"Strong organic acid?"

"Alum acid?"

Brother Feihong and Wu Jing looked at Su Luo curiously.

Wu Jing said, "Is it something like sulfuric acid?"

"About the same."

Su Luo pointed to the pit and said, "Look at the pit wall."


Several people looked down immediately.

On the wall of the pit, there was a wall made of blue bricks.

A basketball-sized hole had been dug out in one corner of the wall, but the hole was full of a foul-smelling liquid that was very pungent.

"What's wrong with this wall?"

"Is there an ancient tomb underneath?"

Brother Feihong was surprised.

He has been filming for so many years, traveling all over the country, and has a wide range of knowledge.

This thing is obviously a tomb wall!

"Are these people here to rob tombs?"

"But how do they know there is an ancient tomb in the forbidden land of Lunan?"

Brother Feihong glanced around.

Looking at the three tents, and then at the deep pit and corpses on the ground, he was more convinced!

These people came to the ‘Lunan Forbidden Land’ in an organized and premeditated manner!

“Things are beyond expectations…”

Brother Feihong had a bad feeling in his heart.

While they were observing the corpses, the careful Da Mi Mi and Reba had already searched the tent.

“Brother Feihong, all the equipment here is in English!”

Reba ran out of the tent with a bag of tools.

Everyone came over to take a look.

Sure enough.

From flashlights to sleeping bags, all the equipment labels are in English, without a single Chinese character!

“Are these people foreigners?”


Brother Feihong and Wu Jing came to the pit again and looked at the corpses carefully.

Although each corpse was unrecognizable and it was impossible to tell whether it was a foreigner, it was still very likely based on the size of these people.

None of them spoke.

They could vaguely sense why the authorities wanted them to continue!

Because foreign forces had infiltrated the Lunan Forbidden Land, it meant that there must be something extraordinary in the ‘Lunan Forbidden Land’ that attracted the attention of other countries!

Originally a good adventure program, it directly escalated to a struggle between countries? ?

The psychological pressure on the stars increased dramatically!


Outside the forbidden land.

The program group camp.

"What? Four-headed snake?"

Yan Min was a little surprised when she heard the voice coming from the phone.

"Okay! Okay, I know, leader, I'll tell them right away!"

After that.

Yan Min hung up the phone and activated the 'emergency contact machine' again.


The other side quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello? Director? What's the matter? You're calling again?" Brother Feihong's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Feihong, it's like this."

Yan Min seemed a little anxious, and said: "Just now the official leader called me and said that they had just intercepted some secret information from the United States!"

"There is an organization called 'Quadruple Snake' abroad. This time they sent people to successfully enter the Lunan Forbidden Land!"


"Quadruple Snake?"

Brother Feihong's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, the people in their organization have successfully sneaked into the Lunan Forbidden Land. The purpose of contacting you now is to remind you that if you meet them, you must be careful!"

"Although they cannot be 100% confirmed to be enemies, they are definitely not good people!"

"Also, after all, 'Quadruple Snake' is a foreign organization. They must have some ideas when they come to the Lunan Forbidden Land. If possible, please try your best to protect our Chinese things and don't let these foreigners take them away!"

"Okay, there is only one minute left for the call. I have to save some time. Just successfully convey the information to you. Remember what I said, and hang up!"



Hang up the phone.

Yan Min looked at the remaining time of the call on the 'emergency contact device', which was only 1 minute and 2 seconds, and he felt painful.

He had just entered, and he had already spent more than half of the three minutes!

But he did his best.

I hope these stars can return safely...

But listening to what Yan Min just said.

Netizens began to get uneasy!

Foreign organizations?

Sneaking into the forbidden land of Lunan?

Each of these words is explosive!

Anyone can't help but imagine a spy war blockbuster!

"Fuck, there really are foreign organizations that dare to come into the forbidden land of Lunan?"

"No, I'm curious, where did those foreigners come from? Also from the water cave? I don't believe they can pass through the water cave that Brother Feihong and the others took!"

"It's ridiculous! These foreigners justThey openly came to our Chinese region to rob tombs! How can this be tolerated!"

"It's wonderful. Has the adventure program become a competition between countries?"

"I finally understand why the government treats these stars so well..."


The popularity of the program has attracted many foreign netizens to the live broadcast room.

I just don't know if there are any members of the "Quadruple Snake" in it...


In the forbidden area of ​​​​Lunan.

"Did you all hear what the director said just now?"

Brother Feihong put away the phone and looked at everyone.

Wu Jing nodded and said, "Well, things are a bit complicated now..."

"Not complicated at all."

Unexpectedly, at this time, Da Mi Mi stood up and said, "I really don't understand what you are worried about. Aren't all these foreigners dead?"


The air was quiet for a while.

Then Brother Feihong patted his thigh.

"That's right! "

Looking down at the bodies in the pit, they were all dead!

That means the members sent by the four-headed snake were wiped out?

"We were also scared by the director and forgot the situation in front of us. These people are indeed dead." Wu Jing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I guess they came for this ancient tomb, but unfortunately they encountered an anti-theft interlayer and were all sprayed to death by tin acid."

"What should we do? Should we enter this ancient tomb as well?"

Brother Feihong glanced at Wu Jing, and Wu Jing nodded helplessly.

What else can we do?

This ancient tomb is obviously inextricably linked to the Lunan Forbidden Land!

If you want to find out the secrets of the Lunan Forbidden Land, this ancient tomb... must be entered!

"It's not that you're afraid of thieves stealing, but that you're afraid of thieves thinking about it. Now foreign organizations have set their sights on this place. No matter what, we must strike first! "

Brother Feihong spat, then jumped into the pit.

The pit was nearly three meters high.

Brother Feihong covered his nose and stood cautiously by the side.

After all, the corpse was covered with strong alkaline acid, which would be terrible if touched.

"Brother Feihong, look at the tomb wall, can we go in?"

Wu Jing shouted from above.

Brother Feihong made an 'ok' gesture, then moved closer to look at the tomb wall.

The tomb wall was smashed by these foreigners with a fist-sized hole. After a closer look, it was discovered that the tomb wall actually had two layers.

The first layer was the blue bricks on the outside, and the second layer was hidden behind the blue bricks, a layer of light red bricks.

"Is this the interlayer for anti-theft? "

Brother Feihong imagined it.

These tomb robbers should have smashed the interlayer containing strong acid with a pickaxe when demolishing the wall, so the strong acid sprayed out and burned them all to death.

"This place is not easy to deal with. There are corpses and strong acid everywhere. We can't step in. If we want to go in, we have to dig another hole next to it."


Brother Feihong climbed up again.

"Next, we have to work together."

He directed everyone: "We need to dig a pit with an area of ​​two square meters and a depth of about two and a half meters."


Da Mi Mi and Reba took out folding shovels from their backpacks and started digging according to the position Brother Feihong said.

Wu Jing was also very conscious. Before Brother Feihong made any arrangements, he had already started digging.

As for Huahua and Kunkun...

The two of them stood there, motionless.

"What are you two doing? "

Brother Feihong got angry when he saw the two of them, and couldn't help shouting: "Come and help!"


Huahua and Kunkun looked dissatisfied, pointing at Su Luo who was lying on the ground and taking a nap, and said: "Why don't you ask him to join us?"

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