Although he is a mercenary!

But here is a group of big men after all!

It's really here to get those bugs out, An Ning asks himself that he can't do it!

"Come with me!"

But what Aning didn't expect was that Jiang Feng actually grabbed Aning and walked towards the hidden place on the side!


Then he said in a very serious tone, "If you don't want to die~!"

Looking at Jiang Feng's serious expression, An Ning couldn't even raise a trace of disgust!

It felt as if Jiang Feng was the king of that-above all!

And his words are the king's orders!

Seeing Aning's hesitant appearance, Jiang Feng said, "Don't worry, I have too many women, and I can't do anything like taking advantage of it!"

"Thank you!"

Aning buried his head!

Take off your clothes slowly!

Behind that snow-white, there are two bright red marks!

There are also pheasant-necked cubs squirming inside!

Jiang Feng took out the dagger and lighter, and after sterilizing it, he began to deal with it for Aning!

After a few minutes, Jiang Feng finished his treatment and turned around and said, "Okay, get dressed!"


Aning is like a little girl who has never been recruited!


By the way, he glanced at Jiang Feng and found that Jiang Feng really didn't look this way!

Heart can not help but move a sigh of relief!

But also a little disappointed!

Without him!

In fact, it was not the first time she and Jiang Feng met!

Enemies are not counted, at most they are each for their own sake!

And it's not the first time Jiang Feng has saved himself!

Lu Palace, ghost ship, including this time!

It's the third time!

Even a piece of iron is heated up!

It's just that Aning is a girl, plus the task is at hand!

I have never expressed my emotions!

Aning, he has been waiting for the opportunity!

Just now, although Aning hadn't seen it, he could feel that Jiang Feng's movements were very careful, and he even felt a little bit of pain!

This shows that Jiang Feng did it on purpose!

He is very considerate!

Such a man is afraid that a woman will be unable to extricate herself!

bah bah bah!

Aning quickly shook his head, got rid of the nonsense in his mind, and got dressed!

Then join the crowd!

Almost done here!

To prevent accidents from happening again!

A group of people are careful and vigilant a lot!

It was almost another half an hour!

There was a huge noise from the front, as if there was something gigantic squirming!

The trees over there have been broken off a lot!

"There is a situation!" Aning said: "Everyone, be careful, go and have a look first!"

"Yeah!" Someone has already taken out a submachine gun and plans to shoot at any time!

After walking in the dense forest for almost a few minutes, we have approached that place!

Everyone squatted on the ground and watched along the line of defense!

I saw two giant pythons, one gold and one silver, hovering above the trees, staring at the three people on the ground!

Wu Xie could see the appearance of the three at a glance!

"It's Little Brother Fatty and Pan Zi!" Wu Xie was about to get up, but Jiang Feng pressed him down, and said coldly, "If you rush out now, not only will you not be able to help them, you will even become a burden!"


Although Wu Xie was a little unacceptable, Jiang Feng's words were true!

The two giant pythons are at least ten meters long!

The scales on the body can be said to be invulnerable!

The three brothers below have obviously been entangled with them for a long time, and their bodies are covered with scars!

Even the little brother is so hard!

The easiest way to explain how powerful those two giant pythons are!

And in the middle of the battle!

Fatty Wang's daggers looked at the two giant pythons vigilantly, and said, "Special code, the money for this trip is really hard to earn, and I encountered such two monsters before I got there!"

"If this goes on like this, the fat man will become their ration!"

"Okay, Fat Master!" Pan Zi said angrily, "What we do in this business is life and death, and wealth is in heaven!"

"It's a pity that I haven't found the third master, and I haven't reunited with the third master. I'm really unwilling to die here!"


Just as they were talking!

The two giant pythons seem to have been unable to bear it!

With a roar, he rushed towards the three!

Fatty Wang rolled with a donkey and rolled to the side!

Pan Zi and the little brother also spread out quickly!

But who would have thought that another silver python rushed towards Fatty Wang while everyone was not paying attention!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Bloody big mouth, extremely terrifying!

Fatty Wang hasn't stabilized his body yet, and he can't escape at this moment!

It was about to be swallowed by the giant python!

See you guys!

With the strength of both feet, he flew towards the big tree on the side, and finally used the rebound force of the big tree.Like a spirit monkey, it rushed towards the silver python that attacked Fatty Wang!


The black gold ancient knife stabbed into the head of the silver python!


The silver python suffered from pain and gave up Fatty Wang!

Crazy swinging up!

The little brother was thrown out and slammed into a big tree!

The big tree broke off immediately!


The little brother also spurted out a mouthful of old blood!



Fatty Wang didn't have time to rejoice, so he and Panzi hurried over to check the situation!

Although the little brother does not speak!

But his breath was obviously messed up!

Not lightly injured!

That is, the little brother, if it was another person, it is estimated that he would die on the spot!

"Special code!" Fatty Wang gritted his teeth: "Looking like this today, these two monsters will never give up if they don't eat our brother three!"

"Will not!"

Pan Zi seemed to have made a decision, looked at Fatty Wang, and said with a serious face, "Father, it's enough for me to have you as my company along the way!"

"But you and the little brother can't die now. You have to live to see the third master, and find the third master alive, otherwise everything will be in vain!"

A bad premonition welled up in Fatty Wang's heart: "Master Pan, what are you smoking? The three of us came together, so let's go together!"

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