
"It's the tomb owner!"

"Finally found it!"

"Everyone be careful, after so many years, if it is the tomb owner, it must have rotted away, how could it still be sitting here?" Brother Feihong stopped everyone and said carefully.

Look carefully at the jade bed.

The thing sitting on the jade bed is indeed a person.

It is a man wearing purple and black tight armor. His whole body is wrapped in armor and his skin cannot be seen.

Even his face is wearing a mask similar to that of an evil ghost.

In addition, his sitting posture is also standard, so everyone can't tell whether this thing is alive or dead.

"The chest is not moving, it is dead."

Just when everyone was panicking, Su Luo suddenly said something.


Su Luo's words are still very important.

Seeing him say this, everyone felt relieved.

"Let's go, let's go over and take a look. Be careful of your feet."

Brother Feihong exhaled, and then walked carefully towards the altar.

The altar looked very ordinary, not like there were any mechanisms installed.

The group arrived at the altar smoothly.


Observing the armored corpse from a close distance, everyone felt scared.

Usually they were pampered princesses, how could they have seen a corpse!

Not to mention an ancient corpse!

Reba held Su Luo's hand tightly, not daring to breathe.

Big Mi Mi next to her was about to cry.

"Look, there seem to be many words engraved on this jade bed!"

At this time, Wu Jing made a discovery.

Everyone looked at the place he pointed.

Sure enough, in the lower right corner of the jade bed, there were many small words engraved, but unfortunately, these words were neither official script nor regular script, and the stars didn't understand what was written on them at all.

But this discovery is undoubtedly very exciting!

As long as the content of the words can be interpreted, not only can we know the life of the tomb owner, but also the origin of the Lunan Forbidden Land! !

This is definitely a key to unlock the secrets of the Lunan Forbidden Land! !

Hundreds of millions of netizens also got excited.

The ratings soared from 600 million to 800 million! !

Unprecedented, unheard of! !

The live broadcast room was already full of comments:

"What kind of text is this, is it the small seal script of the Warring States Period?"

"I can't understand it, I can't understand it at all!"

"So the Lunan Forbidden Land is a large ancient tomb?"

"Hey, hey, hey, this guy sitting cross-legged can't be Ying Zheng? I remember that the color used exclusively by the Qin State was black, and the color of the armor of this corpse is black!"

"So excited!! I'm looking forward to the identity of this corpse!"

"Welcome Zulong!"

"I'm so anxious watching this, is there anyone, please translate this text quickly!!"




"Epitaph, this is definitely an epitaph!!"

Outside the Lunan Forbidden Land.

In the program group camp, Yan Min's excited roar was heard.

Staring at the live broadcast on the monitor, Yan Min was so excited that he trembled! !

The secret of the forbidden land that has not been known for thousands of years is now in front of us!

"Old Zhao! Old Wang!!"

Yan Min grabbed two history professors and pressed them in front of the monitor.

"Quick, explain the content of these words!"

"This is a big secret for thousands of years! The impact is huge!!!"

Yan Min was a little out of control at this moment.

It's not his fault.

After all, the program ratings have exceeded 800 million, and the top management has been calling and asking to decipher the text on the jade bed immediately!

So Yan Min was so anxious! !

"I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious yet!"

Zhao Xianzhi was old, and he was pushed and pulled by Yan Min twice, which made him a little overwhelmed.

But he also wanted to decipher the content of the text very much, so he didn't care.

He and Wang Gang took out paper and pen and began to decipher the text on the live broadcast screen.

Yan Min was watching from the side and couldn't help asking: "Which period is this kind of writing from? Do you know?"

Zhao Xianzhi pushed his reading glasses and said: "If I'm not mistaken, this writing is from the Warring States Period, a kind of writing from the State of Lu."

"State of Lu?"

Yan Min was stunned.

The forbidden land in southern Shandong is related to the State of Lu during the Warring States Period?

No wonder there is a word 'Lu'!

The speed of the Internet is terrible. After this epitaph was circulated on the Internet, netizens all over the world began to decipher it! !

This includes many well-known philologists and Longguo historians!

The power of the masses is indeed great.

After a while, the hotline of the program group kept ringing, and almost all the calls were about the deciphering clues of the text.

These linesThe search played a crucial role in the deciphering work of Zhao Xianzhi and Wang Gang!

It greatly accelerated their deciphering speed!

That's it.

Piecing together, Wang Gang wrote a paragraph of text, which is the approximate content of the deciphering.

In front of hundreds of millions of netizens.

Wang Gang cleared his throat and began to read: "Due to the urgency of time, this translation was deciphered by me according to the deciphering clues of netizens."

"There may be some errors in the content, but the core content is still correct."

"I will read it to you now."

He cleared his throat again and said: "I was born in the common people, suffered all the sufferings of the world, and knew the warmth and coldness of human feelings. In the cold winter when I was fifteen years old, I met Zhou Gong and was given a seal."

"This seal has great magical powers, and it can even borrow the underworld soldiers to cooperate with itself. Fight by myself."

"When I was 18, I joined the army. With the Ghost Seal, I summoned the ghost soldiers from the underworld to participate in the war. I was invincible."

"At the age of 19, I was named King Lu Shang by the Duke of Lu."

"After that, I participated in wars big and small, and won all the battles. The name of King Lu Shang resounded throughout China!"

"When I was 30, I met Zhou Gong again. Zhou Gong still looked the same, as if he had never aged. He called me to help him go to an island in the East China Sea to seize some things he needed."

"But that trip The journey was very difficult, and many of us died. Although Zhou Gong successfully landed on the island, I fell into the sea in the chaos and was found by fishermen on the beach two days later. "

"I survived the disaster, and the Duke of Lu sent someone to pick me up. The war on the eastern front was tense, and I still had to go to the battlefield."

"I don't know how many people I killed and how many lives I slaughtered in my life. Maybe it was because I used the Ghost Seal too frequently. My health was getting worse day by day. When I was forty years old, I vomited blood and was unconscious."

"The next day, I asked to see the Duke of Lu and asked to resign and return home. The Duke of Lu approved it, but asked I hand over the Ghost Seal. "

"I made up a lie, saying that I had borrowed too many soldiers from the underworld in this life, and now I must take the Ghost Seal to the underworld to repay my debts. The Duke of Lu gave up after hearing this."

"After returning home, I knew that I would not live long, so I ordered my men to build this tomb, just to wait for the day when Duke Zhou came and took back the Ghost Seal, which would be considered returning it to its original owner."

"If other people with a predestined relationship can come here, it means that you have a predestined relationship with the Ghost Seal, so you can take it away."



After Wang Gang finished reading.

The live broadcast room fell into absolute silence.

The barrage also broke down.


The content of this text is an explosion of information!!

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