a long-term plan."

Uncle Jian and Hua Ling naturally had no objection. Hua Ling also helped Zhang Qishan up, and everyone walked towards the door of the tomb.

Before the tomb door, the seriously injured Zhang Qishan seemed to have discovered something. With a little doubt in his eyes, he said weakly: "Master Lin, take out the family emblem."

Lin Muye heard this and turned his head to find that Zhang Qishan was staring at a place. Following his gaze, Lin Muye found that there was a small badge there!

Lin Muye nodded, walked to the badge, and his feet shook. The badge flew up. He stretched out his hand to grab it and held it in his hand. Then the badge flashed and disappeared.

Zhang Qishan opened his mouth when he saw this, but he didn't say anything, but the surprise in his eyes was obvious.

Looking at the tightly closed tomb door in front of him, Lin Muye frowned slightly.

Uncle Jian saw this and said, "How about I blast open the door?"

Lin Muye carefully observed the tomb door and found that it was connected to the cave ceiling and embedded in the ground. There were many reliefs on the tomb door, including two reliefs of tomb guardian beasts.Slightly different.

So he said, "No, Uncle Jian, you have to know that we are deep in the mountain now, and this tomb door is connected to the mountain. Once there is too much noise, it is very likely to cause the mountain to collapse, and then none of us can get out."

Uncle Jian heard it and glanced at the tomb door. He found that it was true. He nodded thoughtfully and then stopped talking, but he was obviously very upset.

Think about him, Shi Jian, who has been a powerful figure for half his life. When has he ever suffered such a cowardice?

First he was besieged by a group of moths, and now he is trapped in this tomb chamber, and he can't break the door by brute force. If other junior brothers know about it, will his senior brother still have face?

Lin Muye naturally didn't know what Uncle Jian was thinking at this time. His attention was attracted by the tomb door.

After a careful observation, he found that the eyes of the tomb beast relief on the left side of the tomb door were a little strange.

There is a circle of tiny gaps around the eyes, which is not a whole with the tomb door.

Seeing this, Lin Muye stepped forward and stretched out his hand to gently press the eyes of the tomb beast.

"Ka Ka Ka——"

After the eyes were pressed, a sound of mechanism came out, and the tomb door opened.

Zhang Rishan and Qi Tiezui, who were already anxious outside the door, saw the tomb door open, stepped forward quickly, and saw Zhang Qishan supported by Hua Ling at a glance.

The two stepped forward quickly and said hurriedly: "Master Buddha! Master Buddha!..."

Lin Muye said lightly: "Carry your Master Buddha on your back and go out first."

Zhang Rishan heard it and immediately stepped forward, carried Zhang Qishan on his back, and went back the way he came.

After passing through the tomb passage and the mine, everyone finally came out.

But as soon as the few people came out of the mine, they saw that the old man had become a corpse and was lying in the weeds outside the mine.

Lin Muye frowned, as if he had thought of something, and said lightly: "Uncle Jian, I'm afraid I have to trouble you to take action. There must be an ambush outside."

When everyone heard what Lin Muye said, they all looked at the weeds and woods around them nervously.

When Uncle Jian heard this, he felt it a little, and then a fierce light flashed in his eyes, revealing a hint of amusement, and said lightly: "Of course, they will never come back."

At this time, he was full of rage, and he was worried that he had no place to vent, and this group of people bumped into Uncle Jian's gun.

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