In fact, when it comes to this, I still have to say that his current strength is really strong, and he dares to travel around this forest alone, and then he can kill this lynx.

If something like this is taken out, it must be very valuable, because the fur on this thing can be said to be the most valuable thing.

Of course, apart from the fact that the fur on his body is very valuable, the flesh and blood on his body can also be said to be very valuable.

When he saw this, Jiang Feng walked towards Pan Ma's side.

"Master, now that we have found your son for you, should you give us the things in your hand next?"

When it came to this, the old man said to them: "It's not impossible to give it to you. Let's go back home and talk about it. There is nothing to say in this place."

After the old man finished speaking, Jiang Feng also nodded.

"Okay, then let's go now, and talk about it when we go back."

Anyway, Jiang Feng is not worried that the old man is gone now, and from the current situation, he will not run away or anything.

After returning to Panma's house, everyone dispersed at this time, because they knew that there was no need to stay in this place all the time now.

After watching them disperse, Father Panma started talking to Jiang Feng and the others. .

Chapter 368

"If you want to know anything, now is not the time."

When Jiang Feng heard that the old man said so, his heart suddenly burst into flames.

You have expelled everyone right now, but you didn't give me anything, and you're going to tell me tomorrow after you're done?

Jiang Feng originally wanted to be angry, but at this time Wu Xie came over and patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder.

"It's okay, Mr. Jiang, the old man wants to talk tomorrow, so let's wait until tomorrow to ask."

Jiang Feng is also very helpless at this time, thinking that he has already settled down at this time, but now it is not just as simple as settling down, now this old man just doesn't want to tell you.

After nearly ten minutes, Jiang Feng originally wanted to stay in this place and not leave, but now Wu Xie and the others have been pulling him to leave, and he has no choice. Since he is being pulled to leave at this time, it is not Only now to go first.

But now that 17 is walking, it's not in the way. They're not in a hurry anyway, tomorrow will be tomorrow.

On the second day, Jiang Feng and the others came to visit this Panma again.They're going to see what he's going to say.

Anyway, after they came here today, no matter what they said, they had to give them things.

After they arrived, Mr. Panma said directly to them, "Since you're here, just sit down."

So at this time they were all sitting at a table.

At this time, Wu Xie didn't ask him for something first, but said, "Master, we came to this place today because we wanted to ask you about something."

"What's the matter, say it directly."

"It's about the archaeological team thirty years ago. Now that something happened to the archaeological team, the superiors asked us to investigate everything that happened to them before. I hope you can tell me about it at this time. ."

"Okay, but before I talk about this, I have one more thing to say to you."

"Well, tell me."

"Between you and this person, if the two of you continue to stay like this, at least one of you will have to die. And the kind of who killed who."

When the old man finished saying this, he pointed at Zhang Qiling who was standing beside him.

Zhang Qiling was shocked when he saw him pointing at him, but he didn't make it too obvious.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

At this time, the old man continued: "You have no idea what kind of person your friend is. If you are with such a person, you will definitely be killed by him."

When Jiang Feng heard this, he became a little curious about their affairs.Because he wants to know, what kind of things will happen in the middle?

And at this time, it's still the kind of person who will kill another person.

When he saw them talking about it, Jiang Feng was already curious.

But at this time, the old man continued: "The reason why I want to say such a sentence is mainly because the breath of your friend is very wrong."

"Don't look at me as a hunter, but I have smelled a lot of dead people in my life, and this friend next to you has such a smell."

Hearing this, Jiang Feng began to guess whether the smell of the dead person he was talking about was somewhat similar to the smell of Chen Wenjin before?

After all, he thought at this time that if it was similar to the smell on Chen Wenjin's body, then it's not surprising that the little brother has this smell.

After all, he and Chen Wenjin are the same, with immortal faces.

But at this time, Wu Xie still wanted to continue to question the old man, and wanted to know why he would say that the younger brother had such a smell on his body.

But the old man said, "Do you believe it or not, or pull it down."

Wu Xie did not continue to forcibly ask, and if he continued to ask like this, it was not a solution.

"Okay, since you don't talk about it, I won't ask it now. I will listen carefully to what you said to me at this time, and I will also pay attention to what you said."

"But now, I have one more question for you. This question is about that archaeological team."

"I started asking you this question just now, so can you tell me about it now?"

At this time, the master raised his head and saw Wu Xie.

Then shook his head.

"You think they are an archaeological team? No, they are not an archaeological team."

When Jiang Feng heard it, they were not the archaeological team!

Wu Xie patted the table directly with his hand.

"Are you kidding me? Are they not an archaeological team?"

"I'm their boss."

In the end, he still insisted on his own ideas and said: "They are not the archaeological team, that group of people are soldiers!".

Chapter 369

At this time, Jiang Feng thought, did this old man see them as if they were wearing green clothes, then they should be soldiers?

At least Jiang Feng thought it was possible at this time.

"If you want to hear about this, then I'll tell you slowly."

"At that time, Agui's father saved my life. Later, he asked me to be a guide for these people."

"Then I was a guide for them at that time."

"Those people said they were going to the mountain, so I took them there. But when those people went into the mountain, they all carried weapons like submachine guns."

When Wu Xie and the others heard this, they felt that these soldiers should be sent by the state to protect them.

And the state has also distributed them with guns, wanting these soldiers to protect them.

If you say that now, maybe the country attached great importance to this cemetery at that time, so at that time they also assigned people in the army to protect them.

"It seems that the background of these people is really deep, and it is not that simple to understand!"

At this time, they continued to talk, and this talk lasted for three hours.

But at this time, the things that the old man said are very fragmentary. If you want to really ask something, there is really no way to ask.

But don't be in a hurry, because Jiang Feng and the others have time at this time.

Although he looks a little uncooperative now, at least the things they should ask have already been asked.

Now this time to briefly summarize it is like this.

He took those people into the mountains at that time.

Because he saw a lot of those people, and most of them were soldiers. When he saw those people, those people gave him a certain fee, and these fees were considered labor costs.

After that, he took these people into the mountain.

I wandered in the mountains for four months.

Later, they found where they were going and settled there.

During that period, they asked the old man to transport them some rice or salt every three days.

There is nothing else in between.

This can be said to be a very good errand.

So let him do it.

But at that time, he was also very curious about what these people were doing.

However, he felt that if he wanted to know what these people were doing, there must be a price to pay.

So he didn't wonder about those things later, but held back his own thoughts.

At the back, these people pulled out.

And there were a lot of boxes at that time. When I saw those boxes, they were almost the size of a shoe box.

When he saw those boxes, he thought that those boxes must be very unusual.

After all, things like that have been discovered so much.

Once he went over and moved the boxes while the people weren't paying attention.

But when he moved those boxes, it gave him a feeling that those boxes were very heavy!

What Jiang Feng and the others guessed was that most of the boxes contained bones, because those boxes were supposed to be protected by the state back then, so the contents inside were naturally numbered or something.

After this world, Pan Ma didn't take care of those boxes anymore.

Because at that time, a soldier told him to put down the box, and said that these things were very dangerous, so he should not touch them again.

But later, he found that there was nothing special by the lake, so how did they have those boxes?

So this made him a little puzzled.

After waiting for a while, he also smelled some very strange smells from the boxes.

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