"What are you doing?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a leather sculpture walked out of the carriage.

When the two thugs saw each other, they nodded and bowed quickly.

"Master Peng, this is the fortune-telling. I told him not to disturb your rest, but this kid won't leave."

"Oh?" Peng Sanbian raised his brows, his eyes fell on Qi Tiezui's body, and said coldly, "Are you a fortune teller?"

"Yes, ancestral craftsmanship, you are not allowed to ask for money. I see that this grandfather is full of beauty. It must be a happy event recently. Do you want to count it?" Although Qi Tiezui has seen Peng Sanbian now, he has not seen it yet. invitation, so I didn't plan to leave here.

Peng Sanbian glanced at Qi Tiezui, "Keep talking!"

Qi Tiezui said again: "Originally, with your ability, this trip is definitely inevitable, but you are too limelight."

"This prosperity will decline, and it will become a bloody disaster."

Speaking of this, Qi Tiezui took out a Ping An Fu from his arms: "But it doesn't matter, I have a Ping An Fu here to keep you safe!"

Let's just say, Qi Tiezui didn't care whether Peng Sanbian agreed or not, he walked over and stuffed Ping An Fu into Peng Sanbian's arms!

And this time, I happened to see the invitation card in Peng Sanbian's arms.

"Go away!" Peng Sanbian pushed Qi Tiezui away and shouted, "Fuck your mother's bloody disaster, do you really believe that I will let you have a bloody disaster now?"

Just as Peng Sanbian's voice fell, several of his subordinates immediately surrounded him with murderous aura!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qi Tiezui quickly said, "This master, it's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

"I was just talking nonsense just now, don't take it to your heart, I'll go now!"

"Go away!" Peng Sanbian waved his fist, looked at his subordinates again, and shouted, "I said you rubbish, you can't do a little thing well."

"I gave you money to protect me. Now all the cats and dogs are here, don't you want to get involved?"

"Master Peng, it's all our fault, it's all our fault!" The thugs apologized repeatedly.

Peng Sanbian said coldly: "If this kind of thing happens next time, you can do it yourself."

Come on, Peng Sanbian returned to his box.

And this was also seen by Qi Tiezui who turned and left, and sneered: "Peng Sanbian, Peng Sanbian, since you don't listen to me, don't regret it!"

Immediately, Qi Tiezui quickly returned to the same path!

After a few minutes, he joined the people waiting for the news and sat quietly beside the Buddha.

"Old eighth, how is the situation?"

Qi Tiezui made an OK gesture and whispered, "There are more than a dozen thugs in the No. [-] compartment and No. [-] box, and the invitation card is on Peng Sanbian's chest."

"I'll go right now!" Now that it was almost the same tunnel as Jiuye Xie said, Er Yuehong stood up directly and walked over there.

Jiang Feng and Zhang Qishan looked at each other, and they both saw concern in each other's eyes, and immediately followed. .

Chapter 76

Besides, on Er Yuehong's side, according to the direction Qi Tezui said, he walked straight over.

Coincidentally, this is also the time when the train enters the longest tunnel!

The originally bright space was instantly darkened.


Before the two thugs in Feng could react, Er Yuehong had already leaned over like a ghost and twisted their necks in an instant.

And the other thugs in the corridor didn't notice this scene at all.

Er Yuehong hurried a few steps again and went straight to the No. [-] box.

At this moment, in the No. [-] box, Peng Sanbian is cocking Erlang's legs and nibbling on melon seeds.

Suddenly, a bad premonition flooded his heart. Just when he wanted to stand up to check the situation, a dagger appeared in front of him.

One more person!

Pear orchard, red in February!

"This one must be Lord Peng, right?" Er Yuehong walked to Peng Sanbian's side, put the dagger against Peng Sanbian's abdomen, and said, "I want to talk to you about something below!"

"Ok, Ok!"

Peng Sanbian didn't dare to move, and sat down obediently: "Brother, just say something straight!"

And Er Yuehong sat beside him and said in a moderate voice, "Mr. Peng is as refreshing as he said in the rumors, so I won't beat around the bush."

"To be honest, my younger brother has always been yearning for the Crescent Hotel in Peiping. I wanted to go there and have a look, but I was suffering from no invitation."

"So I still want to ask Mr. Peng to cut his love!"

When the words fell, Er Yuehong took the invitation card from Peng Sanbian's arms, regardless of whether Peng Sanbian agreed or not.

Although Peng Sanbian was unwilling, he still did not dare to move: "Brother, are you doing this a little unrighteously?"

"You can take this thing, but it may not be used for life!"

"Then it depends on Mr. Peng's choice."

Suddenly, Er Yuehong's eyes turned cold, and she played the dagger in her hand with a knife.

At last!


It was directly inserted in front of Peng Sanbian's crotch, and if he went further, he would be cut off from the offspring.

Peng Sanbian was so frightened that he didn't dare to come out, and closed his eyes tightly.

When he realized that the person beside him had disappeared, Peng Sanbian abruptly stood up, rushed out of the box, and shouted: "What are you doing, Du Te Ma? I almost died, you guys are still sleeping there. ?"

"Hurry up and grab the invitation card for Lao Tzu. I don't want to see him still alive for the kid who did something to Lao Tzu just now."

With Peng Sanbian's roar, the thugs who were patrolling the corridor and sleeping in the box instantly woke up and came to Peng Sanbian's side.

"Where!" Someone with sharp eyes saw Er Yuehong's back and shouted, "Come on!"

More than a dozen thugs, the power of the Peng family in the northwest is definitely not weak, otherwise the boss of the Crescent Hotel would not marry the Peng family.

It is not easy for these people to be the thugs of the Peng family.

The moment he discovered Er Yuehong, he rushed over.

But just as he was about to catch up with Er Yuehong, a gun suddenly appeared on the left side of the carriage.

On the right side of the carriage, there was a pitch-black knife, exuding a chilling light, which was quite shocking.

The next second, the man with the knife and gun came out from the left and right sides!

It was Zhang Qishan and Jiang Feng.

"Who are you, get out of the way for Lao Tzu!" A killer shouted.

But Jiang Feng and Zhang Qishan not only did not let go, but took a step closer.

The knife and gun stood in front of him, blocking the way.

"This road is dead!" Jiang Feng opened his mouth lightly and said, "You can't get the invitation back, let Peng Sanbian take you back to the northwest, and maybe you can save your life!"

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

The thug instantly became angry, danced a beautiful knife flower with the dagger in his hand, held it with his backhand, and stabbed Jiang Feng directly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the dagger was already close to Jiang Feng, and one more inch could pierce Jiang Feng's chest.

The speed is extremely fast!

But Jiang Feng's speed is faster than fast!

Turned to one side, dodging the attack of the dagger.

With a wave of the knife, the man's arm was cut off.

As soon as he made his move, the dark and cold black-gold ancient knife had penetrated the man's heart at some point.

Tick, tick!

The hot blood dripped onto the ground, causing everyone present to wake up instantly.

They looked at the dark knife in disbelief, as well as the person who shot it, with a look of horror in their eyes.

"How... how is it possible?"

"It's so dead?"

Frightened, afraid, for a while, these murderous killers were full of fear in their hearts.

They had never seen such terrifying people and knives.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

To know who can become Peng Sanbian's subordinate, who is the easy generation?

But in the confrontation just now, everyone didn't even see what was going on, and only saw a flash of cold light, and one of their companions had fallen into a pool of blood.

Such speed, such strength, is simply unheard of and unseen.

"Monster, this kid must be a monster!" Someone started to back away in horror: "How could there be such a terrifying person in the world?"

If there is a first, there is a second.

At this moment, the hearts of all the thugs were enveloped by a suppressed emotion.

They started backing fast.

But Peng Sanbian, who was in the back, quit: "If you guys dare to take a step back, I promise you won't be able to go back to the northwest."

"Peng... Master Peng, that kid is too scary. Brothers will die if they rush up." Someone said tremblingly.

........ 0

"Fart!" Peng Sanbian exclaimed: "How can the kid be so powerful? Can't you win with so many of you? Hurry up to Lao Tzu, if you can grab the invitation to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will reward each person with [-] oceans. "

Two thousand oceans, let alone ordinary people, is definitely a huge amount even for the desperados like them.

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