"Damn it!!"

"They also got skills!!"

Pacific Ocean.

In the Four-Headed Snake Base, Hans roared angrily.

"Boss, don't be angry." Secretary Kelly patted him.

"How can I not be angry!"

Hans patted the table and said angrily: "If they continue to explore like this, then some of the secrets of the four forbidden areas will be known to the Chinese top leaders!"

"If that's the case, our exploration in the future will not be as easy as it is now!"


Hans is right.

His grandfather was the first to know the secrets of the four forbidden areas.

Before this, people in China almost didn't know what was in the forbidden areas, but with the broadcast of "Secrets of China", things began to change!

"They also got two skills at once!"

"Among our Delis and Zeus, only Delis got a 'Silver Dragon Wind Kick'!"

Hans was a little unhappy.

After all, Delis and Zeus worked so hard to reach the inner area of ​​the 'Nine Dragon Wall', and barely got one skill.

But the guests of "China Secret Realm" have not even reached the Nine Dragon Wall, but they have already got two skills!

It's so unfair!

Do Chinese people have special bonuses in the four forbidden areas?

"The reason why I'm angry is not just that they know some secrets in the Lunan Forbidden Land, but..."

"The more skills they get, the more likely they are to pose a threat to our Delis."

Hans sighed, seeming very disappointed.

Secretary Kelly next to him comforted him: "Don't be angry, boss. Even if they have acquired skills, they can't use them without tomb power."

"But Delis is different. Her tomb power has reached the first level..."


"That's right."

Hans lit a thick cigar and blew a smoke ring before saying: "This is the only consolation. No matter how many skills you have, it's useless without tomb power."

"If Delis is smart enough, she will definitely design some obstacles on the road before the Nine Dragon Wall to prevent these Dragon people from obtaining tomb power."



Lunan Forbidden Land.

In the dim tomb.

"Let's keep going."

The stars were bandaging and resting.

Finally, half an hour after killing the ancient corpse, everyone decided to explore the ancient tomb again.

But what was different from just now was.

This time, Feihong and Reba in the crowd were obviously a little excited!

Because they knew very well the benefits of this tomb!

Although they just told everyone about the skills, and everyone didn't believe it, they could clearly feel it themselves!

The use of skills and their effects are deeply engraved in their minds!


The two of them are very much looking forward to the next adventure! !


The stars continued to move forward along the tomb passage.

This time, they had a clear division of labor.

Brother Feihong and Wu Jing were responsible for the front, while Reba and Da Mi Mi had to observe the top of the tomb passage from time to time to prevent what just happened from happening again.

And Huahua and Kunkun were responsible for the back of everyone to prevent them from being attacked by something.

The group was cautious and treading on thin ice.

Finally, after walking in the tomb passage for about ten minutes, there was finally a change in the front.

The tomb passage seemed to have reached the end.

"There is no way, there seems to be a large space in front..."

Brother Feihong in front stopped.

Because there was a wide dark area in front of the tomb passage, it seemed to be a huge cave or something like that.

"Go carefully and see if the height is okay. If it is okay, we can fire a flare." Wu Jing patted Brother Feihong on the shoulder and walked forward carefully.

Everyone walked out of the tomb passage slowly.

As expected.

After walking in, it really felt that the surroundings were very empty, and some subtle friction between stones could be heard.

"What sound?"

Kun Kun was a little scared.

He turned his head and looked around. It was pitch black all around. The light from the mining lamp was a beam of light, and nothing could be seen.


Reba took the flashlight and shone it upwards.

Same, the beam of light could not reach the end. This place is really big.

Reba put away the flashlight and said to Brother Feihong: "Brother Feihong, the height is okay, let's fire a flare."


Brother Feihong also thought it was okay.

So he took out the flare from his backpack and put it in the percussion gun.


A gunshot.

The flare went straight up into the sky!


A bright and soft light suddenly exploded, covering the entire area.The space was as bright as day!

With the strong light.

All the stars quickly took the opportunity to look around.

But when they saw the environment here clearly, everyone was shocked and speechless! !

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned!

This is actually a huge natural cave!

The floor of the cave is made of large pieces of granite paved by humans. The area is huge, about the same as a proper football field!

The most shocking thing is.

There are a total of eight giant doors standing in front, behind, left and right of the cave! !

The giant door is simple and unpretentious, straight up and down, and it is natural. Humans standing in front of the door are like an ant!

And there are eight such giant doors in total!

It's like eight gods, looking down at everyone, full of oppression!


Everyone was shocked by this scene and couldn't speak.

"This door is too big. Who in ancient times could have such a design? Qin Shihuang?"

Brother Feihong was stunned.

The magnificence of these eight doors was even more shocking than the first time I saw the Forbidden City!

"Where do these doors lead to?"

Wu Jing took out a telescope and checked each door one by one, but found that each door was pitch black, and no light could get in, so it was impossible to see where it led.

"What's going on?"

"Which door should we enter?"

Da Mi Mi and Reba were also stunned.


Su Luo's expression was also a little serious.

If he guessed correctly.

These eight doors should be closely related to the directions of the eight trigrams.

"Look, there are words on the ground!"

At this moment, someone shouted.

Everyone looked at the ground.

Sure enough.

There were really a few lines of big words engraved on the floor.

Everyone arranged the order and recited it:

[The Book of Changes has Taiji, which is the two yin and yang. ]

[The two yin and yang give birth to the four images, and the four images give birth to the eight trigrams. ]

[Only one person can enter each gate of the eight trigrams, and the gate of life gives birth, and the gate of death gives death. ]

[Enter other gates, and repeat the cycle. ]


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