
Su Luo walked out of the tent and sat by the campfire.

He looked up at the starry sky and found that the stars in the night sky were extremely bright, which was a scene he had not seen for many years.

There were many tents in the camp, and many soldiers patrolled the camp to prevent wild animals from attacking the camp at night. Although the probability was small, they had to be prevented.

Su Luo took out the heavenly inner elixir and began to repair the two-yin and yang dust formation.

The array eye of the two-yin and yang dust formation was a small ball in the shape of yin and yang. After Su Luo touched it with the heavenly inner elixir obtained from Skull Island, the two small ball-like objects suddenly merged together.

Buzz buzz buzz——

The small ball in the array eye began to emit a strong golden light.

It rotated slowly in a clockwise direction.

With each turn, the light on the surface of the array eye became stronger.

When it turned to 9981 circles, the small ball in the array eye flashed, and a delicate yin and yang pattern ball appeared in front of Su Luo.


Su Luo held it in his hand.

He could feel that as long as he injected the grave power, he could open the formation!

The more he injected, the larger the area covered by the formation!

"This thing consumes a lot of grave power."

"If I want to expand the formation area to 800 square meters, I need more than half of my grave power at this stage!"

Su Luo sighed secretly.

Although this thing is good, it consumes a lot!

In this way, this formation is still used in a small area, and the cost performance can be the highest.

Su Luo was satisfied and put away the eye of the formation.

"It's so late, why don't you sleep?"

At this time, An Qi came over.

She sat down by the campfire and looked at Su Luo: "Thank you for the Skull Island."


Su Luo understood that An Qi was talking about his rescue of her on Skull Island.

"No need."

Looking at An Qi, Su Luo smiled and said, "Why don't you sleep? You're suffering from insomnia at such a young age?"

An Qi looked up at the starry sky, and then replied, "I've been thinking about... the battlefield of gods and demons, so I can't sleep."

"The battlefield of gods and demons."

Su Luo was also stunned when he heard it.

Of course he remembered it.

When he was on Skull Island, the vicissitudes of life voice did mention it.

The battlefield of gods and demons is open!

But what exactly is the battlefield of gods and demons? It was not clearly stated!

Now that he has come to the vicinity of the ancient city of gods and demons, he is naturally curious about this matter.

"It's a 'battlefield' instead of a 'playground'. It must be a very dangerous place." Su Luo smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter. When the enemy comes, the general will stop it. When the water comes, the earth will cover it. This time we have so many people, what are we afraid of?"


An Qi nodded and said, "I hope so."

Two eight-year-old children sat by the campfire, looking at the starry sky and chatting. Not to mention, the scene was very warm and cute.


No words were spoken that night.

The next morning.

The main group started to set off.

This time, the program team spent a huge amount of money to buy 2 camera spirits!

Including the previous one, there are now a total of 3 camera spirits for real-time live broadcast!

The camera spirit is waterproof, fireproof and strong windproof, very invincible, but the only disadvantage is that it is expensive and has to lock the constant temperature of humans!

But in order to avoid the situation on Skull Island last time————the camera spirit followed Su Luo and Reba, resulting in no picture of Chen Longfei Hongge and others.

So this time the program team also spent a lot of money!


The convoy was driving on the Gobi Desert, and the wheels threw out yellow sand, which was very cool.

All the way to the west.

After driving for more than an hour.

The sand on the road became more and more, and thicker and thicker.

At the end, the wheels of a transport vehicle were directly stuck in the sand and could not be driven.

At this time, everyone finally realized.

They have officially entered the desert area!


Su Luo got off the jeep wearing goggles.

Looking ahead, from 200 meters ahead, there is endless yellow sand in the distance, and you can't see the end at a glance.

It's just like a sea of ​​sand.

Let alone walking in it, just looking at it makes you feel desperate and suffocated!

Netizens were also amazed:

"Is this the desert? It's so beautiful!"

"I feel thirsty just looking at it!"

"The forbidden area is worthy of being a forbidden area. How can humans enter such an environment!"

"I don't know how many people are buried in this desert!"

"It looks beautiful, but it's actually a sea of ​​death! Anyone with a little knowledge of geography knows how terrible it is to go deep into the desert!"

"I hope this exploration of the forbidden area will be as smooth as before! Come on, guests!"

"......."The number of online users in the live broadcast room reached 1.7 billion.

In addition to Longguo netizens, countless overseas netizens also poured in!

After all, there were no foreign nationals participating in the Shensha Ancient City this time, so they had to come to Longguo's live broadcast room to gain some experience!


"Get off the camels!"

Su Luo gave an order.

The soldiers began to pull the camels off the transport vehicles.

Some camels carried people, and some camels carried goods.

The soldiers acted in an orderly manner and arranged things in an orderly manner, which was pleasing to the netizens.


A large camel team was formed.

"Chief, let me introduce you, this is the guide I invited."

At this time.

Luo Shuai rode a camel and brought a person to Su Luo.

Su Luo looked up and saw that the man was a middle-aged man in his 50s, with dry and dark skin and two missing teeth. He was an authentic local.

"His name is Zhaxi, and he is a native of the area."

"Especially the desert, he is familiar with it and has a lot of experience walking in the desert."

Luo Shuai introduced on the side.

Zhaxi immediately greeted Su Luo when he saw this: "Hello, Chief."

Su Luo asked: "Have you been to the ancient city of Shensha before?"


Zhaxi shook his head and said: "But I have been to that area many times before."


Su Luo asked curiously: "Why are you going to the deep desert?"

"Chief, this brother Luo said that if I tell the truth, he won't blame me!"

Zhaxi first gave a shot of prevention, and finally said: "In the past, every time a storm in the deep desert subsided, many buildings such as buildings and pagodas would appear in the sand, so we..."


Su Luo said meaningfully.

It turns out that Zhaxi used to follow his father to the desert to "hunt for treasure"!

Su Luo nodded and said, "Okay, this time as long as you lead us to the ancient city of Shensha, we will never pursue responsibility, and we will also give you a generous reward."

"Thank you, Chief, thank you, Chief!"

Zhaxi was overjoyed and quickly rode on the camel.

"Chief, follow closely, I will take you into the desert!"


Su Luo also climbed on the camel.


Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat on it, a little person flew up from behind, fragrant and soft.

Su Luo looked back.

It turned out to be the little girl An Qi.

Su Luo asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

An Qi's voice sounded from behind: "I don't know how to ride a camel, you carry me."

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