After putting down the gun.

Su Luo led everyone into the strange cave.

After entering the cave, there was a narrow passage.

This passage was next to the mountain wall, and the passage was only two people wide. There was a rock wall on the left and a dark cliff on the right.

"Oh my god, how high is this cliff?"

Chen Long looked down and felt that there was no bottom below.

If someone fell down, there would be no body left!

"This seems to be a huge pit."

Reba also kept shining a flashlight down and found that it was really deep below.

It felt like a bottomless pit.

"I didn't expect that there was such a deep pit under the palace of the ancient city of Shensha. It's incredible."

"Why did the Queen Mother of Shensha bury herself in such a place?"

"Do you think that it was because of this pit that the Queen Mother chose to build this city?"

"The large-scale construction mentioned before, wouldn't it be to let the people of Shensha dig this pit?"

"Bullshit, this pit can't be dug by humans!"


Along the way.

The soldiers whispered.

Su Luo, who was walking in the front, frowned.

Because of this scene, why does it look more and more like the place where the Queen of Jingjue rests?

Isn't this big deep pit below the ghost cave of the Ghost Cave Clan?

"Chief, there seems to be a mural in front!"

Just then, Luo Shuai beside him reminded him.

Su Luo heard the words and shone the flashlight on the rock wall on the left.

Sure enough.

There was a series of murals in front.

Su Luo looked slightly serious.

Because he knew that at this last moment, the information in the mural was extremely important!

Su Luo continued to move forward.

When he came to the starting point of the mural, he ordered people to shine all the flashlights over.

Click, click, click!

As the light illuminated, Su Luo saw.

This mural is a narrative picture.

On the first mural, a man in Hanfu was depicted, leading a group of people dressed in Western clothes on camels, looking like they were leaving the desert.

This team was very large. If the mural did not use exaggerated descriptions, there would be at least tens of thousands of people in the painting!

Why would such a large group of people leave the desert?

"Wait, this man looks familiar."

Su Luo stared at the man in Hanfu and asked curiously, "This man seems to have appeared in the murals in the Tomb of King Gumo!"

"That's right!"

"I remember it too!"

Chen Long beside him patted his head and said, "In the murals, it seems that this man was captured by the Queen Mother of Gods and Demons!"

"Good guy, I don't know what happened later, but this man actually survived and took so many people from the Western Regions out of the desert?"

Listening to Chen Long's words.

Reba and others also recalled.

It was this Han man. In the murals of the Tomb of King Gumo, he was caught by the soldiers of the Shensha Kingdom and was in a mess.

But there was no follow-up to the murals in the Tomb of King Gumo.

Originally, everyone thought that this man was just an ordinary Han criminal.

But unexpectedly, the follow-up appeared in the murals of the Queen Mother of Gods and Demons!

And the content of the murals is very strange!

How can he, a Han Chinese, dispatch tens of thousands of people from the Western Regions?

And he took these people who have lived in the desert all their lives out of the desert?

Where are they going?

Su Luo held up the flashlight, walked forward two steps, and saw the second mural.

The second mural was at the bottom of a mountain range.

It was still the Han Chinese.

He was wearing a luxurious robe, pointing at the mountain range.

Beside him, there were dozens of people, and judging from their clothes, they all seemed to be dressed in the Yuan Dynasty.

These people seemed to be listening to the description of the Han Chinese, and their expressions were very satisfied.

It is worth noting.

These people were dressed luxuriously, with a calm temperament, and seemed to be people in high positions.

"What is this guy talking about?"

"What mountain is this?"

Luo Shuai was a little curious, because he always felt familiar with the magnificent mountain range, but he couldn't tell where it was.

"Look at the next one."

Su Luo walked forward a few steps and continued to look at the third mural.

The third mural was very long and the scene was very shocking.

In the picture.

On a very steep mountain, a magnificent palace was built.

On the top of the mountain, clouds and mists enveloped the entire palace, giving people a feeling of floating on the clouds! !

Have you read Journey to the West?

The Heavenly Palace is just like this! !

"This is..."

Su Luo looked at the mountain carefully and saw that the top of the mountain was covered with snow. The altitude must be very high.

"It's really beautiful!"It's so magnificent..."

Everyone was stunned.

This palace floating in the clouds is so shocking and incredible!

It's like moving the Forbidden City to the sky!

This scene, no Hollywood blockbuster can shoot such a fantastic scene!

"Is this... Yunding Palace?"

Su Luo was also stunned for a moment.

But it's very strange.

Who is this Han Chinese?

He was first captured and taken to Shensha Country, and then went through a series of things, which led to the destruction of the countries around Shensha.

Finally, he actually led the Shensha people to leave the desert and come to this mountain range?

The most outrageous thing is.

He brought a group of Yuan people to build this beautiful Yunding Palace?

"Next picture, next picture. ”

Just like being addicted.

Su Luo took two steps forward and went to see the next mural.

The content of the next mural was still near the Yunding Palace.

This time the perspective was on the cliff below the Palace, where you could see many carved plank roads and grottoes.

There was a line of workers dressed in Western-style clothing, using a ‘withered yoke’, which was an ancient crane.

They were using the withered yoke to pull a huge coffin up the cliff from cave to cave!


“Could it be that the Yunding Palace is the same as the plot of the previous life of the Pen-stealing, and the entire palace is actually a tomb?”

“Is the King of Ten Thousand Slaves in the coffin?”

Su Luo was secretly shocked.

Keep watching.

You can see that the bottom of the mountain is full of funeral processions, one row after another.

They cried while climbing up the plank road with difficulty. It is roughly estimated that there are tens of thousands of people!

“What a big scene! ”

“The person in this coffin is really extraordinary!”

“Could it be an emperor of the Yuan Dynasty?”

Chen Long has some research on the history of the Dragon Kingdom.

In that era, perhaps only the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty could have such a grand ceremony.

But strangely, there is no record in the history books about which Yuan emperor was buried in this remote snowy mountain?

This is not in line with the norm!

Read on.

The content of the murals at the back is relatively simple.

It is just some grand burial ceremonies, all with great pomp.

In the end, in order to ensure the safety of the mausoleum, the soldiers guarding the mausoleum set fire to the only road leading to the Heavenly Palace.

In this way.

The Yunding Tiangong became the safest tomb in the world!

After reading all the murals, the people present were shocked for a long time and couldn't recover!

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