But now that I'm going to find him again...

"."It seems that if you want to enter the mountain at this time, you have to think of more ways."

"When we are looking for him, we must not let him think that we are empty shelves, and we have to think of a way to let him follow into the mountain!"

"So, we can't invite him into the mountain, we have to force him into the mountain to eat!"

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, Wu Xie also began to ponder at this time.

Because he thinks that what Jiang Feng said is also his heart now, at least he thinks so at this time!

When they entered the mountain, he felt that he should be able to think about whether it would work if he did this (good money and good money).

After they thought about it for a long time, Jiang Feng said to Wu Xie: "If we want to find him at this time, we have to make great preparations!"

"There is only one chance to find him now. If we find him a second time, then he will definitely find flaws and flaws."

"For this matter, we can fail to do it right, but we can't find him a second time."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, Wu Xie also nodded at this time, and he naturally knew what to do now.

"Ok, now let me think about what to do.".

Chapter 385

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Feng came to Wu Xie's side and said to Wu Xie, "Maybe, I have a way, I don't know if it can be successful."

When Wu Xie heard this, he was very curious about what the solution was.

Jiang Feng took out a piece of iron at this time.

This piece of iron was found in Wu Xie's room at that time.

So Jiang Feng found another fire at this time. After lighting the fire, he naturally placed the iron on the fire to bake the iron.

After burning for nearly ten minutes, the original smell on the iron block was gone, but at this time, the smell on the iron block came out again.

Then he put the piece of iron on Wu Xie's body.

"Okay, my solution is this, we can go to him now."

After Jiang Feng finished these things, they then started to get up and look for the old man.

When they found Pan Ma, Wu Xie's expression turned bad when he looked at the old man.

The old man's expression is very flustered now. He is very puzzled at this time, mainly because he smells Wu Xie's body at this time, which makes him very scared.

But Wu Xie said to him at this time: "They are back."

"I'll pick you up."

After Wu Xie finished saying these words at this time, the old man's soul was about to be lost.

Because at this time he didn't even know that such a thing would happen.

As if at this moment he was going to escape no matter what.

But now Jiang Feng has directly controlled the old man. If he wants to leave at this time, it is basically impossible.

Wu Xie said a lot to him at this time, but in summary, he must enter the mountain at this time, otherwise his younger generation will be unlucky.

After Wu Xie finished speaking, the old man slowly surrendered at this time.

Because he didn't want his younger generation to have anything to do, these were his own affairs, so he felt that even if he died today, he would have to go into the mountains.

This is his own business, and he feels that this matter has nothing to do with other people at all.

So at this time, he walked in front alone, and Wu Xie followed behind him.

But it doesn't matter, because the old man is really afraid of this matter in his heart, and the fear of this matter may have exceeded their imagination.

However, Jiang Feng can still recognize some roads at this time, so sometimes, Jiang Feng will also walk forward to lead the way.

They didn't walk for long, even three days, and they didn't stop anyway.

When it was almost afternoon, they saw a lake.

But they are still on the mountain now, and if they want to go to that part of the lake, they have to go down the mountain now.

But because the rain was so heavy, it could almost be said that the rain was hitting them!

After they didn't leave for a long time at this time, Jiang Feng saw a familiar figure, this person should be a fat man!

However, they only saw a figure at this time, and they hadn't seen who the other party was.

Because it was night again and the rain was still so heavy at this time, it was still a little difficult to see what the other person's figure was.

However, at this time, the old man was about to chop down Wu Xie with a sickle in his hand.Jiang Feng rushed over to help at this time, but the old man was attacking Wu Xie all the time.

Although he would also attack Jiang Feng at this time, he found that Jiang Feng's skills were too strong at this time. He originally thought that he was Jiang Feng's opponent, but now he found out that he was not Jiang Feng at all. opponent.

But he didn't want to be planted in Jiang Feng's hands at this time, so he wanted to understand that he had to prepare to escape at this time!

Then he only started to attack Wu Xie.

At this time, Wu Xie was turned around by him.

Jiang Feng originally wanted to rush over to help, but now he found out that the old man's movements were very good!

It is obvious that he is already a person over [-] years old, but now they would have thought that such an older person, his strength and movement skills, etc., are still so agile!

However, at this time, when they were about to retreat, they found a group of figures surrounding them!

Looking at these figures now, there are almost ten shadows, but it is impossible to see what the other person's figure looks like.

"Are these people all his accomplices?"

At this time, Jiang Feng thought, did this old man know that he would have such a day sooner or later, and then when he was in danger, he told the few people in the village so that they could help him?

When they thought of this, Wu Xie and Jiang Feng suddenly became a little tricky. .

Chapter 386

"If it's like this in the end, it's definitely not going to be easy in the end."

But just when Wu Xie was about to run, his foot got stuck in the middle of two big rocks!

He couldn't run if he wanted to.

There are people all around at the moment, although I don’t know who it is, but in general, this situation is definitely not a favorable situation for me!

"Today is going to be planted here."

Jiang Feng originally wanted to pull Wu Xie out at this time, but found that there was no way to pull him out at all.

After thinking about pushing the stone away, he found that the old man was already walking towards them.

When Wu Xie saw the old man coming, he admitted his mistake, saying that he just wanted to deceive him.

But how can the old man hear these things now?

Because at this time, he can say that he already felt that Wu Xie and the others must have climbed out of the water. What they have to do at this time is to cut the grass and remove the roots!

What he thought was that there was no need for him to die, but he had to solve all the difficulties in front of him at this time, so that his descendants would not have any trouble - trouble.

Because this was what Wu Xie used to threaten him before, that is, to threaten him with his descendants!

However, at this time, the old man did not come towards him, but rushed over to kill those who surrounded them!

Just when they thought that the old man rushed over to kill the shadows, they suddenly froze, dropped the knife in his hand, and fell to the ground when he retreated.

At this moment, Wu Xie wanted to go into the tent to look for it.

He just saw that the old man was scared away, and then he would not be seen again.

At this time, Wu Xie walked to the side of those figures again, but at this time, he found that those figures were all skeletons.

There are still clothes on them.

Needless to say, this must have been salvaged by Fatty and the others, and this is also his masterpiece.

Wu Xie and Jiang Feng didn't stay outside for a while, and then they walked into the tent. Most of them were in the tent because of the heavy rain.

So when they walked in, they looked at the tent and there seemed to be no one...

"No, did they go out?"

Wu Xie felt at this moment, could they still go to other places now?

Then Wu Xie started to walk outside again, and Jiang Feng followed him out at this time.

But when they went out, they found a figure standing by the lake.

At this time, Jiang Feng knew who this person was.

"Agui, why are you here?"

When Wu Xie looked at Agui, he thought that they must have all gone into the water now.

"They are so crazy, they have to go into the water with such a heavy rain."

Jiang Feng said another sentence at this time.

But at this moment Wu Xie suddenly realized that something was wrong, because at this moment they saw Agui standing here with a raft in his hand. If that was the case, wouldn't they be able to get up later? ?

After they saw Agui, Agui pointed to the water and cried and said, "They, they are all dead!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

In the end, Wu Xie pulled Agui under their tent and gave him all the supplies on his body.

After he drank some rice wine, he felt a little more comfortable.

Then Wu Xie began to ask him what was going on.

Agui began to speak slowly.

But when he was speaking, he was still a little incoherent. Obviously, from the current state, he had never encountered any of these things.

But to sum up, Fatty and Wu Xie found a whole set of diving equipment when they were diving to find something.

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