
Whoosh whoosh!

The nine-claw hook was shaped like electricity, and it powerfully attacked and killed Jiang Feng's head.

But at this moment, Jiang Feng took a side step, and while dodging the attack of the nine-claw hook behind him, his right hand grabbed the nine-claw hook.

A hard arm.

Chen Pi was out of control and leaned towards Jiang Feng's back.

When he got close, Jiang Feng was shocked.


Chen Pi flew seven or eight meters backwards like a kite with a broken string.

And the rope connecting the nine-claw hook is directly broken.

On the other hand, Jiang Feng, who did not know when he had come to Hua Ling's side, smiled and said, "Let's go back."

Everything is so natural, and everything is so unnatural.

Chen Pi is Er Yuehong's apprentice. He doesn't say that the blue is out of the blue, but he has also learned a lot about Er Yuehong's skills. In the entire Shacheng, it is extremely rare for people who can hold on to three moves undefeated in his hands.

Not to mention Jiang Feng, who didn't even turn his head back, while strolling in the courtyard, Chen Pi was seriously injured.


Chen Pi, who was slumped to the ground, couldn't hold back, he vomited blood, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Chen Pi slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes full of disbelief.

Chen Pi is confident that his strength is rare in Shacheng.

But just now, in the last second.

That man named Jiang Feng actually defeated himself in an instant.

And Chen Pi's self-confidence was instantly destroyed.

Just now Chen Pi was the closest to Jiang Feng, and he could feel Jiang Feng's contempt the most. That feeling was like a child meeting an adult.

The most terrifying thing is that although Jiang Feng just hit him at random, Chen Pi felt that his five internal organs were damaged, his qi and blood were surging, and his bones seemed to fall apart.

Chen Pi has never met such a terrifying person. Even Zhang Qishan, Er Yuehong and his like are far less terrifying than Jiang Feng, which is far beyond Chen Pi's cognition. .

Chapter 68

And from start to finish, Jiang Feng almost never gave himself a formal look.

This made Chen Pi, who had become extremely domineering since following Er Yuehong, feel a deep sense of humiliation.


"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Chen Pi clenched his hands tightly, and his blue veins burst out: "In order to keep my wife alive, I will kill you today no matter what."

"Kill kill kill!"

Chen Pi's eyes were red, like a vengeful madman, rushing towards Jiang Feng again.

The fist of the right hand is more like with the power of opening mountains and cracking rocks. Wherever it goes, even the air makes a "sweeping" rubbing sound.

And this punch, Chen Pi has no reservations. Based on the belief that Jiang Feng is either dead or he is dead, he once again killed Jiang Feng's head and left.


Feeling the punch behind him, Jiang Feng shook his head!

The next second, Jiang Feng turned around abruptly, his right hand protruded strongly like a dragon going out to sea, and firmly caught Chen Pi's fist.

"Your Majesty!"

He only heard Jiang Feng burst out and swept his right leg.


Chen Pi only felt that his legs were hit by the car, and he instantly lost his center and knelt on the ground.

At the same time, Jiang Feng took advantage of the situation and put Chen Pi's hands behind his back, stepped on Chen Pi's back, and said in a condescending tone: "Chen Pi, with your talent, if you follow the right path, you will definitely have something in the future. Achievement."

"It's a pity that you are too obsessed, your murderous aura is too strong, and you get lost but don't know how to return!"

"If you want to kill, kill, why do you do so much nonsense?" With the second defeat, Chen Pi already felt the huge gap between him and Jiang Feng.

And it is almost impossible to find another chance to kill Jiang Feng.

If Jiang Feng can't be killed, the agreement with the Fusang Chamber of Commerce will have no effect.

It would be better to die in Jiang Feng's hands.

"It's just a pity, I couldn't get your head to save the lady, and I couldn't repay the kindness of the lady!"

"Oh?" Jiang Feng raised his brows: "Listen to what you mean, you killed me to save the girl?"

"So what?" Chen Pi said coldly, "Since Er Yuehong doesn't want to save people, I can only do it for me, Chen Pi."

"He can watch his wife die, but I can't..."


Before Chen Pi could finish speaking, Hua Ling, who had always been gentle and elegant, slapped Chen Pi in the face.

"Who said that the second master didn't find a way to save the girl? Do you know that the second master has visited famous doctors all these years. In his heart, the girl's life is far more than his own. If possible, the second master can even use his own My life is to change the girl."

"Also, do you know why the second master promised Buddha and the others to come out after washing his hands in the golden basin?"

"That's because Big Brother Jiang can cure the girl's illness. That's a quid pro quo."

"Such a kind and righteous person is worthless by what you say, so what are you?"

Hua Ling said in one breath the unhappiness in her heart.

Not only Chen Pi was blinded, but even Jiang Feng was blinded at this moment.

In Jiang Feng's heart, Hua Ling has always been small and cute, but he didn't expect to show a completely different side just now.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but gave a thumbs up and sighed, "Xiao Hualing, it's alright, I didn't expect you to get angry too?"

"It's because I can't get used to this Chenpi. I'm self-righteous. I always think that what I do is right. In fact, he is the most wrong person. This time, I want to kill you, Brother Jiang."


Jiang Feng looked at Chen Pi again, and said coldly, "I heard it all? Do you need any explanation from me?"

"Why should I trust you?"

Hua Ling's slap and those words just made Chen Pi calm down for a while. If it's really like what Hua Ling said, then it's just him who is wrong from start to finish.

Er Yuehong agreed to go out because Jiang Feng could save the girl.

Now you actually want to kill Jiang Feng?

Doesn't that mean that he indirectly killed the mistress?

Chen Pi's heart became more chaotic the more he thought about it, so much so that his whole body trembled.

Jiang Feng pouted: "I don't need you to believe it. You can't kill me, but I can save the girl. Everything is based on facts."

"But what I'm thinking now is, who took advantage of your admiration for your wife and asked you to kill me?"

"You nonsense, I have no admiration for my wife, only respect!" Chen Pi gritted his teeth.

"Whether it's love or respect, I think you know it very well."

Jiang Feng said coldly, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, and I won't tell you about your love for your wife."

"After all, you are just a dispensable passerby to me!"

"get out!"

Let's just say, Jiang Feng kicked Chen Pi out, then took Hua Ling's hand and headed towards Zhang's house.

In the dark night, only Chen Pi was left alone.

A few minutes later, Jiang Feng and Hua Ling had gone far away, but Hua Ling was full of unease along the way.

I saw Hua Ling pursed her lips and said, "Brother Jiang, I think that Chen Pi is vicious and vicious. You let him go now, are you not afraid of his revenge in the future?"

Jiang Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "He won't take revenge on me, and he will do me a favor."

"Do you a favor?" Hua Ling became more and more confused.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Chen Pi said before that he took my head to save people, which means that someone cooperated with him."

"We just came to Shacheng, and we don't have any enemies. The only one was when we were in Liyuan, and the boss behind those people was the Fusang Chamber of Commerce."

"The Fusang Merchant asked Chen Pi to kill me as a condition for treating the girl. Now that Chen Pi knows that I can save the girl, with Chen Pi's character that he will retaliate, what do you think he will do?"

"Oh!" Hua Ling suddenly realized: "Brother Jiang means that Chen Pi will definitely go to the Fusang Chamber of Commerce and teach those Fusang people a hard lesson, and there is no need for Big Brother Jiang to take action."

"Brother Jiang, you are so amazing, I really admire you more and more." Hua Ling said with a look of admiration. .

Chapter 69

"Nothing to admire!"

Jiang Feng said: "Let's go back quickly, it's not too early, we have to go to Xie Jiuye tomorrow!"

In fact, instead of killing Chenpi, Jiang Feng not only considered Chenpi, but also the current situation in Shacheng.

The current Chen Pi and Er Yuehong have not turned against each other yet. Killing Chen Pi will prevent the Fusang Chamber of Commerce from making a fuss about it.

Furthermore, the Fusang Chamber of Commerce wanted to use Chen Pi's hand to kill itself, and it was a good calculus. If he died, Zhang Qishan would definitely pursue it to the end, and there would be cracks between the nine gates.

And he himself returns to his own body with his own way.

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