
Looking at the ant on the stone statue, An Qi was a little surprised.

Because everyone knows that ants are very small animals, even if they are big, they will not exceed a fingernail.

But the ant in front of him is as big as a baby's fist!

This... can this still be considered an ant?

An Qi was a little scared, and quickly touched Su Luo next to him with his elbow.

"Su Luo, Su Luo..."

Under An Qi's gentle call.

Su Luo slowly opened his eyes.

He was about to fall asleep in a daze just now, and he looked at An Qi curiously: "What's wrong?"


An Qi pointed at the ant and motioned Su Luo to look.


Following An Qi's finger, Su Luo immediately saw the big ant, and then frowned.

It is recorded in the Weird Things Chapter of "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secretary" that this thing is called Desert Marching Ant! !

Desert army ants are very scary, and they live in groups. Once they appear, they appear in large groups.

Their mouths also contain a lot of formic acid. Thousands of them bite together, even dinosaurs can't stand it!

This thing is a level stronger than corpse beetles!

Su Luo took out a dagger and threw it directly at the army ants.



The dagger nailed to the stone statue and pierced the army ants directly.

"Scared me to death..."

Seeing that the army ants were dead, An Qi breathed a sigh of relief and patted her flat chest.

"I have lived for more than eight years, and this is the first time I have seen such a big ant."

She is still a little scared.

At this moment, the most violent storm outside has passed, and the wind outside the house has gradually subsided.

"It is not advisable to stay here for a long time."

Su Luo's face is not very good.

Because he knows that the army ants cannot appear alone.

As long as this one appears, it means that other army ants are nearby!



A scream came from a dilapidated house in the distance.

The scream was so loud that it penetrated the wind and reached Su Luo's house.

Chen Long, Luo Shuai and others who were originally resting with their eyes closed were startled.

Luo Shuai stood up and shouted to the outside of the house: "What's going on over there?"

"Luo Shuai!"

"There are ants!"

"Biting ants!"


The person over there was silent before he finished speaking.

"Biting ants?"

Luo Shuai was confused.

Ants are ants. Even if they bite people, they don't have to be so scared!

"You useless guy!"

Luo Shuai cursed: "You screamed and yelled when you saw an ant. You have been a soldier for several years in vain!"

"Go and have a look."

Only Su Luo knew that the matter was not simple. He stood up and walked outside.

The wind outside the house had become much weaker.

He led his men to run towards the house where the screams had just been heard.

The house was small, with two collapsed walls, and Su Luo quickly arrived at the door.

But the scene in the house startled him.

Inside the house, a group of brown-red army ants wrapped around three soldiers, and before Su Luo could act, the army ants crawled down from the soldiers.

And the three soldiers had already turned into three white skeletons!


Luo Shuai and others behind Su Luo also saw this scene, and they were all shocked!

Three lives disappeared in an instant!

What kind of ants are these? ?


The army of ants seemed to have discovered Su Luo and others.

After a pause, they immediately crawled towards Su Luo like a tide.


Su Luo hurriedly asked everyone to run away.

Luo Shuai and others didn't need him to say anything, they immediately ran wildly.

Su Luo walked at the end.

Looking at the army ants that were like a tide, he put his right hand to his mouth and began to use the ghost whistle to make a sound similar to that of the army ants, trying to control them.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak--"

A strange sound came out of Su Luo's mouth.

The army ants were stunned at first, and then they attacked Su Luo frantically! !

"The ghost whistle is useless against this kind of ants."

Su Luo frowned, then turned and ran away.

Many soldiers hiding in the bunkers rushed out after hearing the noise.

Luo Shuai also immediately organized people and ordered them to take up their weapons and shoot at the army ants.

Da da da! !

Two rows of soldiers raised their guns and fired at the army ants together!

Bullets rained into the ant colony, and the ants that were hit were either smashed directly or flew out directly.

"Fortunately, the bullets can kill these ants!"

Luo Shuai was a little relieved.

After entering the forbidden area, what he feared most was some people with guns.Something that no one can deal with!

As long as it can be solved with a gun, it is not a problem!

Da da da! !

Bullets kept pouring out.

After shooting one row, another row was replaced.

In the end, the barrel of the gun was red, and the number of marching ants was only reduced by half!



A soldier's gun suddenly exploded, and the soldier's hand was directly dislocated.

"Don't shoot anymore, the heat of the gun has reached the limit!"

Su Luo hurriedly asked everyone to stop.

"Take out your weapons and protect yourself!"

"Run to the east wall!"

Su Luo pointed to the east wall.

Because when he came in, he noticed that the east wall of this ancient city was well preserved.

As long as everyone went over, climbed up the wall, and then took advantage of the geographical advantage, they should be able to resist these ants.

Otherwise, in the vast desert, humans will definitely not be able to run faster than these ants!



Everyone turned around and ran towards the eastern wall.

The army ants behind them followed closely.


Everyone came to the bottom of the wall and began to climb up one by one.

And the ants behind them also arrived.

"Fire God Talisman, borrow the divine fire!"

Su Luo took out a fire talisman, and then shook his little hand, and the talisman immediately caught fire.

He drank a mouthful of strong liquor.

Then he sprayed it directly at the ant colony! !


A fire dragon suddenly formed and rolled towards the group that was crawling.


The fire immediately swept over the group when it met!

A burnt smell suddenly came from the air! !

"Successfully killed the desert army ants!"

"Gained 5 days of life and 12 points of grave power!"

"Successfully killed the desert army ants!"

"Gained 6 days of life and 15 points of grave power!"



Feeling the information prompts that kept popping up in his mind.

Su Luo was stunned.

Killing army ants can also get rewards? ? ?


He looked at the army ant colony in front of him.

There are at least 300 of them if not a thousand!

They are all living moving rewards!

It's just a pity that half of them were killed by those soldiers before!

"In this way, I can't scare them away with Qilin blood."

"They must be killed on the spot!"

Su Luo licked his lips.

But watching the number of ants rapidly decrease in the flames, he felt a little uncomfortable.

The reason for the discomfort was that there were too few ants!

"Captain, be careful, there are another ant colony coming over there!"

Just at this moment, Luo Shuai on the city wall pointed to the distance and shouted.

Su Luo looked over.

He saw a large group of army ants pouring out of a dilapidated house in the ancient city. They were like a brown-red ocean, rushing towards the city wall...

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