Fatty Wang's words were meant to be joking!

But then he finally understood why there was a miserable cry inside!

I saw the bend ahead!

Suddenly there was a lot of blue light, which was emitted from the inside to the outside!

Immediately afterwards, several panicked people rushed out from inside!

Fatty Wang hasn't figured out who these people are!

Another few ghosts with blue ghost fires and ancient armors came out!

Wherever they passed, the stones on the ground and the objects on the edge of the walls were swallowed up by the blue flames!

Terrible! .

Chapter 283

"My Nima!" Fatty Wang was so frightened that he said with a look of horror: "What the hell is this special code?"

"What the hell is he?" Wu Xie pulled Fatty Wang's clothes and ran back, yelling, "Don't be stunned, run!"

The group no longer hesitate!

Turn around and run away from the corridor!

But those ghosts didn't mean to let anyone go at all, and they chased after them directly!

And the original dark tomb was also dyed blue, which became very strange!

It's just that after those ghosts are rushing to the tomb, they seem to be afraid, and they are not in a hurry to shoot!

Instead, it was like besieging the prey, besieging everyone!

"Who are you?"

Xie Yuchen frowned tightly, staring at the few people who rushed out of the corridor before, but they were all wearing masks, so they couldn't see clearly!

"it's me!"

Wu Sansheng was the first to take off his mask, exposing it to everyone's sight!

"Uncle Third!" Wu Xie was overjoyed: "Uncle Third, why are you here?"

"Of course I don't worry about you kid!" Wu Sanxing couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said angrily: "I have to go into this muddy water, and I'm the only seedling of the Wu family. If I don't follow me, how can I rest assured?"

"Little 17 Third Master!"

Several other people also took off their masks!

There are Pan Zi, Xie Yuchen's younger brother and others!

"Pan Zi, you are here too!" Wu Xie said!

"That's natural. How can there be less of my Pan Zi where there is a third master?"


Wu Xie seemed to realize something, and said angrily: "Pan Zi, I said that my actions this time are so secretive, how could so many people come to Misty Village!"

"It must be your kid who disclosed my news to the third uncle, right?"

Before, in order to be able to come to Misty Village, Wu Xie deliberately got some equipment from Pan Zi's side!

Now that I think about it, it makes sense!

As for the other group of people, in all likelihood, they are Aning's group!

It's just that I haven't seen a shadow yet!


Pan Zi hey hey smile!

As if to hide his embarrassment, he looked at Fatty Wang: "What, Fatty, can you sleep comfortably this night?"


Fatty Wang immediately became angry: "Is it your kid who attacked Fatty?"

Pan Zi pouted and said with a sly smile: "I couldn't do anything at the time. The first was to hide where I was, after all, there are so many people!"

"The second is for your safety. Master Hua is in full swing. If you go there, won't you be a sieve?"

"Okay!" Fatty Wang stretched out a thumb and said unconvinced, "Panzi, this time you are ruthless, but don't let Fatty meet you next time!"


At this moment, Jiang Feng snorted and made everyone stop talking!

"Now is not the time to reminisce!"

"Yes!" Wu Xieyao reacted: "It's a bit strange, why don't these ghosts go up? It seems to be afraid of something, and it seems to be waiting for something!"

"Third uncle, you have entered it, have you figured out what these are?"

"The injustice soul who does not speak!"

Wu Sansheng explained: "You should have read that letter before, right?"

"Look!" Wu Xie frowned and said, "Did the third uncle stay here on purpose?"

"Yeah!" Wu Sansheng nodded and said, "The secret about longevity is actually a virus that can change the human body!"

"I think after Buyanqi came here, he also discovered the virus, got infected, and stayed here forever!"

"It even became like this!"

"So it is!" Wu Xie nodded and said thoughtfully, "But why haven't we seen the leader of Wu Yanqi?"

The moment Wu Xie's voice fell!


A gust of wind suddenly blew up!

It made the already weird tomb even more cold!


And in the corridor where everyone rushed out just now, there was a roar like a wild beast!

And that huge pressure like a tide!

Ten seconds later!

A burly figure came out of the corridor!

Wearing armor, and inside the armor is all that blue flame!

An incomparably huge Guan knife in his hand is even more terrifying to the extreme!

"I'll go!" Fatty Wang said in horror, "Isn't this special code the leader of Wu Yanqi?"

Wu Sanxing patted Fatty Wang on the shoulder and said, "You guessed it right, this is the leader of Wuyanqi!"

"I think that these ghosts were not attacking us just now, not because they were afraid of us, but because they haven't received an order!"

"Although they have been infected, their execution is still there!"

"Wait a moment!"

Wangpanzhi came up and said with a look of fear: "Third Master, the reason they don't attack the New Year's goods is because they didn't accept the order of the leader of Daobuyanqi!"

"Then the leader of Buyanqi is here now, does that mean they want to..."


Another burst of beast crossbowmen came from the throat of the leader of Wu Yanqi!

At the same time, the rusty Guan Dao in his hand turned and pointed directly at everyone!

Those ghosts suddenly rushed towards this side, murderous!

"Fatty Wang, I always thought you were stupid in the past, but now it seems that you sometimes speak accurately. You are right, they are just waiting for orders!"


Wu Sansheng burst out!

Turn around and go!

But who would have thought!

One of the monsters just dodged, blocking Wu Sanxing's way, and slashed straight with the big sword in his hand!


Pan Zi roared 320, took out the engineer shovel, and slammed a block in front of Wu Sansheng!


The engineer shovel snapped off!

The powerful impact sent Pan Zi and Wu Sansheng flying several meters!

at the same time!

Other monsters also attacked!

Although the strength of Xie Yuchen and others is not weak!

However, there are a lot of these monsters, and each of them has the strength not to lose Xie Yuchen, and the power that seems to be never used up!

And... that unmanned leader of the cavalry without a shot!

The situation turned one-sided in an instant!

The only person present at the scene who could be at peace with each other was Jiang Feng!

However, Jiang Feng had to guard against the attack of the leader of the silent rider anytime and anywhere, and he simply had no time to spare!

"Jiang Ye!" Fatty Wang approached Jiang Feng and said anxiously, "It's really not the way to go on like this, hurry up and call the Yin soldiers and Yin generals to help!"

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