Chen Pi's attention was all on Lin Muye at this time.

He took a few steps forward, walked in front of Lin Muye, knelt on the ground with a "thump", clasped his fists and said: "Master Lin, can you save my master's wife?"

Lin Muye saw this, raised his right hand lightly, and a magical power came out of his body, dragging Chen Pi up from the ground, and then said lightly: "Of course, it just takes some time, and during this time, I will let Hua Ling take care of the maid and the lady."

At this time, Chen Pi had already been shocked by Lin Muye's method of helping him up from a distance, and he began to believe in Hua Ling's words "unless it's a fairy" in his heart.

Er Yuehong heard Lin Muye say this, and he clasped his fists and said anxiously: "I don't know what Master Lin needs to prepare. I will do it even if it means losing everything."

Lin Muye thought for a moment and said: "In fact, I have almost prepared all the herbs, but I don't have one of the main herbs. We need to look for it."

When Er Yuehong heard this, there was only one herb left to find, and he showed hope on his face, and hurriedly said: "What herb?"

"Deer Live Grass!"

"I don't have this main herb. As long as I can get this herb, I can make a pill that can cure the lady in less than a day."

Lin Muye's words made Er Yuehong fall into deep thought.

Why does this Deer Live Grass seem to have been heard somewhere?

At this moment, a voice came from outside the courtyard.

"Deer Live Grass, I know!"

Everyone looked at the voice and saw Qi Tiezui supporting Zhang Qishan and walking in from outside the door, and the person who spoke was Qi Tiezui.

Qi Tiezui helped Zhang Qishan sit down at the tea table, then looked at everyone and spoke again: "I heard that the Crescent Hotel in Beiping will hold an auction in three days, and among the items in the auction, there is this deer grass!"

When Er Yuehong heard this, his eyes flashed, and he asked anxiously: "Is the news true?"

Qi Tiezui looked at Er Yuehong and said: "Second Master, this news is of course true. I heard that the Crescent Hotel will invite many prominent figures to attend the auction at that time, but..."

Chen Pi also spoke anxiously at this time: "But what?"

Qi Tiezui seemed a little embarrassed, but Zhang Qishan spoke at this time: "It's just that I, Changsha Jiumen, am not qualified to participate in this auction. Among the prominent figures they think, I don't include Changsha Jiumen."

Hearing this, Er Yuehong frowned and said: "No matter what, I will go to Beiping to ask for medicine, even if I have to rob, I will definitely rob this deer grass."

Er Yuehong's words instantly made everyone look at him. It was hard for them to believe that these words came from Er Yuehong's mouth.

Er Yuehong didn't care about this, because in his heart, if there was no girl, everything would lose its meaning.

So everyone discussed it and decided to set off early tomorrow morning to go to Beiping to seek medicine.


Hong Mansion, side courtyard.

Lin Muye and Hua Ling sat in the courtyard and drank tea, while Uncle Jian closed his eyes and rested.

Hua Ling secretly glanced at Lin Muye a few times, and then pretended to drink tea as if nothing had happened.

Lin Muye naturally knew what questions this little girl had to ask. Every time she behaved like this, it meant that she had some doubts.

So she smiled and said, "What do you want to ask?"

When Hua Ling heard Lin Muye say this, her eyebrows and eyes curved, and she smiled and said, "I know that Brother Lin and Hua Ling are in tune with each other. How do you know I have questions to ask?"

Lin Muye was a little helpless. Isn't this obvious enough? But he did not expose her, but put down the teacup and said lightly: "Ask quickly, or I'll leave if you don't ask me."

When Hua Ling heard this, she pouted and said: "Humph, I just want to ask Brother Lin, why is Er Yuehong so good to Madam Yatou? There must have been some unforgettable story between them, right?"

Lin Muye was also slightly stunned when he heard this. He did not expect that this little girl wanted to ask this.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved. Hua Ling was in her prime, and she would yearn for all beautiful things or feelings. It was not completely out of gossip. Lin Muye could understand this.

And Lin Muye just happened to know what Hua Ling wanted to ask, so he told Hua Ling what he knew.

As for what the real name of Er Yuehong's wife Yatou was, Lin Muye did not know.

It was just that Er Yuehong always called her Yatou, which made everyone think she was called Yatou.

Yatou's family sells noodles, and her noodle stall is located opposite Er Yuehong's opera house.

When Er Yuehong was young, he would go to Yatou's noodle stall to order a bowl of plain noodles after learning his craft. At that time, Yatou called Er Yuehong "brother".Besides, the girl only knew that Er Yuehong was the young master of the Hongmen Opera Troupe, and knew nothing else.

Every time Er Yuehong came to eat noodles, she would accompany him silently, watching him eat noodles, and the two seldom talked.

But things are unpredictable.

The girl's father owed a large debt and was unable to repay it, and eventually hanged himself to death. The girl was also sold to a human trafficker by the creditor, and was carried on the street by the trafficker.

Such things happened frequently in that era, and people were accustomed to it. They talked about which master would buy this beautiful little girl behind the human trafficker home tonight.

It was said before that Er Yuehong often lingered in the red-light district when he was young, and that day he happened to be drinking tea in a teahouse.

Er Yuehong, who was in the attic of the teahouse, also happened to see the little girl behind the man. He recognized the girl at a glance. She was the daughter of the noodle stall owner, the girl who called him "brother".

The girl behind the man, in despair and helplessness, also saw Er Yuehong on the teahouse.

At that moment, she recognized Er Yuehong, and it was as if she saw a ray of hope in despair. I don't know where the courage came from. The girl shouted to Er Yuehong on the teahouse with all her strength: "Brother!"

It was this voice that made Er Yuehong's heart ripple, and since then he and the girl have formed a deep friendship.

Er Yuehong, who was in the teahouse, heard the "brother" and looked at the girl's begging eyes. He knew clearly that he had to save this girl!

But he also knew that his father, the second master, would definitely not agree with him to do such a thing.

But who is Er Yuehong?

At that time, he was young and energetic, and he did it as he thought. He leaped up and flew down the wall from the teahouse, stopping the trafficker.

Seeing that Er Yuehong was very skilled and well-dressed, the trafficker obviously had plenty of money, so he gave Er Yuehong a favor and said that if Er Yuehong could come up with enough money before sunset, he would redeem the girl. If Er Yuehong didn't return before sunset, he would not wait any longer.

Er Yuehong had no choice at that time. He couldn't ask the second master for money, nor could he kidnap the girl on the street. The only way was to collect enough money to redeem the girl.

So he told the girl to wait for him to come back, and then returned home, took all the equipment, and went to the western suburbs of Changsha alone.

Before sunset, Er Yuehong really came back. At this time, he was covered in yellow soil, but he brought back three gold hairpins, and he successfully redeemed the girl with these three gold hairpins.

From then on, the girl followed Er Yuehong, and Er Yuehong turned over a new leaf, no longer lingering in prostitutes, and diligently practiced martial arts.

Seeing how much Erye had changed, the old second master gradually accepted the girl, and finally after the old second master passed away, Er Yuehong married the girl.

The way they addressed each other never changed, and the girl still called Er Yuehong "brother."

And Er Yuehong also always called her "girl."

This is the story between the girl and Er Yuehong.

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