"This is simply a miracle..."

Su Luo and Reba stood at the door of the temple, like ants.

Su Luo looked up.

The huge door of the temple was built with large square stones like those on the pyramids. It was very magnificent and had a strong visual impact.

Not only this door.

The entire temple was built with such huge square stones.

You know, this is an endless swamp area. How were these huge stones transported from outside?

Could it be that when the temple was built, this was not a swamp but a flat land?

Su Luo could not think too much.

Now that Murata Miko has entered first, he cannot fall behind!

Thinking of this, Su Luo and Reba hurriedly ran in.

Behind the gate of the temple is a broad road with two rows of stone figurines standing on both sides.

These stone figurines are shaped like soldiers holding spears and wearing armor. They all stand upright, like the guardians of this temple.

"There's someone ahead!"

After running for a while, Reba shouted.

Su Luo looked forward.

There was a huge room ahead, and in the middle of the room, there was a statue over three meters high.

And that Murata Miko was standing under the statue.

"Stop right there!"

Su Luo raised his hand.

An electric net formed by countless blue arcs flew towards Murata Miko!

It happened in a split second.

Murata Miko felt the sharp arc sound behind her, and she didn't choose to dodge at the first moment, but gritted her teeth and twisted the statue! !



A series of mechanical sounds rang out, and then a door opened in front of the left side of the statue.


Murata Miko rolled in quickly.


The moment she entered, the stone door closed again.

Su Luo's electric net covered the statue, but it was empty.


Su Luo had no choice but to bring Reba to the statue.

"What is this...?"

Reba was frightened by the statue's appearance.

It turned out that the statue looked very strange, it was a monster with a human face and a bird body!

The surface of the statue was a gray-white material like stone, the bird body was nearly two meters high, and its head was a strange human face with closed eyes!

"Human face and bird body..."

Looking at the strange statue in front of him, Su Luo was a little curious.

Logically speaking, placing such a statue in the hall of the temple must have important significance.

It is very likely that this statue is related to the identity of the person who built the temple!

"In ancient times, who was a thing with a human face and a bird body?"

Su Luo turned his head and looked around.

There were a total of six doors around this hall, all of which were closed.

Just now, Murata Miko twisted the statue, and one of the six doors opened, and then she went in.

In other words.

As long as someone twists the statue, one of the six doors will open.

Judging from the time, Murata Miko just twisted it randomly.

Su Luo didn't believe that she had cracked the mechanism and found the correct entrance in just a few seconds.

It was just a desperate attempt.

Rather than being killed by herself, she would rather choose a random door to go in and take a chance.

"A human-faced beast, this can't be the self-portrait of the owner of the temple?"

"Is this owner so scary?"

Reba looked at the statue, and the more she looked at it, the weirder it felt.

"There are many descriptions of beasts with human faces in ancient times."

Su Luo looked at the statue and said slowly: "The "Classic of Mountains and Seas·Great Wilderness North Classic" says: 'In the island of the North Sea, there is a god with a human face and a bird body, wearing two green snakes and stepping on two red snakes, named Yu Qiang.'"

"The "Great Wilderness East Classic" also mentioned: "In the island of the East Sea, there is a god with a human face and a bird body, wearing two yellow snakes and stepping on two yellow snakes, named Yu Guo."

"Overseas East Classic" also said: "Dongfang Ju Mang, with a bird body and a human face, riding two snakes."


Su Luo casually mentioned several places in ancient books where people with human faces and bird bodies were mentioned.

Reba immediately cast an admiring look.

"Wow, you know too much, don't you?!"


Netizens were also surprised by Su Luo's casual answer:

"Awesome Su Luo, you must have something in your stomach!"

"Whose serious child reads "Classic of Mountains and Seas" every day?"

"Who are you, Su Luo! So awesome!"

"Hurry up and chase that Murata Miko, otherwise it will be too late and she will take away all the good things!"

"Why are you in such a hurry? This is obviously a mechanism. What if you don't calculate it correctly and go to the wrong door?"

"The owner of the temple is a monster! Identification completed!"


In the studio.

Yan Min called the historian up.

"Teacher, what Su Luo just said, is it really the content of "Classic of Mountains and Seas"? "


The historian was a little excited, and he kept nodding and said: "I have only read "Great Wilderness Northern Classic" and "Great Wilderness Eastern Classic", and what is recorded in them is exactly the same as what Su Luo said!"

"But I didn't expect that Su Luo, this little brother, actually read "Overseas Eastern Classic"!"

"Really experienced, I am ashamed of myself! "

Listening to the historian's affirmation, Yan Min scratched his head.

This Su Luo seems to be much more awesome than he imagined!


Inside the temple.

Su Luo came to the statue.

Looking at the statue, he saw that the feet of the bird with a human face were stepping on a Bagua figure.

It seems that these five doors are still related to the Bagua.

However, it is not the eight-door mechanism in the 'Lunan Forbidden Land', but a rare six-door mechanism.

What are the six gates?

The eight gates are life and death, and the rest of the gates are repeated.

The way of the six gates is to eliminate the gate of life and death and leave only the rest of the gates.

These gates are linked together and will form an endless Shura field.

To crack this mechanism, people need to find the right gate in the Shura field.

Su Luo said the six gates, and Reba and netizens were shocked again.

Six gates?

What the hell!

"Mr. Li, does the six gates really exist?"

Yan Min invited the first person in Longguo Fengshui to come up.

Mr. Li is an old guest. Since watching "Secrets of China", he seems to be a few years younger.

At this moment, he is vaguely excited.

"The six gates method, I have only heard the elders talk about it, but... I have never seen it."

"Elders? "

Yan Min was stunned.

Mr. Li is 85 this year. When did his elders die?

"Master Su is really incredible."

Mr. Li, the first Feng Shui master in Dragon Country, rubbed his hands excitedly and stared at the live broadcast screen.

He wanted to see it.

How should Su Luo crack the legendary six-door method?

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