"So it is!"

After finding the weak point, it will be much easier for these people to deal with!

Not to mention that there are still many good players in the team!

After ten minutes, all the pupae were thrown to the ground!

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Fatty Wang sat down on the ground and said weakly, "It's alright now, the human chrysalis is finally solved!"

"But everyone, how do we get out?"

"What are you panicking about?"

Chen Pi was dressed in rough clothes. After all, he was too old and his physical strength couldn't keep up. He said solemnly: "As long as there is a tomb, the designer will leave a way to survive and accumulate yin and virtue!"

"There must be one in this place!"

"I know that too!" Fatty Wang rolled his eyes and said angrily, "But where?"

There is nothing in this place except these human chrysalis!

Chen Pi did not answer Fatty Wang's words, but stood up with the help of Ah Qiang!

Finally came to the front of a stone wall!


Hit it with one punch!

A brick in the stone wall sunk in!


At the same time, a bottomless entrance suddenly appeared underground! .

Chapter 289

After the exit appeared, Chen Pi walked to Fatty Wang's side again, patted Fatty Wang on the shoulder and sneered, "Boy, have you seen it?"

"Young people today, you just can't hold your breath!"

"My Nima!"

Fatty Wang wanted to refute, but looking back, if Chen Pi hadn't found out the mechanism, he really didn't have that ability!

I couldn't help but blushed and stopped talking!

Everyone gathered on the edge of this hole!

After looking at it, Wu Xie said, "It looks like this is very deep, I don't know if there will be any danger!"

"That's better than staying here and waiting to die!"

Chen Pi asked someone to take out the rope, and he slipped at the rate himself!

The others followed suit!

After a few minutes, everyone finally reached the bottom!

Although the light is very dark, everyone can feel that it is still a tomb, but there are several corridors behind each other. It is not a dead end, but the atmosphere is more terrifying than the above!

And in the darkness ahead, there seems to be something squirming!

Wu Xie was about to turn on the flashlight to check the situation!

But he found that someone covered his mouth and ducked to the corner!

Wu Xie was about to resist, but found that there were more and more people!

It's completely incomprehensible!

at this time!

A familiar voice came from behind Wu Xie!

"Don't move, that thing has an unusual sense of sound and light source!"

"It's little brother!"

Wu Xie is overjoyed!

He broke the hand covering his mouth, turned around, and said in a very low voice, "Little brother, what I saw before was you, right? Why did you run?"

The brother did not explain!

Those eyes were staring at the thing in the dark!

It may also be that Wu Xie's voice just attracted the attention of those things!

Even though Wu Xie had deliberately lowered the volume, they were still caught by them!

Take a look!

From the darkness, a pair of hands first crawled out, and then a baby-shaped head, but it was much bigger than an ordinary baby's head!

Next comes the body, the legs!

Finally, the whole body appeared in the realization of everyone!

It was like a child, crawling forward with his head down, covered with all kinds of strange symbols!

Extraordinarily creepy!

Just when everyone was wondering why there was a child here!

The thing suddenly raised its head, revealing its sharp fangs!

The beast-like voice in the throat sounded: "I found... I found you all〃〃!"

"not good!"

The little brother shouted: "That thing found us, run!"

The little brother grabbed Wu Xie and turned around and ran!

The reason why everyone hid just now was because the little brother suddenly showed up!

Now there is such a thing, the little brother runs away without looking back!

This made everyone confused by the second monk!

Fatty Wang asked: "Little brother, isn't that a child? Is it that scary?"

"That's not a child, it's a big-headed corpse specially raised by someone, with toxins all over its body, as long as it is touched by an immortal, it can't be saved!"

"And abnormal bloodthirsty, endless death!"


Hearing the little brother's explanation, Fatty Wang's expression changed greatly!

Get up and run!

But who would have thought!

The large corpse that was still ten meters away suddenly disappeared!

In the next second, it appeared on the top of Fatty Wang's head!

He opened his bloody mouth and bit down on Fatty Wang's neck!

"Jiang Ye save me!"

Fatty Wang was about to cry. At this time, even if he wanted to hide, it was too late!

So Fatty Wang can only pin his hopes on Jiang Feng!

"Squat down!"

Jiang Feng shouted loudly, and Fatty Wang hurriedly lowered his head!

It was at this moment that Jiang Feng flew with one kick and kicked the big corpse away!

Finally, the life of Fatty Wang was saved!


Fatty Wang took a sigh of relief and said after the disaster, "The speed of this thing is really fast, but it doesn't seem to be very powerful except for the speed!"

"I really don't know why the little brother grabbed the innocent and ran back!"

"Could it be that there is something terrifying in here?"

"Hee hee hee!"

The moment Fatty Wang's voice fell!

The big-headed corpse that had just been kicked up stood up again!

Only this time it did not take the initiative to attack!

Instead, he showed a wicked smile!

As that smile sounded, the original space suddenly changed!

The surrounding scene is also different!

It looks like you are in a maze now!

But these are not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is that the big corpse crawled out from behind again!

One pair, two pairs... Fatty Wang has lost count!

In the darkness, countless pairs of tiny hands stretched out first, followed by a big head that was exactly the same as that big corpse!

Body, legs!

Within ten seconds!

Behind the big-headed corpse is already covered with big-headed corpses exactly like it!

Each of them is showing that evil and charming smile, as if the hunter is looking at the prey, it is very playful!

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