"Can I live here for a while?"


Faced with Reba's request, Su Luo did not reply for a while.

He was thinking about the pros and cons of Reba living here.

"Don't worry, sister won't live here for nothing, I'm very good at cooking!"

Reba said quickly: "Xinjiang fried rice noodles and big plate chicken, I'm the best!"


Looking at the pitiful Reba, Su Luo smiled bitterly.

He nodded: "Okay, you live."

"Thank you!!"

Reba thanked her quickly, then rushed up and picked up Su Luo! !

Su Luo's body was very light.

Reba held him and turned around twice, happy like a child.


Su Luo was speechless.

"I don't know why, I always feel safer by your side..."

Reba put Su Luo down, saying with a bit of embarrassment on her face.


Su Luo looked at her, and suddenly thought of something, so he asked: "Now you have extended your life for nearly 40 years, will you still go to Skull Island?"

I thought that after experiencing the forbidden land of Lunan, Reba would never step into the forbidden land again.

Unexpectedly, she looked at Su Luo and asked: "Are you going?"


"Then I will go too."


Su Luo sweated.

Is this little girl completely attached to him?


Time passes.

With the broadcast of the first season of "Secret Land of China", the whole world has also changed a lot.

First of all, Longguo.

After the show was broadcast, the secret of longevity was revealed to the world, so in Longguo, a wave of exploration was directly set off!

Especially some middle-aged people, they actively launched an exploration of the forbidden land of Lunan, not afraid of life and death!

According to the statistics of the Dragon Country Data Bureau, among the vast exploration team, only 20 out of every 100 Dragon Country people can survive and reach the location of the Nine Dragon Wall!

80% mortality rate!

Although the mortality rate in the Lunan Forbidden Land is so high, it still cannot stop many humans who pursue immortality!

Among them, there are also some wealthy old men in their 80s.

They will hire a team to escort him to the Nine Dragon Wall in the forbidden land.

But the forbidden land is not a vegetable market. Some teams are still wiped out even if they are well-equipped.

Only a few old tycoons have reached the Nine Dragon Wall and successfully extended their lives, but this kind of thing is still relatively rare.

By the way.

During this period.

Many foreigners have also appeared in the Lunan Forbidden Land area.

50 million US dollars seems to be a lot, but for some foreign chaebol families, it is nothing.

These foreign tycoons will also hire teams to explore the Lunan Forbidden Land, but unlike the Dragon people, even if they hire people, they have to pay a high ticket fee of 50 million US dollars per person for the hired guys!

The most famous one is the world's richest man, Gates.

He is 75 years old this year, and death is quietly approaching him.

Although he spends a huge amount of money every year to let the medical team develop anti-aging drugs, it is also a fact that his body is getting worse day by day. Medicine is three-point poison. He knows that he must come to this Lunan Forbidden Land.

Gates first sold some stocks to cash out.

Then, he hired the world's top mercenary corps, a total of 50 people!

Gates not only has to pay the high wages of the mercenaries, but also has to pay up to 2.5 billion US dollars in forbidden land ticket fees! !

This is the largest order for the Lunan Forbidden Land so far!

Although it costs a lot of money, the result is really good.

At the cost of 42 mercenaries’ death, Gates successfully came to the Nine Dragon Wall and awakened the first level of tomb power, successfully extending his life by 15 years! ! !

2.5 billion US dollars bought 15 years of life!

Is it worth it?

For young people with no money, of course it is not worth it!

But for Gates, whose life is about to end and who is also very wealthy, it is worth it! ! !

Seeing Gates’ success.

Invisible rich people from all over the world followed suit, and they were willing to spend all their wealth to extend their lives in the forbidden area!

For a time, the entrance fees collected by Longguo were once soft! ! !

The speed of making money is not so fast even if it is selling weapons, food, and oil! ! ! !

After a large amount of foreign exchange income.

Longguo began to be different.

Build aircraft carriers and satellites!

Infrastructure upgrade!

All those plans that were previously formulated but had no funds to implement are now on the agenda! ! !

Not only that.

A week after the Lunan Forbidden Land was opened to the world, Longguo solemnly announced that starting today, free medical care will be implemented throughout Longguo!!

And the government will pay a considerable amount of welfare money to the accounts of all Longguo citizens every month!It can be said.

The opening of the Lunan Forbidden Land directly benefited the entire Dragon Country!

Who is responsible for all this?

Yan Min?


On the Internet, everyone pushed a name to the commanding heights.

That is - Su Luo! !

The online forums are full of posts discussing Su Luo:

"Su Luo, a hero of the Dragon Country people!"

"Forbidden Land Exploration is actually an important milestone in the development of the Dragon Country!"

"Those things about Su Luo's development of the forbidden land!"

"Let's talk about why Su Luo can pass through the Lunan Forbidden Land without injury!"

"The new generation of gods of the Dragon Country people!"

There are thousands of posts about Su Luo.

For a time, Su Luo actually became a household name in the Dragon Country.

This responds to the true human nature. When it is not your business, no one may pay attention to you, but if the matter affects the interests of the people, then the people will remember you deeply!

If you treat the people well, they will praise you, and if you treat the people badly, they will curse you!

Click on any post on the Internet and you can see comments from netizens:

"Oh my god, when I received the welfare money this morning, I thought I was dreaming! It was 3,000 yuan!"

"Yes, yes, I heard from the official that there will be 3,000 yuan in welfare money every month in the future!"

"These are all paid for by foreigners, haha!"

"It's great, all this depends on Su Luo, otherwise those stars would all die in the water cave!"

"That's right, Su Luo is our hero!"

"I hope Su Luo will definitely participate in the second season of "China Secret Realm". I will call him on time!"

"Why doesn't Su Luo open his own personal social account? I really want to follow him!"

"I love you so much, Su Luo. My mother is seriously ill and has been hospitalized. My family can't afford the medical expenses. I was going to pick up my mother from the hospital today to wait for death, but I didn't expect the hospital to suddenly announce free universal medical care! My mother is saved! ! So excited!"


After the show was broadcast, the lives of the people in Longguo have changed qualitatively.

But some of the guests who participated in the first season of "China Secrets" did not have very good results...

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