The people of the Four-Headed Snake finally appeared.

This was the first time that the guests of "Secret Land of China" saw the people of the Four-Headed Snake, and it was also the first time that China saw the true face of the members of the Four-Headed Snake.

They were a man and a woman.

The woman had blonde hair, a well-proportioned figure, and wore a tight black overalls.

The man had a buzz cut, also in overalls, with bulging muscles all over his body, and he looked like a guy who often did physical training.

The two of them ran towards the altar, one in front and one behind.

On the way, although there were vines attacking the two of them, they were all resolved one by one with sabers, and their movements were also very clean and neat.

"Oh my god, these guys look like professionals!"

"Where did these two guys hide just now? Why didn't I see them?"

"I thought, why didn't they show up? It turns out they were waiting for this ghost seal!"

"Maybe they have read the Art of War?"

"They are quite skilled. I wonder who is stronger between them and Wu Jing and Brother Feihong?"



Program group camp.

The staff of "China Secret Realm" watched the live broadcast on the monitor and didn't dare to breathe.

"This ghost seal must be a very incredible treasure, otherwise it wouldn't make the people of the four-headed snake so crazy..."

Yan Min looked nervous.

Although he didn't know what the consequences would be if the ghost seal was taken away by these two foreigners.

But no Chinese people want to see such a situation!

This is equivalent to foreigners forcibly robbing the ancestors of the Chinese people in front of you!

As long as you are a Chinese, you can't stand it!

Buzz buzz buzz——

Mobile phone vibrates.

Yan Min took out his cell phone from his pocket and opened it.

The content was a file, and the sender was the Intelligence Bureau of Huaxia.

"Is it important intelligence?"

Yan Min opened the file and saw that it actually contained detailed information about the 'Quadruple Snake' organization!

"Fuck, our Dragon Country is really awesome. We can get this first-hand information in such a short time!"

Yan Min silently gave a thumbs up to the Intelligence Bureau.

Then, he took the material and spoke to the microphone:

"Dear audience, I received a document from the Huaxia Intelligence Bureau."

"This Four-Headed Snake is really not simple. Let me tell you about it."

"This organization was founded 120 years ago. Their goal is to explore the unknown four forbidden areas!"

"At the beginning of its establishment, the Four-Headed Snake organization selected talented orphans from all over the world, and then carried out military training and various devil training to train them into high-powered dead soldiers..."


Listening to Yan Min's words.

Netizens were shocked:

"All dead soldiers?"

"Oh my god, they have been training since childhood? Then their fighting power must be very high. I am really worried about my brother!"

"If I remember correctly, Feihong brother also practiced martial arts since childhood, but he is definitely not as strong as these dead soldiers. After all, they have been under military management since childhood and have been brainwashed..."

"No wonder they are so agile, it turns out that they are all warriors picked from a hundred!"

"What if they kill our show guests? Will these dead soldiers be sued?"


"I don't know whether they will be sued or not, anyway, the Ghost Seal cannot fall into their hands."

Yan Min stared at the monitor screen with a gloomy face: "If such an important ancient artifact of our country is snatched away by foreigners in front of nearly 1 billion people, this face will be lost to the whole world!"


Under the Hydra cypress.

Delis and Zeus took advantage of the chaos to rush to the front.

Feihong brother in the back led Wu Jing and others to chase closely behind!

And Su Luo...

He had already run over when Delis appeared.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

On the way, several more vines attacked.


Su Luo pulled out the black gold ancient knife and waved his right hand sharply in the air.

"Swish whoosh whoosh!"

All the attacking vines were cut off.

He rushed forward with a crouched waist, and rushed to the altar in two steps at a very fast speed.

At this time, Delis happened to bring Zeus up the stone steps on the other side of the altar and met Su Luo.


Seeing the eight-year-old Su Luo.

Delis and Zeus were obviously stunned.

Six eyes met.

Soon, Delis held the saber in her hand in reverse and rushed towards Su Luo!


Su Luo sneered.

One is the first level of tomb power, and the other is the half level of tomb power.

In front of his Grave Power Level 3 peak, he is just like an ant!

Su Luo will blackThe Golden Ancient Sword was sheathed, and he rushed towards Delis without retreating or fear!

If you want to fight, then fight to your heart's content!


But just when the two sides were about to make contact, Delis and Zeus turned around and rushed to Su Luo's left.


Su Luo was slightly stunned, then turned his head to look.

He saw Delis and Zeus rushing towards Wu Jing who had just run up to the altar.

"Good guy, ignoring me?"

Su Luo was speechless.

It turned out that Delis and Zeus had never taken this kid seriously from the beginning!

The target of their battle was Wu Jing behind them!


Su Luo smiled bitterly and walked towards the Hydra Cypress alone.


He came close to the tree.

In this area, no vines would attack.

Looking at the wet corpse from a close distance, he found that the situation was very strange.

This wet corpse was very well preserved, without a trace of decay, and the skin seemed to be still elastic!

His hair was tied into a bun, his face was square, his eyebrows were thick, he held the ghost seal in his hand, and his eyes were closed.

He was wearing a purple-black robe, which was decorated with many gold edges, making him look very luxurious and elegant.

There were at least dozens of bronze chains as thick as thumbs inside the tree, which were wrapped around his body and hung him in the air. His posture looked a bit like he was about to ascend.

It is worth mentioning that.

In his lower body area, there were four centipede-like ornaments tightly wrapped around it.

This ornament looked like a lime-like color, but it was carved very beautifully and lifelike. Su Luo could even see the centipede's mouth, tentacles, and the pieces of shell on its body.

Each centipede was as thick as an adult's thigh, and the shape was very realistic.

"Centipede entangled..."

"And it's shaped like it's ascending to heaven."

"What does this mean?"

Su Luo felt a little strange, and at the same time he doubted King Lu Shang's aesthetics.

Because there seems to be no such precedent in Feng Shui.

"Never mind, take the Ghost Seal first."

Su Luo didn't want to waste time, so he reached out to take the Ghost Seal.


As soon as he stretched out his hand, a strong wind swept from behind.

Su Luo looked back.

In mid-air, Delis grabbed a vine and swung towards this side at a high speed! !


Su Luo looked at the altar again and saw Wu Jing lying on the ground in pain, Zeus standing next to him with a gun pointing at him, and Brother Feihong was shouting and running towards this side with Reba and others.


Delis swung over very quickly.

And the angle was also very accurate.

When she reached the sky above the corpse of King Lu Shang, Delis let go of her hand and jumped down from it.


In mid-air.

She reached out and grabbed the Ghost Seal in King Lu Shang's palm, then did a front flip and landed beautifully beside Su Luo.

"Huh, it's so exciting——"

After standing firm.

Delis exhaled, then looked at the Ghost Seal in her hand, her face full of pride.


"The things in the ancient Dragon Kingdom are really beautiful..."

She held the Ghost Seal, looked down at Su Luo beside her, and smiled: "Don't you think so? Little brother..."

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