Looking at the long sword in the skeleton's hand, Su Luo frowned.

Because this sword looks so familiar!

Su Luo looked at the sword again.

The sword head is huge, with three ears and cloud head shape, and the sword guard is widened to block the hand, also in the shape of a cloud head.

The sword shape is really beautiful and very recognizable!

This, isn't this the Tang sword!

The Tang sword refers to a sword shape that was innovated during the Tang Dynasty. This sword shape was innovated on the basis of the Zhou sword shape that has been circulated for more than 1,500 years in the Spring and Autumn Period.

The shape is beautiful and has been passed down to later generations.

This is also an exclusive product of the Tang Dynasty!

It can be regarded as an antique!

And this sword from the Tang Dynasty is actually held in the hand of the skeleton in front of him?

Su Luo looked up and looked at the skeleton again.

With a bun on his head and a tattered robe on his body, he does look a bit like an ancient person in terms of temperament and dress.

And Su Luo suddenly thought of the Tang Dynasty wooden sailing ship he had just seen!

Could it be that... the skeleton man in front of him was an old Tang Dynasty predecessor who disappeared at sea more than a thousand years ago?


Su Luo's discovery was naturally seen by the Longguo audience.

At this time, the Longguo channel was full of barrages:

"Is this a zombie from the Tang Dynasty?"

"What the hell is a zombie? The Tang Dynasty was a prosperous era, how could there be zombies?"

"Combined with the wooden boat just now, this skeleton man is very likely to be an ancient from the Tang Dynasty!"

"I think so too. I feel that all the skeletons here are people who disappeared at sea before!"

"Why haven't they died for thousands of years? Are they cursed?"

"This is our ancestor. The Longguo guests should kowtow to him!"


Looking at the crazy discussion of the barrage.

In the studio, Yan Min's expression was also very complicated.

"Come on, a historian."

He waved to the VIP seats.

Unexpectedly, Wang Gang ran up happily.

"I'm an expert on history!"

Wang Gang sat down immediately, and he seemed to have a lot to say.

As soon as he sat down, before the stool was even warm, he said, "I'm sure this is an ancient man from the Tang Dynasty!"


Yan Min raised her eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"First of all, his outfit, although it is tattered, can still be seen as a Hanfu from the Tang Dynasty!"

"The clothes of the Tang Dynasty are still very iconic!"

Wang Gang shook his head and pointed to the wooden sailboat floating on the sea and said, "And this boat."

"Rugao wooden boats were invented in the Tang Dynasty, but in the Song Dynasty, this kind of boat was basically not used, and in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were even fewer."

"So this is also a unique product of the Tang Dynasty, and the sword in his hand is a sword shape that has just been innovated from the Zhou Dynasty sword situation."


After listening, Yan Min wanted to say something, but was unexpectedly interrupted by Wang Gang interrupted:

"The most important point is that there are not only ancient people from the Tang Dynasty here, but also foreigners from hundreds of years ago."

"Look at the two ships on the left. They are sloops invented by Viking pirates in the fourth century AD!"

"Based on these things, I can speculate..."

"The waters of Skull Island are likely to be cursed!"



Yan Min wondered, "What curse?"

Wang Gang smiled mysteriously and said, "Any ship approaching the waters of Skull Island will be cursed, and those who are cursed will live forever in the world as 'skeleton men'!"

"Their souls are also taken away, so there is only killing left in their consciousness!"


After Wang Gang finished speaking, the scene fell into silence.

The barrage suddenly became much less.

All the netizens in front of the screen were stunned at first, and then they all clapped their hands!

That's right!

Wang Gang's speculation seems to make sense and makes sense!

So, the players on the Skeleton Ship are now facing ancestors who have disappeared thousands of years ago?


Of course.

Wang Gang can think of this.

Su Luo can also think of it.

Looking at the long-robed skeleton in front of him, Su Luo knew that this guy was indeed an ancient from the Tang Dynasty.


Will the ancients hold back?

Of course not.


The skeleton holding the Tang sword stabbed Su Luo's heart again.

This move was extremely fierce, and it was aimed at killing Su Luo!

Su Luo drew his sword and blocked it at the heart.

Unexpectedly, the skeleton's move was a feint. When the Tang sword was about to stab the black gold ancient sword, the skeletonThe skeleton's wrist trembled, and the tip of the Tang sword suddenly deviated, and then stabbed towards Su Luo's right chest!


Su Luo did not dodge or avoid, and switched the black gold ancient knife to his left hand, and then the two fingers of his right hand were the first to arrive, and directly stabbed the skeleton's wrist.


The two fingers penetrated the wrist, and the Tang sword in the skeleton's hand slipped out of his hand.

Su Luo held the black gold ancient knife in his left hand, and slashed down diagonally like lightning!


The black gold ancient knife cut into the skeleton's left shoulder and cut out from the right waist.

Under the blessing of Su Luo's tomb power, the black gold ancient knife cut the ancient man from the Tang Dynasty in two like cutting tofu! !


His bloodshot eyes were full of unwillingness, but he finally fell down.

"Yellow, Yellow River, of..."

After falling down.

He seemed to be mumbling something in his mouth that had turned into bones.


Su Luo squatted down curiously and put his ear over to listen.

"The Yellow River..."

"The water comes from the sky."

"It flows... to the sea, no, it never returns."


After saying the last word.

The skeleton man tilted his head and stopped moving completely.

"Can this kind of skeleton man talk?"

Angel looked over curiously and asked, "What did he say?"

"It seems like he was reciting a poem."

Su Luo shook his head and stood up.

His eyes looked at the Rugao wooden boat not far away.

The skeleton man just came out of the Rugao wooden boat.

This guy should have just recited 'The water of the Yellow River comes from the sky, and it flows to the sea and never returns'.

This sentence comes from Li Bai's "Will Enter the Wine·Don't You See".

Why is he reciting Li Bai's poem for no reason?

He was from the Tang Dynasty, and Li Bai was also from the Tang Dynasty. Could it be that there was some relationship between the two of them?

Or was this skeleton a little fan of Li Bai?


At this time, several more skeletons rushed over.

Chen Long and others immediately huddled together to resist.


Su Luo did not huddle together. He looked around, stood up and jumped onto the bronze chain.

He ran along the bronze chain for a few steps, and then jumped towards the direction of the Rugao wooden boat.


The next second.

Su Luo landed on the deck of the Rugao wooden boat.

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