At this point, Lin Muye paused and continued, "It is said that these three pieces of meteorite copper have some special abilities, but I don't know what they are."

"I think the Japanese probably learned from the "Hatoyama Report" that there are many strange things in the tomb of the dead in the mine, so they began to covet the things in the ancient tomb."

"But the meteorite copper obtained by Qingwuzi has one ability that everyone has experienced."

"I said before that yin and yang are two sides of the same coin, so I infer that this Qingwuzi coffin and this piece of meteorite copper are actually the yin side of the real world, and we are still in this meteorite copper space! So, this meteorite copper is not the real meteorite copper!"

Lin Muye's long speech can be regarded as saying all the parts that can be said, which also made everyone understand thoroughly.

After being shocked, Zhang Qishan and Zhang Rishan finally figured out that the meteorite copper in this tomb was not the piece of his Zhang family, and they were relieved immediately.

Qi Tiezui was thoughtful. He glanced at Lin Muye and said, "Then Master Lin, in your opinion, how can we get out of this meteorite copper space?"

Everyone looked at Lin Muye when they heard this. In their hearts, Master Lin was very capable and knowledgeable, and he might really know how to get out.

But Lin Muye's answer made everyone a little at a loss.

"I'm not sure either."

When Lin Muye said this, he looked at the meteorite copper in Zhang Qishan's hand with burning eyes, and then he thought of something and immediately looked at the Qingwuzi coffin.

He said, "What else is in the coffin? Let's look for it."

Everyone reacted immediately after hearing this and started looking in the stone coffin.

Soon, they found a scroll of silk book under Qingwuzi's body. When they opened it, they found ancient Chinese characters, which read:


There is no end to the four directions and up and down.

Beyond the infinite, there is another infinite.


Qi Tiezui saw this and immediately said, "Huh? Isn't this the same as what is said in "Zhuangzi"? "

Lin Muye nodded and said, "Yes, in "Zhuangzi·Xiaoyaoyou", 'Tang Zhiwen Ji' talked about these things."

Zhang Qishan understood it instantly after hearing this and said, "No wonder Master Lin said that this is the meteorite copper space. I think we must have experienced the 'Sumeru mustard seed', and this meteorite copper is a 'mustard seed'!"

When Lin Muye heard this, he instantly thought that Zhang Qishan and others had to find the Bagua statue and destroy the statue before they could get out of this meteorite copper space.

So, does it mean that as long as you can break the illusory things in this space, you can get out of this space?

Thinking of this, Lin Muye turned around and looked at the huge rock behind him, and said: "When the false is true, the true is false; when the true is false, the false is true; the true and the false are false; reality is illusory, but it is just a passing cloud."

Lin Muye's words confused everyone, but they also knew that Master Lin should have a solution, so they all looked at Lin Muye.

Lin Muye took a step forward, put his left hand behind his back, stretched his right hand up, raised it above his head in a claw shape, and shouted: "Five Thunders, Lightning and Thunder!"

As his voice fell, everyone felt an overwhelming pressure coming from above their heads, and then they saw a blue thunder, which appeared out of thin air above the space, fell quickly, and actually went directly into Lin Muye's right hand.


This blue thunder in Lin Muye's hand was like a young swallow returning to its nest, jumping happily. I don't know if it was an illusion, but everyone actually felt a hint of joy and pleasure from this thunder and lightning.

But then, they felt a great pressure sweeping over them.

Zhang Qishan and the others had seen Uncle Jian use similar moves before, but the thunder method Uncle Jian used at that time, although powerful and impressive, the pressure it radiated was far less powerful than Lin Muye's thunder and lightning.

It was so powerful that they unconsciously felt like kneeling down.

The thunder quickly turned from blue to white, and Lin Muye slowly retracted his right hand and placed it in front of his chest.

Then he clenched his right hand, and the white thunder instantly spread throughout Lin Muye's entire right hand.

Lin Muye's right hand formed a sword finger and quickly pointed out that the target was the boulder in the middle of the platform.


Everyone only saw a white lightning flying out from Lin Muye's fingertips, and then it touched the boulder in the blink of an eye.


A loud noise came, followed by an earthquake.

Everyone was standing unsteadily and supported each other to avoid falling.

They all looked at Lin Muye in horror, wondering why Master Lin was like this. If this place collapsed, no one would be able to get out!

But thisLin Muye was calm at the time. He slowly withdrew his hand and said lightly: "Follow me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Muye walked towards the middle of the platform.

Seeing this, everyone could only follow Lin Muye's footsteps.

When they walked to the middle of the platform, they found that the boulder had disappeared.

And the place where the boulder originally stood was cracked inch by inch like a broken mirror.

Seeing this, Lin Muye stepped into it without saying a word, and then the whole person disappeared.

Although Zhang Qishan and others didn't quite understand this, they also entered it.

Zhang Qishan and others who first entered felt a dizzy feeling, and then their eyes went black, and they all lost consciousness.

When they opened their eyes again, they found that they were still on the platform! And in the middle of the platform, the boulder still stood!

Could it be that they haven't left the meteorite copper space yet?

Just when everyone was confused, Lin Muye's voice came from a distance: "Awake?"

Everyone looked over and saw that it was Lin Muye and Uncle Jian.

At this time, they were standing on the edge of the platform behind the boulder, seemingly looking at something.

Zhang Qishan and others got up and came to Lin Muye.

Qi Tiezui was the first to speak: "Master Lin, are we out of the meteorite copper space?"

Lin Muye turned his head and glanced at everyone, and said: "Of course."

Hearing Lin Muye say this, everyone was relieved. They all had many concerns in the real world, and naturally did not want to be trapped in that false world. Although there were also beautiful things there, they were all false after all.

Zhang Qishan heard this and immediately touched his coat pocket, because he had put the piece of meteorite copper in his coat pocket before.

But at this time, where was the shadow of the meteorite copper in his coat pocket?

His actions were naturally seen by Lin Muye.

Lin Muye smiled and said, "It's all fake, so it won't be brought into the real world. But if you want to find the meteorite copper in the real world, I'm afraid we have to go somewhere to see it."

After saying this, Lin Muye looked into the distance.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw that there was a cave on the stone wall in the distance!

In front of the cave, there was also an extended platform, and there were two iron ropes on the side of the platform.

It just happened to echo the platform outside the tomb chamber of the stone tablet.

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