"Master, please whip me hard."

The overbearing queen suddenly became gentle.

Such a sudden change caught everyone off guard.

"It really worked?!"

Su Luo was surprised and happy.

I didn't expect that the simplest method is often the most practical!

And he underestimated the pollen of the corpse-scented konjac too much!

This thing is really abnormal!

Even a big boss like the Queen Mother of Gods and Demons can be cured!


The Queen Mother of Gods and Demons raised her feet, slowly walked down the stone steps, and walked towards Su Luo.

Wait until she came to Su Luo.

She slowly knelt on the ground, allowing her graceful body to be covered by the phoenix robe.

She clasped her hands lightly and knocked her forehead lightly on the ground.

Facing Su Luo, she was extremely respectful:

"Please give me your orders, Master."

"The Master's orders are absolute."


The live broadcast room exploded:

"Fuck, is it conquered already?"

"I just went to pee, and when I came back I saw the Queen Mother of Gods and Demons kneeling down to Su Luo? What happened in just a few tens of seconds?"

"Oh my God, the Queen Mother of Gods and Demons is kneeling down to our Dragon Country kid brother!"

"Why does this line make people's blood boil?"

"Can you really give me orders for anything? Hehehe!"


In the studio.

Yan Min was a little confused.

"What happened just now?"

"Why did it suddenly become like this?"


"I don't know, but I seem to see Su Luo blowing something to the Queen Mother of Gods and Demons."

"What did you blow?"

"I can't see clearly!"


On the stone beam.

Su Luo finally breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the God and Evil Queen Mother kneeling before him.

But a closer look.

He saw two strings of small characters on the head of the God and Evil Queen Mother.

[Falling into an illusion. ]

[Countdown - 4 minutes and 29 seconds]

"How many minutes does the illusion last?"

Su Luo was slightly stunned.

It seems that the God and Evil Queen Mother still has some resistance to the illusion attack.

Su Luo touched the God and Evil Queen Mother's hair with his foot and asked: "You dog slave, are you really willing to listen to my orders?"

"Yes, Master!"

The God and Evil Queen Mother bowed her head and said: "The slave obeys any arrangement of the master!"

"Very good."

Su Luo crossed his arms and ordered: "Then you completely remove the suppression effect of the tomb force in the God and Evil area."

"Yes, Master!"

The God and Evil Queen Mother raised her right hand and waved.


The whole space made a strange sound.

Huahuahua! !


Su Luo's momentum rose rapidly! !

Human level 3 peak, Earth level 1, Earth level 2, Earth level 3! !

Su Luo's strength was liberated, and he directly reached the peak of strength! !


The sudden improvement made Su Luo hum comfortably!

Earth level 3!

Before entering the desert, he was still at level 2 of Earth level!

Now he has successfully broken through to level 3!

Only one step away from the Heaven level!

"It seems that the God Thunder Art Ghost Seal can be used!"

Su Luo raised his hand slightly.

Lightning gathered in his hand, illuminating the entire cave!

With the improvement of strength, the power and momentum of the God Thunder Art became greater!

"Old Lu!"

A light shout.

King Lu Shang got out of the Ghost Seal.


King Lu Shang knelt down to salute.

He worriedly said, "Before, the space of the Ghost Seal was inexplicably closed, and I was worried that something had happened to the master. Now that I see that you are fine, I feel relieved."


Su Luo nodded, then pointed at the Queen Mother of the Gods and Demons and asked King Lu Shang, "Do you know her?"

King Lu Shang turned his head and took a look.


"Looking at this outfit and crown, is she the Queen Mother of the Gods and Demons?"

King Lu Shang showed shock in his eyes.

I didn't expect that the Queen Mother of the Gods and Demons of the Western Regions would kneel down and surrender to Su Luo!

Su Luo is even more awesome than Zhou Gong!


Su Luo nodded.

But soon, he began to worry about how to deal with the Queen Mother of the Gods and Demons.

Kill her with one knife?

It feels a bit regrettable.

Su Luo lowered his head and looked at the head of the Queen Mother of the Gods and Demons.

As the Ghost Seal was restored to use, the level of the weirdness of the Queen Mother of the Gods and Demons was also revealed.

Above her head, a word with a big fire was floating:




Su Luo was shocked.

The Queen Mother of this Shensha Kingdom was actually an 'Xian' level weirdo!!

You know.

In the classification of weirdo levels, from low to high, there are four levels: Charm, Earth, Heaven, and Xian!

And this Shensha Queen Mother was actually the highest level weirdo!

Then again.

Can a fairy-level weirdo be confused by the pollen of the corpse-fragrant konjac?

The power of this pollen seems to be much greater than imagined!

"With my current strength, the ghost seal can only contain a weirdo at the early stage of the heavenly level at most."

"It is somewhat impossible to subdue this God and Demon Queen Mother."

Su Luo sighed, somewhat helpless.


At this moment, the space shook.

Su Luo found that the God and Demon Queen Mother, who was kneeling in front of him, trembled all over, and the countdown above her head was also passing rapidly!

"She is going to break out of the illusion!"

Su Luo was shocked.

Although I don't know why it was so sudden, time waits for no one.

If you want to kill her, you can only do it at this moment!

Su Luo waved his hand, and the black gold ancient knife immediately flew into his hand.

"Go to hell."

Raising the black gold ancient knife, Su Luo chopped down at her neck.


Just as the blade was about to touch the Queen Mother's neck.

A black mist suddenly burst out around her, directly blocking the black gold ancient knife!


Su Luo stepped back, realizing that something was wrong.

"Damn thief."

"You want to take my life..."

The Queen Mother of Gods and Demons slowly floated into the air, looking down at Su Luo.

She tapped her finger in the air three times.

A green magic circle appeared out of thin air.



In the center of the magic circle, a huge bird with green feathers and a weird human face flew out! !

"Three Green Birds!"

Su Luo took two steps back.

He had seen too many statues and murals about this thing along the way!


A long whistle.

The expressionless dead face of the Three Green Birds suddenly looked at Su Luo!


It opened its mouth, full of sharp fangs.

In its mouth, a green fireball formed, and after a slight spit, the fireball was like a meteor, hitting Su Luo!


Faced with the fierce attack, Su Luo was not afraid.

His current strength has returned to the peak.

He was not afraid at all!

"Chidori, sharp spear!"

Lightning flashed.

Su Luo raised his hand, and the blue light spear directly pierced the green fireball shot by the three green birds.

"Take my sword!"

Su Luo put his hands together.

Lightning formed a giant sword in the air.

"Chidori, sword energy slash!"

After that.

Su Luo waved his hands.

The huge lightning sword chopped down at the three green birds!

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