
Su Luo turned and ran.

So cool.

He could fly, and the pig-headed lizards behind him could fly too.

He ran and he chased.

He couldn't fly even if he had wings.


Su Luo caught up with An Qi and the others.

They were running desperately on the Shinto.

Su Luo flew over them and shouted, "Come on, run faster!"


The people who were running were speechless.

Don't they want to run faster?

But they can't run fast!

Not everyone can fly!!

"I forgot, my wife is still down there!"

Su Luo was stunned.

He immediately flew over at a low altitude and held Reba in his arms.

"I can't run anymore, take me with you!"

An Qi also rushed over coquettishly.

Su Luo had no choice but to pick her up.

Fortunately, An Qi was very light.

Su Luo held one in his left hand and one in his right hand, so flying was not particularly strenuous.

But this was embarrassing.

Only Huang Bo was left running desperately.

He looked so pitiful!

"He looks like a dog!"

"Are single dogs not worthy of love?"

"Poor Huang Bo, hahaha!"

"Huang Bo: I would have died with Feihong if I had known! (Dog head)"

"Looking at his back running at full speed, I feel so sad, but I want to laugh!"



"Is this what it feels like to fly?"

In the air.

An Qi sighed comfortably.

It turns out that flying is so wonderful!

When can she advance to the Heavenly Stage!

"Su Luo, where are you putting your hands?"

At this time, Reba muttered unsatisfiedly.

Su Luo: "......."

He explained: "How can I care so much when I'm flying with someone in my arms? If I don't hold her tight, she'll fall to death!"


Swish, swish, swish!

Reba wanted to say more.

But there were countless sounds of flying behind.

The three turned their heads and saw dozens of pig-headed lizards flying towards them.

The one in the front was less than 5 meters away from them!

"These dogs fly faster than me!"

Su Luo urged: "You guys think of a way quickly, I don't have much tomb power!"

"Leave it to us!"

An Qi smiled mischievously.

She pinched her fingers.

"Choice - Multifunctional Cards!!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Six cards suddenly appeared in her hand!

And the colors of the six cards were random.


The six cards became 2 yellow and 4 red.

"Deal the cards!"

Angel shouted, and threw all six cards in her hand.

Swish, swish, swish!

Six cards were thrown into the group of pig-headed lizards while spinning.

There were several consecutive sounds of "pu chi pu chi", and Su Luo saw five or six pig-headed lizards falling from the air.

But they were not seriously injured when they fell to the ground, but got up and chased Huang Bo on the ground.

Huang Bo: "????"

"Golden Light Mantra!"

"Attack Posture!"

On the right, Reba also shouted.

She pinched the magic formula in her hand.

A golden palm appeared out of thin air, and slapped the group of pig-headed lizards like slapping flies.


This palm slapped down.

Instantly, more than ten pig-headed lizards were slapped to the ground.

But they have thick skin and flesh.

This slap was not fatal.

But it hurt their wings, making them unable to continue flying and chasing!



Can't fly.

The pig-headed lizards were furious.

Since they can't fly, then!!

They all looked at Huang Bo who was running madly!!

Then, I'll chase you!

Dada dada!!

The pig-headed lizards flew all four limbs and rushed towards Huang Bo's back!!

Maybe they felt the murderous intent behind them.

Huang Bo was so sad that he wanted to cry!!

He looked up and shouted to Su Luo and the other two: "Thank you so much!"

"Does my living affect your output or what?"

"You just want to kill me?!"


Looking at Huang Bo who was about to despair.

Su Luo shouted from above: "Don't be afraid, I'll let them help you, just run."

"I'm like a plane now, carrying two missiles."

"We have absolute air superiority, I guarantee you'll be fine!"


As soon as he finished speaking.

A pig-headed lizard caught up with Huang Bo, bit his arm, and tore off a piece of meat.


Huang Bo screamed: "Light bulbs don't deserve to live!!"

Su Luo was stunned, and said to the two women in his arms: "Why are you standing there, do it!"

Angelica and Reba reactedCome over.

So they attacked the pig-headed lizards below!

"Golden Light Mantra, attack posture!"

"Choice, multi-function card!!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Various attacks were thrown down as if they were free.

Some of the cards almost flew over Huang Bo's scalp, frightening him to the point of fainting.

Bang, bang, bang!

A muffled sound.

7-8 pig-headed lizards fell.

Although they were not fatal, they also left Huang Bo with enough time to escape.


Huang Bo ran along the sacred road for nearly ten minutes.


A horizontal abyss suddenly appeared in front of him.

"This is..."

Huang Bo braked urgently and looked down.

It was dark under the abyss.

The abyss was very flat, as if it was artificially dug, and the width was about 4 meters.

"This is the moat!"

Su Luo's eyes lit up.

Because in his previous life, he had read "The Lost Tomb", in which the entrance to the underground palace of Yunding Palace seemed to be in the moat canal!

Isn't this a coincidence!

"I guess the entrance to the underground palace should be at the bottom of the moat canal."

"Huang Bo, find a way to get down."


After saying that.

Su Luo took the two women and flew into the canal.

Only Huang Bo was left there with a confused look on his face.


Su Luo and the two women fell rapidly.

It was pitch black below.

Fortunately, An Qi and Re Ba turned on the flashlights cleverly to illuminate Su Luo.



Su Luo came to the bottom.

Plop plop!

The three landed successfully.

Looking up, there was a slit in the sky.

There was also an ant-like thing flying down along a rope. Looking closely, it was Huang Bo.

"He should be fine. Let's find the entrance first."

Su Luo retracted his gaze, then squatted down and touched the soil.

"The left is downstream, let's go to the left."

After saying that.

He took the lead and walked to the left.

The bottom of the moat is densely packed with gravel, and there is silt in the cracks of the stones.

Several people stepped on the stones and walked slowly forward.

After walking for about 2 minutes, there was a panting sound from behind.

Looking back.

I saw Huang Bo running up breathlessly.

Su Luo raised his thumb: "Not bad, very fast!"

"I ran to death."

Huang Bo panted and said: "I don't know why, as soon as I came down, those pig-headed lizards stopped chasing me. They seem to be very afraid of this canal."

"No way?"

An Qi's face changed and said: "Is there something in this canal that they are afraid of?"


At this moment, Su Luo suddenly made a gesture to silence.

No one dared to speak.

Everyone followed Su Luo's gaze and looked forward.

They saw many figures appearing in the shadows ahead...

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