The sudden situation caught everyone off guard.

For a moment.

The gate hall was quiet and there was no sound.


Seeing this, Huang Bo asked, "What are you doing?"


No one answered him.

Everyone's eyes were just staring at Huang Bo's back.


"I, is there something behind me?"

Cold sweat immediately broke out on Huang Bo's forehead.


Su Luo made a gesture to keep quiet.

Then he looked closely.

He found that the person lying behind Huang Bo was not a person.

But a... pig head?

That's right.

It was a pig head.

But this pig head was very strange. It didn't look like an ordinary pig.

Ordinary pigs are usually fat and big-eared, with no lack of meat on their faces.

But this pig head was extremely thin, as if it had been squeezed dry by something, skin and bones!!

If it weren't for the very recognizable pig ears and pig nose, it would be difficult to associate this head with a pig!


"Isn't this the statue next to the shrine just now!!"

In the studio.

Yan Min shouted loudly.

That's right.

At this time, netizens also remembered.

Before Su Luo and his friends passed through the first gate of heaven, they saw many strange statues.

Among them, there was one that left a deep impression on everyone!

That was the monster with a pig's head but a lizard's lower body!

At that time, everyone was still thinking.

How could there be such an outrageous monster in the world?

Unexpectedly... there really is one!


In the live broadcast screen.

The atmosphere was extremely weird.

No one dared to breathe loudly, for fear of angering the pig-headed monster and causing Huang Bo's death.

But at this moment.

Su Luo suddenly said: "Hold on, I'm fast."

Huang Bo: "???"

Angie: "???"

Reba: "Ah? You're not fast either?"


Before anyone could react.

Su Luo pinched his fingers.

A tiny arc of electricity was generated.

In a thought, the arc turned into an arrow and shot towards the pig head behind Huang Bo.

It may sound slow.

But the reality is that 0.5 seconds!

Just when everyone thought that the pig-headed monster was going to be shot in the head by the lightning arrow.

Unexpectedly, the pig-headed monster just slightly tilted its head.


The lightning arrow flew past its ear and hit the beam behind it.


A very deep hole was punched in the beam.

But at the same time.

The pig-headed monster was also completely enraged.


A strange roar.

The pig-headed monster opened its bloody mouth.

The mouth was full of sharp white fangs.

Everyone had no doubt that if it took a bite, Huang Bo's head would definitely burst like a watermelon!

It was said in a split second.

It happened in a flash.

Su Luo pointed his left hand at Huang Bo.

"The technique is reversed, Cang."


A huge suction force was formed.

Huang Bo trembled and flew towards Su Luo's left hand.

At the same time.

Su Luo pointed his right hand at the pig-headed monster behind him.

"The technique is reversed, He."

A small red dot appeared out of thin air and hit the pig-headed monster like a meteor.

This time the pig-headed monster did not successfully dodge it.

The technique was reversed and He hit the pig's head directly.


A sharp and strange howl resounded in the gate hall.

Bang! !

With a loud bang.

The pig head suddenly exploded, and the body fell to the corner of the gate hall like a broken kite.

"Oh my god, I was scared to death!"

After escaping death, Huang Bo was soaked in cold sweat.

He looked at the corpse of the monster in the corner and trembled: "What is that?"

"I don't know."

Su Luo walked over and shone the flashlight.

It was indeed a monster with a pig head and a lizard body.

The pig head was twice as big as an ordinary pig.

And its lizard body was two times bigger than the Komodo dragon.

"If you say this thing is powerful, it was killed instantly. If you say it is not powerful, it can appear here quietly."

Looking at the corpse on the ground.

Huang Bo still felt a little scared.

If Su Luo hadn't acted decisively, his head would definitely be in danger.

"It can be killed instantly not because it is not powerful."

"It's because the opponent is too powerful."

Reba smiled and patted Huang Bo on the shoulder.

"Okay, let's keep going."

Su Luo came over, took Reba's hand, and continued walking forward.

"Hey, showing off your love in a place like this."

Angie pouted.

Just when she was about to complain about the twoSentence.


Suddenly, her shoulder hurt, and her legs left the ground instantly! !


She was startled and looked up.

She saw a pig-headed lizard monster biting her shoulder, and then carried her to the beam on the gate hall!

That's right.

It was flying!

An Qi saw that behind it, there was a pair of transparent wings like cicada wings! ! !


Pig head, lizard body, can fly? ?

Such a ghost thing can't be compiled in the Shanhaijing!

"An Qi!"

Huang Bo was shocked.

Reba next to him reacted faster.

Seeing An Qi being carried to the beam, she immediately pinched the magic formula.

"Golden Light Curse!"


An Qi's body immediately lit up a layer of defensive light shield.


The pig-headed lizard monster was furious, opened its mouth and bit towards An Qi's head.


The defensive light shield took the blow and became dim.

At the same time.

An Qi also took action.

"Feng Xing Lu!"


With a swish.

An Qi had a yellow card in her hand.

"Go to hell!"

An Qi didn't even look back, and threw her hand behind her.

Swish swish swish!

The yellow card spun around and hit the pig's head.


The pig's head roared, and as soon as its mouth loosened, An Qi fell off the beam.

Reba quickly caught it.

Due to the effect of the yellow card, the pig-headed lizard monster was fixed on the beam.

Seeing this.

Su Luo quickly attacked.

With a rub of two fingers, a small lightning sword appeared, and flew towards the pig-headed lizard monster with a swish.

The next second.


The lightning sword hits the target!

With a snap.

The pig-headed monster exploded on the spot.

This attack is so terrifying!!!

"There may be other pig-headed monsters in this gate hall."

Su Luo raised his hand high.

A brilliant lightning light burst out from his palm.

The light instantly illuminated the entire gate hall!



As the light covered every corner of the gate hall.

Everyone saw it clearly.

The beams of the gate hall were full of those pig-headed lizard monsters! !

They were like bats, hanging upside down, densely packed, estimated to be more than a hundred!

As the light from Su Luo's hand covered.

These monsters were also awakened.

They looked at the light source in Su Luo's hand, opened their bloody mouths, and revealed their long fangs.



Hundreds of pig-headed lizard monsters immediately flew and pounced on the crowd.


Su Luo sneered.

Raised his hand.

A dazzling electric knife appeared.

"Divine Thunder Art."

"Statik Electric Blade."

After saying that.

He flicked his fingers.

The tiny arc of electricity flew out quickly and hit the beam!

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