"What is this place?"

Someone asked, and the voice was obviously trembling.

The ground was full of bones, and there were hundreds of wooden pillars tied with what looked like human corpses. This scene was even worse than purgatory!!

"Is it really a corpse?"

Chen Long took a flashlight and walked towards one of the wooden pillars with courage.

He saw a human-shaped object tied to it.

When the flashlight was shone over, it was clear that it was indeed a corpse.

It was a dried male corpse with a hideous expression and a wide-open mouth. It seemed that he must have been in great pain before his death.

"This is..."

Look up.

There were hundreds of wooden pillars, and each one was tied with such a dried corpse!

Adding a layer of human bones on the ground, that is to say, at least hundreds of lives have died in this room, and maybe more!

What kind of horrible place is this?

"Isn't this an ancient tomb?"

"How come people died like this?"

Reba couldn't understand.

The whole room was filled with gloomy air. I don't know if it was due to psychological reasons, but everyone felt that the temperature inside the room was much cooler than outside.


"This should be a sacrificial site."

In the studio.

Wang Gang explained to the billions of netizens:

"In ancient times, there were many strange sacrificial methods in the Western Regions."

"When I was young, I heard some of them. The situation in the live broadcast was very similar to the sacrificial customs of a country in the Western Regions."

"That country is called Gumo."

"It is rumored that the people of Gumo would tie the criminals who committed crimes to wooden pillars and let them die of thirst in the desert."

"After the person died, they poured animal blood on the dried corpse and then moved it to the tomb to commemorate the nobles' dead souls."



Listening to Wang Gang's explanation, Yan Min gave a thumbs up.

Based on a scene, you can easily infer that the country also has a sacrificial method. This requires a lot of knowledge to do it!

Although Wang Gang is usually not serious, it must be said that no one can compare with him in terms of history and humanities!

Zhao Xianzhi next to him thought about it and said: "So... this ancient city is not Shensha, but Gumo Ancient City?"


Wang Gang nodded: "It should be, but it is not ruled out that Shensha people also have this sacrificial custom."



In the live broadcast.

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, and no one knew what this place had to do with Gumo.

But there was an exception.

"This is not Shensha City."

Su Luo looked at the corpses and sighed.


"Isn't this it?"

"Look at this scene, what else can it be if not Shensha City?"


Chen Long and others raised questions.

Su Luo said calmly: "This is another ancient country in the Western Regions, Gumo."


Everyone was stunned.

And Wang Gang in the studio spurted out a mouthful of water!

"Oh my god! This Su Luo also knows Gumo?"


Yan Min and others were shocked and smiled bitterly.

This Su Luo seemed to know everything. At this point, they seemed to have gotten used to it.


"What is Gumo? Is it related to the gods and demons?"

Luo Shuai next to him asked Su Luo.

"It should be."

"Otherwise, Gumo would not be able to take root in the area of ​​gods and demons."

"Maybe the owner of the tomb here is the king of Gumo. Finding his body should give us the key clues to the gods and demons."

Su Luo said, and raised his leg and walked forward.


Stepping on the layers of bones on the ground, it made people feel a little itchy.

Seeing Su Luo so calm, the people behind him also walked in with their heads held high.

Crunch, crunch—

The sound of bones being crushed was heard along the way.

It echoed in the room, making people very scared.



A sound similar to a rope breaking was heard.

"What's the noise?"

The group shone their flashlights around, looking for the source of the sound.


Eight-year-old Anqi's face was pale.

She turned her head and looked at the pillar next to her, which was only one meter away from her.

The hand of the mummy tied to the pillar suddenly moved!


Anqi's eyes widened, and the baseball bat in her hand was clenched tightly.



The nails of the mummy grew rapidly, and in just a few seconds, they grew to 3 centimeters!


A strange howl.The skin of the mummy turned purple, and the rope tied to the body also broke!

Bang, bang, bang!

It happened in a split second.

The mummy waved its claws and grabbed An Qi!


An Qi screamed.

Because she couldn't use tomb skills, she swung the baseball bat in her hand and hit the mummy's thigh hard!


The strength of the early stage of the first level of the human rank should not be underestimated.

The mummy's thigh was broken immediately after the baseball bat hit!


Seeing this, Feihong, who was next to An Qi, hurried to help, and the machete in his hand chopped directly at the chest of the mummy!


The machete sank into the chest of the mummy.

But the expression of the mummy became more and more ferocious! !


A claw grabbed Feihong's face directly!

"The knife can't kill?"

Feihong was secretly shocked.

At this moment, Su Luo, who was at the front, reminded: "Chop off the head!"


Brother Feihong reacted and quickly lowered his head to avoid the attack of the mummy, then stood up and chopped the mummy's neck with a knife!


The knife was powerful and heavy.

The head of the mummy was chopped off directly and cleanly!

After the head was chopped off, the mummy was motionless!

Brother Feihong was surprised and said: "Chopping off the head works!"

At the same time, a voice sounded in his mind!

"Kill the Western Region slave corpse and gain 12 days of life!"


Brother Feihong was startled, and then shouted loudly: "Kill this mummy to gain life value!"


"What are you talking about?"

"Gain life?"

"Just kill them?"

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

At this moment, the whole room was filled with the sound of various ropes breaking! !

With the help of the lighting stick and the flashlight, we can see that there are at least a hundred mummies in the whole room, and they are all moving!!!


The mummies broke free from the ropes and immediately rushed towards everyone.

Due to the limited space of the ancient well, there were only about twenty soldiers coming down, and the rest were waiting at the wellhead.

So including Su Luo and others, there were only thirty people in the room.

Thirty people, facing hundreds of mummies with extremely strong attack power!

In terms of numbers, there is absolutely no advantage! !


In the crowd.

Su Luo pulled out the black gold ancient knife.

There was no fear on his face.

On the contrary, after hearing what Brother Feihong said, he was only excited!!!

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