A huge black shadow was projected on the ground through the firelight.

The hearts of the two suddenly tightened.

Aunt Hong, even took out the flying knife, and turned around with a knife.


But Hong Gu didn't see anything clearly, only felt that the flying knife hit the steel, and his people were blasted out by a great force.


In the end, he slammed into the wall hard, and instantly fainted.

"Aunt Hong!" Hua Ma was in a hurry, intending to save people.

But what greeted him was the heavy palm again, and Hua Maguai also fainted on the spot!


In front of him, the partridge whistle was dedicated to saving the old foreigner, and when he was at a loss, he heard the roar of Hua Maguai.

"not good!"

The partridge whistle groaned in his heart: "Something happened!"

The partridge whistle turned sharply and went back the same way.

But when they got to the place where they were separated from Hong Gu, they only saw blood spilling on the ground and scenes of fighting.

"Is it that thing again?" Partridge whistle was extremely angry: "First it was the old foreigner, and now it's Hong Gu and Hua Maguai. I was very close when the two accidents happened, why can't I see that one? thing?"

"Is it really a ghost?"

The partridge whistle felt the seriousness of this matter the more he thought about it.

Moreover, Honggu and Huamaguai are not bad at all, but they disappeared like this silently. Will other people be in danger as well?

"No, I have to meet with everyone first!"

PS: Dear readers, use your little hands to make a fortune and vote for the flower evaluation. If the data is good, I can take photos. Also, they are really girls. .

Chapter 28

Say it, the partridge whistle no longer hesitates, and quickly return to the original road!

Let's talk about Jiang Feng's side.

After letting Hua Ling put on the gold silk armor, the two searched in the corridor.

But after searching for almost an hour, the two still found nothing.

"Brother Jiang!" Hua Ling said, "It's not the way to go on like this. When you searched separately before, you said that if you haven't found the old foreigner in an hour, you will meet at the beginning."

"That black shadow is haunted, and I don't know what the other people are doing now, why don't we go back and check the situation first."


In fact, Jiang Feng's heart also showed a trace of unease.

Without him!

Too quiet.

Inside this intricate corridor is surprisingly quiet.

You can't even hear the wind, which is very unreasonable.

Immediately, the two returned to the original direction.

Another hour later, the two returned to the place where they were originally scattered, and they did not see anyone else outside the partridge whistle.

"Master Jiang!"

Partridge Whistle, who was originally upset, came over after seeing Jiang Feng: "No, just now I and Hong Gu and the others encountered the shadow again, and now Hong Gu and Hua Ma have disappeared mysteriously. , I'm afraid they will have an accident."

"Aunt Hong and Hua Maguai also disappeared?" Jiang Feng frowned and said, "Then did you see the black shadow?"

"No!" Partridge whistle shook his head in remorse: "At that time, I only had old foreigners in my heart. I had a verbal conflict with them and walked away. When I turned back, I only heard the screams of Hua Maguai."

"Also, there is blood on the ground!"

"It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me being too impulsive, maybe Aunt Hong and the others wouldn't have an accident!"

Jiang Feng patted Partridge Whistle on the shoulder and said, "I can't blame you for that. That shadow can be said to have appeared silently. Even if Hong Gu and the others didn't have an accident at the time, there will definitely be an accident in the future."

"And now Chen Yulou and the others haven't come back. It is estimated that they also encountered the shadow. We should find someone first."

"How to find it?" Partridgeshao said anxiously: "It took only an hour or two to come in, and four people have disappeared, but we don't even know what it is, or even where it is, and we have no clue. ."

"No!" Jiang Feng shook his head: "Gu Hong and the others are masters, but something happened, it means that the person is very familiar with this place and must have lived here for a long time."

"And the passages here are complicated. Even if you give a person a long time, I am afraid it is difficult to get familiar with each passage, but it can. What does this mean?"

What does it mean?

The eyes of Partridge Whistle and Hua Ling both fell on Jiang Feng.


Jiang Feng said: "Human memory is limited, only smell can help that thing to distinguish its position well."

"That thing is most likely a beast with a very sensitive sense of smell."

"Beast?" Hua Ling's mouth widened, everyone had seen the shadow of that thing before, it was two or three times bigger than the average human body.

Such a big beast, Hua Ling is really hard to imagine what it is.

"But Big Brother Jiang, even if we know it's a beast, it's hard for us to find it, and maybe something happened to Aunt Hong and the others while we were searching."


Jiang Feng said to himself: "They won't have an accident yet!"

That thing knows how to catch people silently, which shows that he has intelligence, and he has lived in this place for so many years, and he must cherish food very much.

"He will definitely kill us all before eating the old foreigners."

"So as long as we are safe, they are safe. The only doubt now is what smell he uses to tell the direction."

"I see!"

Partridge Whistle suddenly remembered something: "It's feces. I found out that there are many animal feces in this corridor, and it must be left behind."

"So everything makes sense."

"Where? Take us there." Jiang Feng said.

"follow me!"

Immediately, the partridge whistle led the way, and Jiang Feng and others followed closely behind.

Because the partridge whistle has a very good sense of smell, it quickly found those intersections with feces.

The main thing is that the places where the feces are all seem to have been carefully designed, right at those three forks.

The crowd followed the partridge whistle for about half an hour.

When I saw the scene in front of me, I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Then... what is that?" Hua Ling pointed to the huge hole in front of him piled up with bones, and the whole face turned pale instantly.

No wonder Hua Ling was afraid.

What he saw in front of his eyes was a little shocking to Jiang Feng.

Near the dark, long and narrow entrance, there were piles of white bones, with human heads and torsos, and from time to time an extremely disgusting stench emanated from it.

This cannot be said to be a cave, it can only be said to be a devil's cave.

A cave made of human bones.

"With so many bones, how many corpses are needed to build it?" Partridge whistle frowned, "What kind of terrifying existence lives in this place?".

Chapter 29

Frightened, trembling, and what I saw in front of my eyes really made my scalp numb.

At the same time, it also proves that the things in this cave are definitely not simple.

Jiang Feng frowned and said, "Partridge whistle, are you sure this is the place?"

"It can't be wrong!" Partridge Whistle affirmed: "The smell coming from here is exactly the same as those of the feces, and it must be the dark shadow's lair."


Jiang Feng said solemnly: "Be careful when you go in later, that thing and the old foreigners might be in there."


Immediately, Jiang Feng and Partridge Whistle were in tandem, while Hua Ling was in the middle, and the three walked in a straight line towards the White Bone Demon Cave.

The moment they stepped into the magic cave, the three of them felt that the temperature was dropping rapidly.

It's like entering an endless abyss, making people fall into an ice cave.

Just as the three of them walked for more than ten minutes, there was a sudden sound of scolding and pinching from the front.

"Special code, what exactly is that thing? I was dizzy before I could see it clearly. Did you see it clearly, brother?"

"No, but we are trapped here now. It is estimated that it will be difficult to get out. I don't know what happened to Jiang Ye and the others."

"It's all this time, I think we should think about ourselves first. Maybe the monster will come back, and then we will all be the dry food in its mouth."

The voice was loud, and Jiang Feng and the others who were still in the entrance of the cave could hear it clearly.

"It's Luo Laowei and Chen Yulou's voice!"

Jiang Feng was overjoyed: "They are indeed here, and nothing has happened yet."

"Save people first!" Partridge whistle suggested.

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