"Are there ghosts?"

Beside the bonfire, Yang Mi felt a chill on her back.

Chen Long reminded: "Don't talk nonsense, where are there ghosts in this world?"

Unexpectedly, Brother Feihong patted Chen Long and said with a sad face: "Brother Chen Long, there are really ghosts."


Chen Long was speechless for a moment.

Think about it, in the forbidden land of Lunan, all kinds of strange things have happened, and the red-clothed female ghost has also appeared, so it seems a bit childish to mention atheists now.

"But this island is really weird. Once it's night, all kinds of messy noises will be heard." The eight-year-old An Qi leaned against a big rock and frowned.

"That's for sure. This is a deserted island forbidden land that no one has ever landed on."

Reba spoke a little softly, as if she was afraid of disturbing some ghosts on the island.

Brother Feihong next to him took out a can of braised pork from the fire, blew on it twice, then looked up and said to Chen Long: "By the way, Brother Chen Long, where should we go next?"

"Of course, the center of the island."

Chen Long also picked up a can and started eating: "Anyway, if you search the island, you will always get something."

"By the way, what do you want to get from coming to Skull Island this time?" Chen Long glanced at everyone and added: "You should all be rich."

"Of course it's longevity."

Big Mi Mi spoke first: "Who doesn't want to live forever."

Brother Feihong nodded: "Me too, in addition to life span, those cool tomb skills are also my goals."

Chen Long smiled bitterly.

It seems that everyone has the same idea.

Everyone is tired of the bright lights and wine, and began to pursue something different.

Even if this road is full of thorns.

In fact, according to the level of tomb power, the life span of these Dragon Country guests sitting here is basically over 150 years old, but people are still not satisfied!

Especially Su Luo.

His current strength of the first level of the Earth Rank is enough for him to live to more than 300 years old!

But he still can't stop!


Soon, everyone finished the canned food and returned to their tents to rest.

After a tiring day, they fell asleep quickly.

When the snoring sounded, Su Luo's tent zipper slowly pulled down, and he slowly walked out of it.

Although he had been busy all day, he didn't feel tired at all.

As the level of tomb power increased, his energy became better and better. He only needed to sleep for 2 hours a day, and he would be energetic, and he didn't need to sleep for a long time at all.

After coming out, he used his mental power to scan the circle.

There was no one else around.

Su Luo tidied his clothes and walked towards the direction of the waterfall.

After walking for a while, the sound of water became more and more obvious.

Soon, after passing through a jungle, Su Luo saw the waterfall mentioned by Zhou Gong.

The water flowed down from the mountain peak. The scale of the waterfall was not large. There was a pool of several hundred square meters below the waterfall.

There is no sound here except the sound of water.

The moonlight sprinkled down, making this place very atmospheric, a bit like a scene in a movie.

"Come out."

Su Luo waved his hand.

King Lu Shang and the two six-winged centipedes in the Ghost Seal space were summoned out by him.

Su Luo turned to King Lu Shang and said, "Old Lu, the place that Zhou Gong was talking about should be here, but it seems that there is nothing special about it?"

King Lu Shang shook his head blankly: "I don't know, anyway, he asked me to come here at that time."


Su Luo looked around.

The waterfall was surrounded by ordinary forests and rocks, and there was really nothing special.



Just when Su Luo was puzzled, the two six-winged centipedes responded.

They both raised their heads and shouted something in the direction of the waterfall.

"Is there a hole behind the waterfall?"

Su Luo raised his eyebrows.

He immediately knew what they meant because he was in tune with the six-winged centipedes.

After all, nothing knows caves better than centipedes.

"That should be inside."

Su Luo nodded, and then asked King Lu Shang to lead the way, and the six-winged centipedes were responsible for protecting him on the left and right.

Stepping on the rocks, he came to the waterfall.

The cold mist hit his face, making Su Luo more sober.

"Old Lu, go in and take a look."

"Yes, Master!"

King Lu Shang agreed, waved his sleeves, and took the lead in passing through the water curtain, and the whole person disappeared in the water curtain of the waterfall.

After only one second in, he heard King Lu Shang shouting inside: "Master, there is really a cave!"

"Got it."

Su Luo crossed the water curtain with his hands behind his back, and his feet really stepped on the ground.

Shaking off the water on his body, Su Luo looked up and looked at the cave.This cave looks like it was dug by humans, but judging from the traces, even if it was dug by humans, it must have been a long time ago.

"I guess this is the place where Duke Zhou wants you to come."

Su Luo nodded and asked King Lu Shang to continue walking forward.

The cave is very deep.

Along the way, Su Luo was cautious and on guard.

After all, Duke Zhou was powerful. If he was not good for him, the threat would be great!

So he had to be on guard!

"Master, it seems to be the end in front."

After walking for a few minutes, King Lu Shang in front suddenly reminded him.


Su Luo looked up and saw that there seemed to be a square stone chamber in front.

"Oh my god, this kind of ghost place, no one would use it as a tomb, right?"

He was speechless.

If someone was really buried under the waterfall, it would be a taboo in Feng Shui. I believe the ancients would not do such a thing.

He walked over a few steps.

At first glance, Su Luo saw a 2-cm-high stone bed in the southeast corner of the stone room, and on the stone bed, there was a huge bronze coffin.

"It's really a tomb!"

Su Luo was slightly surprised.

What surprised him even more was that the coffin board of the bronze coffin was actually open, and the coffin lid was turned sideways to the side, and he didn't know what was inside.

"Master, this..."

King Lu Shang showed an embarrassed expression.

He didn't expect that such a ghost place would be a tomb.

And it looked like a tomb that had been robbed!

The lid of the coffin board was turned aside. There were only two possibilities for this situation. Either a tomb robber came and stole the things in the coffin, or the corpse inside was resurrected and ran out by itself! !

"Who is buried in this place?"

Su Luo rolled up his sleeves and wanted to see the coffin...

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