"Hasn't the Lunan Forbidden Land been visited by humans for thousands of years!"

"How come there are so many human skeletons?"

"Does anyone know!?"

Outside the Lunan Forbidden Land.

In the program group camp, Yan Min asked loudly.


At this time.

The leader of the program's investigation team, Lao Qin, came over.

"I say, Lao Qin, how did you investigate the Lunan Forbidden Land? Didn't you say that no human has ever set foot in this place?" Yan Min pointed to the skeletons in the live broadcast and said, "Tell me what these are?"

"I don't know either..."

Lao Qin was sweating: "Maybe some foreign friends who came here because of their reputation and have an adventurous spirit?"


Seeing Yan Min frowning and not speaking.

Lao Qin said again: "Everyone in our Dragon Country knows that the Lunan Forbidden Land has always been a biological restricted area, so those who came in must be those foreigners!"


Yan Min frowned even deeper.

In fact, what Lao Qin said was right.

The Lunan Forbidden Land is indeed a special place in Longguo.

In the early years, it was rumored that some villagers or climbers entered the Lunan Forbidden Land by mistake and disappeared.

During this period, many volunteers from the police station used all instruments to search the Lunan Forbidden Land, but strangely, all instruments failed after entering the Lunan Forbidden Land!

But surprisingly, some scientists found that a camera that can track people with thermal images developed last year can still operate after entering the Lunan Forbidden Land!


Yan Min immediately got the thermal image tracking camera and started to prepare for the filming of "Secret Land of China"!

Of course.

This camera needs to lock the thermal image of people to work, that is, there must be living people, and the camera will keep running!

"It doesn't matter whether it is a foreigner or not."

Yan Min sighed: "The important thing is that the appearance of the skeleton must mean danger... Alas, I hope they can solve the secret of the Lunan Forbidden Land."


"Why are there so many skeletons?"

In the water cave.

Looking at the corpses on the river beach, the stars couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling.

"There are at least a dozen of them. Who are they? Why did they come to the Lunan Forbidden Land? How did they die?"


"I saw the news a few years ago. Some villagers got lost and entered the Lunan Forbidden Land. Could it be them?" Wu Jing began to speculate.

Brother Feihong immediately shook his head: "How is it possible? There are at least a dozen corpses here. How could so many people get lost collectively?"


The atmosphere fell into silence.

But the water flow did not stop. Even if everyone did not paddle, the river water still pushed the boat forward.

Soon everyone floated past the place where the pile of bones stayed.

"Don't think so much, cheer up."

Wu Jing clapped his hands, signaling everyone not to think too much.

Because in this environment, thinking too much will only scare yourself, and finally the army will be in chaos!


Unexpectedly, Wu Jing had just finished speaking.

Kun Kun next to him screamed again.

Wu Jing said impatiently: "What are you shouting?"

Kun Kun pointed forward with a horrified face, and trembled: "There are still... and more!!"


Everyone looked at where Kun Kun pointed.

As expected.

On the river beach ahead, a pile of bones appeared again! !

At this moment.

The audience watching the live broadcast was also shocked.

"Oh my god, what's going on?"

"Is the Lunan Forbidden Land so dangerous?"

"Wait, isn't this Lunan Forbidden Land almost untouched by humans? How can there be so many human corpses?"

"How did they die?"

"It's over, I'm so worried about my brother! If it doesn't work, let's quit, brother!"

"It's getting more and more exciting! This is a reality show, haha!"

"Are these corpses props for the program group? They look scary!"



"Something's wrong, something's wrong."

Brother Feihong, who was standing at the bow, frowned into the shape of the word "chuan".

After a while.

He suddenly thought of something.

Brother Feihong immediately turned his head and looked at Su Luo, who had been silent.

Because he suddenly remembered what Su Luo had just said.

[Corpse bugs eat rotten meat, and there are many of them in places with dead things. ]

It seems that.

This kid really knows something? ?

"Little brother."

Brother Feihong put down his airs and said to Su Luo: "What's going on with these corpses, do you... know?"

"What's so strange."

Su Luo broke free from Reba's arms.

After being held for so long, his face wasI was almost swollen from being squeezed.

"The Lunan Forbidden Land is so mysterious that you can tell with your knees that there must be more than you who come to explore. There are definitely many people from both China and abroad, but you just don't know."


Listening to Su Luo's words.

The stars were silent.

This kid seems to have some truth in what he said.

Such a mysterious place has existed for so many years. On the surface, no human dares to set foot in it, but there must be some people who come here secretly to seek excitement.

So... these are all the bodies of explorers?

"Then why are they all dead?"

Kun Kun was a little scared: "Will we become like them?"


Su Luo did not answer, but stared at the dark water in a daze.

"Little brat, I'm asking you a question!" Hua Hua shouted to Su Luo.


Seeing that Su Luo did not respond, he walked to Su Luo's side and shone the miner's lamp into the water: "You little brat, you keep staring at the water, what are you looking at?"


You don't know until you shine it.

I almost got scared out of my wits.

Under the illumination of the mining lamp, I saw a huge black shadow swimming over in the water!!


Huahua screamed and was so scared that she collapsed on the boat.

Netizens were also shocked by the scene just now.

"Be careful!"

Just then.

Brother Feihong, who was standing at the bow, shouted and took out the saber from his waist!

Puff puff puff!!

The next second.

The water surface began to boil, and countless black corpse bugs jumped out of the water and rushed towards the boat like a tide!

The stars on the boat were suddenly in chaos!

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