On the jade bed on the altar.

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Brother Feihong's forehead.

To be honest.

Although he had experienced many ups and downs in his life, he still felt a lot of psychological pressure to touch a thousand-year-old corpse with his own hands.

"Be careful around you, I'm going to search him..."

He let out a long breath again.

Brother Feihong stretched out his hand and reached for the waist of the ancient corpse.

He first touched the armor on the corpse. He didn't know what material it was made of. It was very cold, like a piece of ice.

"Generally, the ancients would either put seals in their arms or on their waists, right?"

Brother Feihong said, reaching out and groping around the waist of the ancient corpse.

The armor was tight, and Brother Feihong's hand couldn't get in, so he could only touch around the outside.

"There is nothing protruding..."


Wu Jing, who was under the jade bed, couldn't bear to watch it anymore and said, "Brother Feihong, you can't touch him like this. You have to find a way to take off his armor."


Brother Feihong scratched his head.

How to take off armor?

He looked at Wu Jing and asked, "Can you take it off?"

Wu Jing shook his head decisively, "No."


Brother Feihong rolled his eyes and continued to look at the ancient corpse.

He found that the armor on the ancient corpse seemed to be one piece, as if it was put on directly, without any unfastening at all.


At this time, Su Luo reminded him.


Brother Feihong was stunned, and then he boldly lifted the arm of the ancient corpse.

Sure enough.

There was a protruding gold thread in the armpit part of the armor.

Brother Feihong asked Su Luo: "Is it OK to pull this line?"


Su Luo nodded.

He could see that this armor was not a 'jade figurine', so there was no need to worry about bloody corpses inside.


As Brother Feihong pulled, there was a sudden 'crash' sound, and the armor collapsed.

The armor fell off, revealing a white skeleton.

The skeleton was sitting cross-legged, and there seemed to be a wooden frame fixed on the spine, so it sat very straight.


It was the first time to see a corpse up close.

Kun Kun, Da Mi Mi and others couldn't help but scream.

"What's there to be afraid of a skeleton."

Brother Feihong signaled everyone to be quiet.

Then, he carefully examined the corpse.

The skeleton had turned slightly yellow, and it was obvious that it had been dead for a long time.

"Is this King Lu Shang?"

"It looks no different from an ordinary skeleton."

Brother Feihong muttered, then reached out and turned over the armor on the jade bed, trying to find the 'ghost seal'.

But the inside of the armor was still the same, empty, and there was nothing hidden inside.

"Huh? Why is there nothing?"

Brother Feihong was a little puzzled.

The other stars also looked around the jade bed, but found nothing.

"Hey, is what you just said a fabrication?" Kunkun looked at Su Luo unhappily and said, "Where is the ghost seal here?"


Su Luo ignored him, but stared at the trunk of the tree.

According to the plot of "The Pen Stealer" in the previous life, he knew that the real coffin of King Lu Shang was hidden in the trunk of this Hydra cypress.

So would the same be true for the current Lunan Forbidden Land?

"Hey, I have a way!"

Just then, Big Mi Mi shouted.

Seeing everyone looking over, she pointed to a round jade cushion under the jade bed.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with this cushion?" Brother Feihong asked.

Wu Jing next to him waved his hand: "I just checked this cushion, there's nothing wrong with it!"

"No, no!"

Da Mi Mi shook her head and said: "I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this cushion. Think about it, there must be a reason for putting a cushion here for no reason!"


Brother Feihong frowned and said: "What do you mean?"

"Have you never watched TV dramas? Especially martial arts dramas."

Da Mi Mi said excitedly: "Generally, if you encounter the corpse of a peerless master, as long as you kneel down to it, you will get the skills or treasures passed down by the predecessors!"


Listening to Da Mi Mi's words, everyone's expressions were a little strange.

Wu Jing sighed and advised: "Da Mi Mi, TV dramas are just TV dramas after all, everything in them is fake, don't confuse them with reality."

"If you don't believe me, forget it, I'll try it myself."

Da Mi Mi snorted, then "plop" and knelt on the mat with both knees.

"Senior from Lu, sorry to bother you. We have no ill intentions."

Da Mi Mi clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and prayed quietly:

"Can you give us your Ghost Seal?"

"You are now asleep, so it is useless to take it."

"Thank you here first."


Da Mi Mi looked pious and kowtowed three times respectfully to the corpse.





Just when Kun Kun was about to laugh at Da Mi Mi's behavior, a faint light suddenly flowed on the surface of the jade bed in front of her for a moment.

Then, Da Mi Mi suddenly opened her eyes.

"It's true!"

"I got a little bit of tomb power!!"

She was full of surprise, because after kowtowing, her body gained a little tomb power. Although it was not much, it could at least extend her life by 2 years!

That feeling is absolutely real!


"Can you really get a reward by kowtow?"

Brother Feihong and the others were dumbfounded.

Even Su Luo showed a slightly surprised expression on his face.


Da Mi Mi continued to kowtow.

But after several consecutive kowtows, the jade bed no longer responded.

"It seems that one person can only get it once."

Da Mi Mi stood up with some disappointment.

"I'll do it too!"

Kun Kun couldn't wait to kneel down and kowtowed to the corpse several times.


The jade bed responded again.

"It really works! Although it's rare, it can extend your life by 1-2 years!"

Kun Kun was full of joy.

Needless to say, the stars rushed to kowtow.

Only Su Luo watched quietly from the side.

This scene was too weird---stripping someone's clothes and then kowtow to him?

Will the tomb owner really forgive you?


At this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

Brother Feihong, who had just finished bowing, stood up and looked around curiously: "What's going on?"


It happened in a split second.

With a 'whoosh' sound, something like a whip hit Brother Feihong directly.



With a scream, Brother Feihong flew out of the altar and rolled several times on the ground.

This situation was too sudden, and everyone was caught off guard.

Su Luo looked up and looked in the direction where the shadow had just attacked, and his expression changed immediately.

The Hydra cypress in front of the altar seemed to have life, its branches and vines dancing in the air, baring its teeth and claws, like countless octopus tentacles!

"The Hydra cypress has been activated..."

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