Lunan Forbidden Land.

East side, outside the Grand Canyon.

Outside the canyon is a wasteland. At this moment, this wasteland is full of various jeeps, and there are even several helicopters hovering in the sky.

Countless people are carrying cameras and microphones, waiting here eagerly.

"Everyone, this is the news center of Longguo TV!"

"We are now at the first scene of Lunan Forbidden Land!"

"According to the live broadcast content, the guests are about to come out from this exit, and it is expected to be 2 minutes. Let us welcome our heroes together!!"

The TV host talked endlessly to the camera.

In fact, there are many hosts like him.

Basically all the TV stations in Longguo have sent people here, so for a while, this wasteland is very lively, like a market.


"It's really strange..."

Canyon exit.

Yan Min stood there in a trance with a group of staff.

He looked at the staff beside him: "You said that there is something blocking this canyon, and you can only go out but not in?"


"If you don't believe me, look!"

The staff stretched out his hand and probed into the canyon.


Unexpectedly, the hand seemed to touch something and could no longer move forward!

"Is it so magical?"

Yan Min didn't believe it and stretched out his hand to touch it.


Sure enough, the hand seemed to touch a ball of cotton and could not reach in.

"This forbidden area is really weird."

"No wonder the eight big characters are [Forbidden Area Exit, Only Out, Not In]."

"Only Out, Not In, so this is what it means." Yan Min touched his chin and muttered to himself.

"Director Yan!"

"Where are the guests now?"

"Yes, yes, how long will it take for them to come out?"

"Can we let the TV station interview them first?"


Looking at the overwhelming media, Yan Min waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, there are still injured guests, so we won't interview them one by one. We can interview them all later."

"Let me see where they are on the monitor."

Yan Min turned on the live broadcast and saw that Brother Feihong and others were almost at the exit.

"They are coming!"

Seeing this, Yan Min hurriedly stood at the entrance of the canyon.

All the media also raised their cameras and aimed at the location of the canyon.


In the canyon, several figures appeared one after another.

Some walked briskly, some limped, and some were supported by others...

The first person who came into view was Brother Feihong, who was wearing a tight short-sleeved shirt and covered in blood! !

"It's Brother Feihong! He's out!"

"Brother Feihong!"

"Brother Feihong, look at the camera!!"

"Our hero is out!!"

Seeing Brother Feihong's appearance, the media screamed.

At the same time, the flash lights all lit up, capturing the unforgettable scene of this moment.


"So many people?"

Seeing the huge crowd in front of him, even Brother Feihong was stunned.

He hurriedly said: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, is there an ambulance? We have injured people!"

"Yes, yes!"

Yan Min waved her hand, and several medical staff ran over.

Brother Feihong supported the unconscious Kunkun and handed him to the medical staff: "Take good care of the wound on his hand, he has lost a lot of blood."


After the medical staff sent Kunkun into the ambulance.

Brother Feihong and Wu Jing and others also stood in front of the media openly.

He, Wu Jing, Yang Mi, and Hua Hua who had lost a mouthful of teeth.

The four of them stood there, with no good spots on their bodies, and their clothes were tattered, which was completely different from their previous red carpet images!

When had the media ever seen celebrities like this?

So the flash lights lit up crazily, and they took pictures one after another.

"By the way, where are Su Luo and Reba?"

At this time, Yan Min asked hurriedly.

Originally, he thought that Su Luo and Reba were just behind and would come out soon, but Feihong and others had been out for a while, and there was no sign of Su Luo and Reba!

"Yes, where is Su Luo? I want to interview that kid!"

"I also want to do an exclusive interview about Su Luo!"

"Brother Feihong, please answer, where are Su Luo and Reba? Did they die in there?"

"Did you see them die?"

"Brother Feihong, as the captain of the team, why didn't you save them?"

Seeing that Reba and Su Luo hadn't come out yet, the media workers picked up the microphones and came over.

Brother Feihong and others were surrounded by people.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't mess up the order!"

Yan Min saw her guests being surrounded, and asked security to come forward to protect them.

Soon, the media workers like ants were pushed away by the security, and a cordon was drawn, asking everyone to stay outside the line.

"They, they..."

Facing countless cameras.

Brother Feihong looked tired, he lowered his head slightly, and there was a lonely look on his face.

Hearing his tone, everyone present seemed to feel something was wrong.

"Aren't they behind you? Didn't you see them when you ran out?" One of the reporters shouted.

"The scene was too chaotic at the time, and we didn't have time to pay attention." Brother Feihong sighed and said, "I only know that Kunkun is the last person. I didn't see anyone behind him, I only saw that the insect tide was climbing up..."

"Yes, I can confirm this."

Seeing this, Wu Jing also stood up.

"Maybe some scenes were not captured by the photography elf, but I didn't see Su Luo and Reba. They seemed to have fallen behind in the process of climbing the tree! ”


“Ah——” Big Mi Mi beside him also nodded and said: “The last time I saw them was when Su Luo reached out to save Reba who had fallen. Then I followed the team to climb up. When we were almost at the top of the cave, I looked back and couldn’t see them anymore......”


“Wow wow wow wow——”

Hua Hua beside him also nodded continuously.

But because all his teeth were broken, his speech was full of leaky sounds, and it was impossible to hear what he was saying.


Listening to the statements of the four stars.

The reporters at the scene fell silent.

“That means, Su Luo and Reba, they are both...dead? "

Finally, this sentence was said by director Yan Min.

He didn't look good.

Although he did expect that there was a very small probability that a star would get into trouble during this trip before entering the forbidden area, when it really happened, he couldn't accept it in his heart.

After hearing the news of Reba and Su Luo's death.

The barrage in the live broadcast room of "China Secret Realm" exploded directly:

"Dog director, compensate me for Reba's life!"

"Woo woo woo! ! My Baba, my little brother!"

"Oh my God, is this still a reality show? Will people really die! ? "

"Everyone, be rational, before this show went on, the stars signed a life and death agreement!"

"Director, where is your home? I'll send you some local specialties!"

"Now I'm really not jealous of the stars making money, salute! ! "


"Let's wait a little longer! ”

Outside the canyon.

Yan Min said loudly: "Maybe they encountered something on the way, so they were delayed. I believe they will come out soon!"


Listening to Yan Min's words, everyone was silent.

After all, it has been almost an hour since Feihong and others came out!

If they could come out, Su Luo and Reba would have come out long ago!

After all, the cave is less than ten minutes away from here!

"Director, accept the reality."

Feihong patted Yan Min on the shoulder and sighed: "They may really be in danger... After all, the insect tide is comparable to a meat grinder. If people fall into it, they will definitely be left with nothing. There is no possibility of survival."


The staff present heard what Feihong said, and their faces showed regret.

"Okay. ”

Yan Min nodded helplessly.

After a long breath, he turned to the media reporters behind him and said: "Dear media friends, I would like to announce that in the first season of our "China Secret Land", a total of two guests died. ”

"Reba, Su Luo."

"They have made great contributions to the exploration of the forbidden area, especially Su Luo."

"But things did not go as planned, they will sleep forever in that cave..."

Yan Min spoke solemnly as if he was holding a memorial service.

The flash lights kept on, and countless cameras were snapping at him.

Listening to Yan Min's words.

The online netizens in the live broadcast room had already collapsed, especially Reba's fans!!

None of them thought that their favorite Baba, how could she participate in a reality show and then die??!

"Pay the highest respect to the victims!"

"Friends, let us mourn for them together for 3 minutes!! "


Yan Min stood up with a sad expression, lowered her head, and began to mourn in silence.

The stars next to her also lowered their heads and mourned for Reba and Su Luo.

Ka Ka Ka!The media reporters at the scene took a lot of photos, then put down their cameras and began to mourn.

The scene was extremely quiet.

Everyone lowered their heads, feeling sorry for the victims of the forbidden area!

But no one noticed that in the depths of the canyon, there were two figures walking towards this side...

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