The next day, at noon.

When Er Yuehong had settled everything, everyone set out on the road to the mine.

Lin Muye did not bring Hua Ling with him to the tomb this time. In fact, this was all Er Yuehong's request. The girl had just recovered and Hua Ling was proficient in pharmacology, so Er Yuehong asked Hua Ling to stay and take care of the girl.

As mentioned before.

This ancient tomb in the mine is inextricably linked to Er Yuehong's family. Since there is no worry, Er Yuehong also put aside his grudges and took out the "Haoshan Report" hidden in his family's ancestral tomb without reservation.

It turned out that when Er Yuehong's uncle went to the tomb with Hatoyama Mishi, he discovered the conspiracy of the other party to steal the cultural relics in the ancient tomb. In order to protect the cultural relics in the tomb from being taken away by the Japanese.

In addition, he was eroded by his hair and his life was coming to an end, so he laid many red door mechanisms in various places in the curtain to protect the cultural relics.

And this "Haoshan Report" was what Er Yuehong's uncle brought back when he was found by the people in the Red Gate.

According to the records in the report, Zhang Qishan and Er Yuehong inferred that this ancient tomb in the mine was a human-shaped tomb.

But Lin Muye knew that this ancient tomb in the mine was not only a human-shaped tomb, but also a tomb for the dead.

A human-shaped tomb is also called a human-shaped tomb. As the name suggests, the shape of this tomb is similar to a human figure.

This type of tomb has eight extraordinary meridians like a human, and also has parts such as the head, chest, abdomen, legs, etc.

And each part may be the main tomb chamber, and the rest are burial tombs. There are traps in each part, which can be regarded as a means of anti-theft for the ancients.

In ordinary human-shaped tombs, the main tomb chamber is generally located in the chest or abdomen, but this mine human-shaped tomb is exactly that unusual type.

Human-shaped tombs are also divided into "living tombs" and "dead tombs".

Although there are traps in the tomb of the living, these traps are designed according to certain rules. As long as you find the rules, you can enter it relatively easily. As long as you have enough skills, there will generally be no great danger.

As for the tomb of the dead, it is another matter. The deployment of traps in the tomb of the dead has no rules at all. People who go to the tomb have no idea where they will encounter traps. Many traps are hard to guard against.

And this ancient tomb in the mine is the tomb of the dead, and it is the tomb of the dead with all the "eight meridians" cut off!

There are many traps in the tomb, and there is no rule. Once you take a wrong step, it is very likely that all the traps in the tomb will be affected, and then the door of life will become the door of death. There are even monsters in it. Ordinary people who go in can only die, which is extremely dangerous.

Everyone hurried on their way and soon arrived at the mine.

But the mine cave that Lin Muye and others had entered before had been blown up by someone, so everyone had to look for the entrance to the tomb again.

When it comes to the technique of finding dragon points, Qi Tiezui, who is good at "Qi Men Ba Shuan", is the best among the nine schools.

Although Uncle Jian's Feng Shui and geomancy are not bad, he is not as proficient as Uncle Jiu. Although the deduction technique can find the general direction, there is no more specific point. This tomb of the dead is extremely dangerous and cannot afford any mistakes.

Therefore, the task of finding the entrance naturally fell on Qi Tiezui.

He took out his compass and walked around the mine, mumbling something in his mouth, frowning from time to time, and showing a look of sudden enlightenment from time to time.

Finally, he really found a cave entrance not far away.

Everyone came to ask and saw Qi Tiezui standing in front of the cave entrance, deducing something.

Seeing this, Zhang Qishan said, "Old Eight, can we enter this cave?"

Qi Tiezui saw everyone coming, so he said, "Master Buddha, according to the meridians of the human-shaped tomb, this cave entrance should be located at the Shenque acupoint. If there is no mechanism in this Shenque acupoint, this is a life gate and can be entered."

Hearing this, Zhang Qishan looked at Er Yuehong and Lin Muye and said, "Master Lin, Master Er, since we have found the entrance, let's go in?"

Lin Muye naturally had no objection and nodded slightly to show his agreement.

Er Yuehong had no reason to object, so everyone went in and explored the ancient tomb in the mine.

The entrance to the cave is not big, but there is a different world inside.

After walking a few steps, with the light of torches and flashlights, everyone saw the scene inside.

I saw that the cave was very long and it became wider as I walked inside.

Soon, they arrived at a relatively wide cave. There were many rocks in the cave. They searched among the rocks for a while, but they couldn't find the entrance.

Er Yuehong was very careful and found that the flame of the torch was swaying from time to time, so he said: "Since this Shenque acupoint is the gate of life, there must be an entrance. Otherwise,The flames of these torches will not flicker for no reason. "

Everyone saw that it was indeed the case, and Zhang Qishan said: "In this case, let's look for it separately."

Soon, Zhang Rishan's voice came from a dark corner of the cave: "Found it!"

Everyone heard the voice and went to check.

Zhang Rishan was squatting on the ground at this time, looking at a hole in front of him.

The hole was round, with a diameter of about one meter. It was obvious that it was a robbery hole.

Seeing this, Er Yuehong immediately said: "The excavation method of this robbery hole is exactly the method of my Red Gate."

It was said before that the excavation of this robbery hole is also particular. The methods of excavating the robbery hole of each school are also different. Er Yuehong recognized the robbery hole in front of him at a glance. It was the handicraft of his Red Gate.

Seeing this, Zhang Qishan said: "Since it is the road paved by the ancestors of the Red Gate, the descendants of the Nine Gates will borrow the light and walk the path of the ancestors! "

After saying this, he squatted down, picked up a stone and threw it into the cave.

After about two or three seconds, a "click" sound came from the cave, and the stone fell to the ground.

Zhang Qishan, who was listening attentively, said to Zhang Rishan beside him: "Get a rope, it's at least ten feet deep below."

Zhang Rishan nodded, took out a few thick ropes from the backpack behind him, and then tied them around a tall stone pillar beside the theft hole. After pulling hard a few times to ensure that there was no risk, he threw the other end of the ropes into the theft hole.

Zhang Qishan saw this, without saying a word, he jumped and took the lead in entering the theft hole.

Everyone followed closely after seeing this.

Zhang Qishan, who was the first to enter the theft hole, quickly got to the bottom. As an expert, Zhang Although Qishan had good means, he also knew the danger of this tomb, so he did not act rashly, but used the flashlight to carefully observe the situation around him.

It was a not-so-large open space here. There were many caves dug on the rock walls in the eight directions of the open space. In the caves, there were many statues of gods, and each statue was covered with red cloth, so it was difficult to see the appearance of the statue for a while.

At this moment, Qi Tiezui suddenly cried out above Zhang Qishan's head: "Ah! Save me!"

He looked up and saw Qi Tiezui hanging on the rope, his feet swaying, his eyes closed, as if he was frightened by something.

Zhang Qishan immediately reached out and pulled the rope to stabilize Qi Tiezui's body.

Because he knew that if Qi Tiezui continued to swing around, he would probably fall down or trigger some mechanism.

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