This kid who fishes is actually a disciple of a famous family? ? ?

Listening to what Mr. Li said.

Everyone in the program group was shocked.

Netizens also suddenly realized.

"I said, this kid speaks eloquently, it turns out that he is a disciple of a famous family!"

"No wonder, he dares to fish at the gate of the 'Lunan Forbidden Land', I think his master must be a master who is not inferior to Mr. Li!"

"I was wondering why this kid is so mature, this can completely explain it!"

"Mr. Li is too modest, but when it comes to Feng Shui, who in Longguo can compete with Mr. Li?"

"I haven't heard that there is any organization specializing in Feng Shui in Longguo?"

"You don't understand this, don't you often see those hidden secret sects on TV, a group of powerful ones, I guess that sect is nearby!"


Mr. Li's words caused heated discussions among netizens.

Many people think.

This kid might really be from a secret sect as Mr. Li said!


As soon as Mr. Li said this.

Everyone looked at the figure on the cliff.

They were waiting for Su Luo's answer.


Unexpectedly, the kid just shook his head lightly: "No master."



Now it was the turn of the program team to be stunned.

No master?

Without a master, what were you talking about just now?

Could it be that you learned all this Feng Shui knowledge by yourself?

It's really made up!

Thinking of this.

Kun Kun and Hua Hua showed disdain on their faces. If Mr. Li was not still talking to Su Luo, they would have to stand up and laugh at him.

Unlike the people in the program team.

After listening to Su Luo's answer, Mr. Li did not show a very surprised expression.

He smiled and stroked his beard, saying, "I understand, I understand. In our line of work, it is indeed not popular to worship a master. I asked the wrong question."

"Our line of work is generally inherited from the family. Usually the elder is the master, and the master is the elder. I guess your family background must be very unusual, right?"

"Can I ask your father's name?"


Listening to what Mr. Li said.

The program crew was shocked again.

Isn't this Mr. Li...too humble?

You know, you are the number one Feng Shui master in Longguo, and you are over eighty years old! !

Is it necessary for such a respected old man to be so humble when talking to an eight-year-old kid! ! !

Is this old man confused?

Although everyone was puzzled, due to Mr. Li's identity, no one stood up to say anything.


Listening to what Mr. Li said.

Su Luo on the cliff shook his fishing rod and replied casually: "No father, no mother, all alone."


Listening to Su Luo's answer.

Mr. Li on the screen showed a puzzled look.

Generally speaking, people will definitely not joke about their parents.

If that's the case, doesn't it mean that this child has no master and no parents? ?

Just now, he explained the secrets of Feng Shui by himself? ?

How is this possible?

This kid is only eight years old!

He is an age when he should wear a red scarf around his neck!

How could he know the art of finding dragons?

Mr. Li was full of confusion and shock.


Mr. Li paused and continued: "Little brother, what you just said, did no one really teach you to say it?"


Under the watchful eyes of the public.

Su Luo rolled his eyes at Mr. Li and said, "These are just some basic Feng Shui knowledge. Do you still need someone to teach you?"



The Feng Shui master of Longguo was silenced by Su Luo's words.

You know.

Three years to find the dragon, ten years to find the acupoints.

To put it nicely, it takes at least thirteen years to learn the skill of finding the dragon and finding the acupoints.

But in fact, it takes more than thirteen years?

Mr. Li is already 85 years old this year, but he dare not say that he is fully proficient in the art of finding the dragon and finding the acupoints even though he has half a foot in the coffin! !

What about this child?

This child can't be more than ten years old! !

Did he start studying Feng Shui in his mother's womb? ?

Mr. Li was a little dazed.

He pondered for a moment, then continued: "Little brother, you just said that this is a place of great wealth. Could it be that deep in the forbidden land of Lunan, there are tombs of emperors and generals?"

"You think too simply."

Su Luo turned his head, his innocent and clean face looked at the white-haired Mr. Li on the screen, and said slowly:"I just heard them say that you are the best Feng Shui expert in Longguo?"

"Does your understanding mean that the layout of dragon veins can only be linked to tombs?"


Mr. Li was stunned when he heard this, and then he quickly said: "Of course not..."

"The weather is the luck of the earth, and the luck of the sky is the air of the earth."

Before Mr. Li finished speaking, Su Luo interrupted him and said: "The luck of the earth moves, and the weather follows it. The luck of the sky rotates, and the air of the earth responds to it."

"All spiritual things in the mountains and rivers will change with the changes in the Feng Shui situation."

"The pattern and luck are the same."

"If the sky is turbid and the earth is clear, and yin and yang are mixed, then some very terrible and unreasonable things will happen here."

"So in this so-called 'Lunan Forbidden Land', anything is possible..."


Silence! !

Su Luo's words.

Once again, the whole audience was silent! !

The staff of the program group were dumbfounded.

Even the well-informed Yan Min was a little unsettled!!

What is this kid... talking about???

Is there a monster in the forbidden land of Lunan???

Or... something even scarier?


"Young people are to be feared, they are really to be feared..."

It took a long time.

It took Mr. Li to recover from Su Luo's words.

There were tears in his cloudy eyes, and the master who was always calm and composed was actually trembling slightly at this moment!

This was an extremely excited performance!!

The next second.

Mr. Li on the screen did something that made everyone at the scene and the netizens in front of the TV dumbfounded!

Tears welled up in his eyes, he raised his hands, clenched his palms, and said:

"Master, your Feng Shui attainments are so high that I feel ashamed of being praised as a 'Feng Shui Master' by the world!"

"It also makes me know that there are always people better than you!"

"Today, I have really learned a lesson!"

"Master, please accept my greetings!"

After that, the old man bowed deeply to Su Luo in front of tens of millions of netizens.

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