"It's here."

Su Luo looked at the dark dark passage and said calmly.


The stars were all confused.

"Where does this dark passage lead to?" Brother Feihong looked at Su Luo: "We have passed the test of Bagua Gate? But didn't you just enter the Death Gate?"


"Break and stand, die and resurrect."

Su Luo looked at him and said: "The Death Gate is the Life Gate."


Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and didn't know what to say.

But I don't know why.

They all thought that Su Luo... was so damn cool!

And since Su Luo came out, they always felt that Su Luo had changed a little, but they couldn't tell what the change was.

"This kid is so cool!"

"It's over. I've changed from laughing at him to worshipping him!"

"Stupid director, why didn't you let the photography elf follow Su Luo in? That way we could see what happened in the dead door!"

"That's right. Looking at the blood on Su Luo's body, there must have been a fierce battle inside. It's a pity that we didn't see it!"

"What kind of battle can happen to an eight-year-old child?"

"No way, no way, until now, some people still think Su Luo is an ordinary child?"

"Why is there a knife behind him?"


As Su Luo walked out of the dead door, the discussion about the program reached a new level again!

The ratings also reached a terrifying value of 600 million!

The influence and popularity of "Secrets of China" are still expanding!


"Huh? Where did you get this knife?"

At this moment, Reba noticed the black gold ancient knife behind Su Luo.

"Oh my god, this knife is so cool, can you lend it to me to play with?"

Kun Kun also came over.

Su Luo ignored him and walked into the secret passage.

"Stop fooling around, hurry up and catch up!"

Brother Feihong glared at Kunkun.

He looked at Wu Jing again: "Brother, pick up your weapons. If you meet the people from the Four-Headed Snake later, you must not take it lightly!"


Wu Jing took out a gun and held it in his hand.

Having filmed so many "War Dragons", he naturally knew how troublesome it would be if there was an enemy force in a closed place!

It is no exaggeration to say that on the way down, the two sides may encounter a battle at any time!

Brother Feihong also took out his gun and walked into the secret passage.


This secret passage is very spacious.

The steps are also built of whole pieces of granite, which is very grand.

Rather than a secret passage, it is better to say that it is a large road hidden underground.

After walking down the stone steps for about five minutes, the stone steps came to the end, and at the end was a road leading to the front.

The road was also paved with large blocks of granite. There were neatly arranged stone pillars on both sides of the road, and eternal lamps were burning on the stone pillars.

"Awesome, this lamp is still burning..."

Wu Jing came to one of the eternal lamps and looked at it carefully, and was amazed.

The flames flickered.

The stars moved forward cautiously.

No one knew where the front led to, but they knew in their hearts that they were getting closer and closer to the core secret of the forbidden land...


No words along the way.

The crowd walked along the wide passage for about ten minutes.

At the end of the road, a towering giant door appeared, and the giant door was open.

From here, you can see that the inside of the door is not pitch black, and there is obviously some vague light wandering in it.

"We're here."

Brother Feihong, who was walking in front, swallowed his saliva.

"Let's slow down and walk over gently."

"To prevent the people from the 'Quadruple Snake' from attacking us."

Brother Feihong made a gesture and said cautiously: "Our team will be divided into left and right, and everyone will take out their own weapons. Listen to my command later, and we will rush in together."


Everyone agreed.

Su Luo didn't care, he chose to stand behind everyone.

Soon, the Star Gate came to the bottom of the Giant Gate.

From here, the Giant Gate looks extremely magnificent. The overall material of the door seems to be made of bronze, with a thickness of half a meter.

I really don't know how such a heavy giant door can be opened.

Or was it cast in an open state when it was built?

Brother Feihong, Reba, Da Mi Mi and Su Luo stood on the right side of the door, and Wu Jing, Hua Hua and Kun Kun stood on the left side of the door.

After confirming that everyone had taken their weapons.

Brother Feihong waved his hand: "Go in!"

Everyone rushed in immediately after hearing this.

The first time they enteredJust quickly observe the surrounding environment.

But as soon as we came in, we were shocked by the scene in front of us.

Behind the door is a huge cave, which is really huge, and on the rock wall in front, there is a magnificent relief of nine dragons! !

This relief of nine dragons is about 39 meters long and 12 meters high.

The upper part of the stone wall is a yellow glazed tile hip roof, and under the eaves are rafters, purlins, and brackets with imitation wood structures. The wall is decorated with clouds and water as the background, and is decorated with blue and green colors, which sets off the momentum of the connection between water and sky.

The nine dragons have different shapes. The yellow dragon is in the middle, with its front paws in an embrace, and its hind paws digging up the sea water, holding the flame orb under its head, staring and chinning, majestic and awe-inspiring.

There are two blue and white dragons on each side. The two dragons on the left are facing each other, and the two dragons on the right are facing each other. The four dragons are chasing the flame orb, moving their spirits and bodies, as if they are about to break through the wall.

There are two dragons on the outside, one yellow and one purple. The yellow dragon on the left side is holding its chest and shrinking its neck. The purple dragon is pressing down with its left claw and raising its right claw, and its tail is swinging forward...

It is so spectacular and lifelike!

A group of stars stood in front of the Nine Dragon Wall and were stunned.

"If this thing can be placed outside the forbidden area for the world to see, it will definitely be selected as the eighth wonder of the world..."

"I think it is more shocking than the Terracotta Warriors..."

Yang Mi and Reba were stunned.

Su Luo's expression was also a bit complicated.

What does the appearance of this Nine Dragon Wall here represent?

Where is the owner of the tomb?

Su Luo stared at the Nine Dragon Wall with flowing light for a while, but he really couldn't see anything.

"Sure enough, this Lunan forbidden land is related to the ancients!"

Brother Feihong sighed as he looked at the Nine Dragon Wall.

This discovery is really a milestone!

For example, what was the purpose of the ancients building such a large-scale building in the Lunan forbidden land?

And who is the owner of this ancient tomb? ?

The Bagua Gate and the scale of the Nine Dragon Wall are really not inferior to the Terracotta Warriors!

Could it be that he is also a powerful emperor?

"Nine Dragons?"

Reba frowned, and said to everyone: "I have filmed many costume dramas. The emperors in ancient times were all called 'Nine Five Supremes', so... does this Nine Dragon Wall mean that the person buried here is also an emperor?"

"Very likely."

Wu Jing nodded: "After all, in ancient times, except for the emperor, no one dared to use the element of 'dragon'. After all, 'dragon' is the symbol of the emperor."

"That means, the ancient tomb we are in is an imperial mausoleum?"


There were some indescribable expressions on the faces of several people.

Both scared and excited!

A place like the imperial mausoleum is not something that ordinary people can go to!

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