"I tell you, I have already informed the people in Hei Qiao Village. I guess they are already waiting outside at this time. I originally planned to wait for Shi Huaichan to die to deal with you, but she was tough and someone helped her. ."

"Then we'll have to leave you together now."

Let's just say, the great protector suddenly ran out.


"Can you run?"

Jiang Feng snorted coldly and ran after him.

But it was the moment Jiang Feng went out.

"Bang bang bang!"

The gunshot rang suddenly, and three bullets rushed towards Jiang Feng like tongues of flame.

The Great Protector turned around and sneered: "Boy, I know you are very strong, but no matter how powerful you are, you are like that? Can you dodge bullets?"

"You still want to kill me? I'll send you to Huangquan first!"

"is it?"

However, in the face of the oncoming bullet, Jiang Feng not only did not retreat, but also met him.

At the same time, the black gold ancient knife came out.


Hearing only three crisp sounds, the three bullets that were charging towards Jiang Feng were actually blocked by all the blocks.

In the next second, Jiang Feng jumped forward sharply, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, his figure shot straight into the air, and then slashed straight down towards the great protector below like a tiger!

Under the moonlight, the ancient black-gold sword became cold and murderous.

And the face of the big protector who was originally smiling also changed at this moment, and the real scene that replaced it was still scary.

"He... Jiang Ran blocked the bullet with a knife? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"This is something that cannot be done by human beings. You must be a monster, you must be!"

Panic, the Great Protector is completely panicked, and the confidence in his eyes has disappeared.

At this moment, he wanted to escape, escape Jiang Feng's attack range, and stay away from Jiang Feng, the killing god.

But at this moment, time seemed to freeze, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move half a minute.

Just like that, I watched the long knife fall down!Death.

Chapter 137



The black gold ancient knife ruthlessly fell from the center of the Dharma Protector's head, just like cutting tofu, and pulled it down directly.

The next second Jiang Feng put away the black gold ancient knife.

Looking at the great protector again, there was already a bloodstain in the center of the body, and endless blood spurted out from the bloodstain.

Immediately, like a pool of mud, it went down to the left and right sides!

At the same time, Shi Huaichan and the others also ran out of it.

After seeing the great protector who was split in half, Shi Huaichan's heart actually relaxed a little!

"Have you finally got your revenge?"

Shi Huaichan muttered to herself, the revenge of killing her husband, the revenge of killing her son, and the pressure brought by the great Dharma protectors over the years, and she even wanted to kill herself and her mother.

Originally all of this, if it was Shi Huaichan's own ability, it would be impossible for Er Er Qi to resolve it anyway.

But Jiang Feng came, and the man who was worthy of Shi Huaichan's life came.

No matter what conspiracies and tricks Biao Dafa protectors use in front of him, this man can always resolve them calmly.

Until now, it has ended the life of the great protector, making the entire Bai Qiao Village finally stabilized.

Jiang Feng came to everyone's side and said, "Okay, now that the great protector has been resolved, your lives should be temporarily safe!"

"However, there are still many followers of the Great Protector. If those people know that the Great Protector is dead, they may launch a riot for their own safety!"

"Old Tusi, this will be left to you to solve."

"No problem!" The old chieftain sighed: "But I really can't think that the Great Protector would become so vicious for the sake of power, or it's his life!"

"Thank you a few brothers just now."

"As for the problems of the followers of the Great Protector, I will let them investigate and solve them now."

"you are welcome!"

The matter of the great protector was finally resolved, as for the internal matters, it was left to the old chieftain to solve it.

But Jiang Feng and the others were tired because they had been busy all night, so they went back to rest!

In the room at the moment, Jiang Feng had just washed and planned to rest.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just then there was a knock on the door!

Jiang Feng quickly opened the door, but what he saw in front of him was Shi Huaichan!

But different from her usual dress, today's Shi Huaichan is wearing a veil, which perfectly complements her graceful figure.

Coupled with her almost perfect face, Jiang Feng was stunned on the spot!

"Big Toast, are you okay?"

"Mmmm!" Shi Huaichan nodded and said with a blushing face: "Jiang Lang, there are still a few hours before dawn, won't you let me sit in for a while?"

"Oh!" Jiang Feng suddenly felt a little rude, welcomed Shi Huaichan in, and then closed the door.

But before Jiang Feng could turn around, Shi Huaichan hugged Jiang Feng's back!

The huge feeling that only a woman like Shi Huaichan would exude swept across Jiang Feng's body, as if he had been electrocuted, making his blood boil.

"Jiang Lang, thank you tonight, if it weren't for you and me, my deep hatred might never be repaid!"

"Big Chief, you are too polite, as long as a righteous person will do this." Jiang Feng replied.

"No!" The Chief Tusi said righteously, "They won't, only you, Jiang Lang, I know you are the person Laotian sees me pitifully entrusting me with my life!"

"Jiang Lang, I have identified you in this life. I want to leave Bai Qiao Village with you. As long as I can be with you, I will do anything!"

"Leave Bai Qiao Village?"

Jiang Feng broke free from Shi Huaichan's embrace, turned to look at her, and said, "But you are Datu..."

But before Jiang Feng could finish speaking, a mellow and sweet kiss kissed Jiang Feng!

At this moment, the emotions that were suppressed in the depths of the heart finally erupted like a flood!


When Jiang Feng woke up, it was already the second day.

Seeing Shi Huaichan with a tired face and unconscious on the bed, Jiang Feng couldn't bear to wake him up, so he quietly put on his clothes and went out to wash.

Just when Jiang Feng finished washing his face, Qi Tiezui hurried over and said anxiously: "Jiang Ye, something is bad, have you seen the big toast?"

"What's the panic about?" Jiang Feng rolled his eyes at Qi Tiezui and said angrily, "Talk about the point!"

"It's Hei Qiao Village, just like what the Great Protector said before his death. It turns out that those people have already been ambushed near Bai Qiao Village, just wait for the Great Protector to cooperate!"

"But last night, the Great Protector was slaughtered by you. The people from the Black Qiaozhai saw that they didn't move all night. They couldn't wait this morning, so they had to do it..."

"Now the whole Bai Qiao Village has been surrounded by groups. The old chief asked me to find the chief chief. Now the Buddha and the second master have gone to help."

Are you from the Black Qiao Village?

Jiang Feng narrowed his eyes and asked, "Did the old chieftain who guarded Bai Qiao Village be replaced last night?"


That is not bad!

Jiang Feng's heart finally stabilized. If it didn't change, if those people put the people from Hei Qiao Village in, it would be fatal!

But now Huaichan...

Thinking of the intense exercise last night, Jiang Feng couldn't help scratching his hair. The fight last night was too intense.

Shi Huaichan used all her strength to fight!

It is estimated that there is no one who can't wake up for most of the day.

With this in mind, Jiang Feng opened his mouth and said, "Forget about the big toast, go and have a look!"

"All right!"

So, under the leadership of Shi Huaichan, everyone came to the ground where the Hei Qiao people and the Bai Qiao people confronted each other.

Jiang Feng said hello to the old chief and looked down.

There are at least a few hundred people in this dark place.

Moreover, they all carried weapons, and it seemed that they came prepared. The most important thing was to look at the body shape of those people. Most of them were trainees. Compared with the people from Bai Qiao Village, their combat power was definitely not at the same level!

I just heard Hei Xiong, the leader of Hei Qiao Village below, shouting: "It seems that your Bai Qiao Village is really empty, and you even let an old woman in her fifties or sixties preside over the overall situation!"

"Why don't you open the city gates and surrender obediently, so that you can avoid the pain of flesh and blood!"

"Hei Xiong, don't be too arrogant!" The old chief shouted loudly: "Hei Qiao and Bai Qiao have faced each other for decades, and the outcome is still undecided. Today, you will definitely not be able to conquer Bai Qiao Village."

"Really?" Hei Xiong sneered: "Old woman, do you think I, Hei Xiong, have the same brain as you?"

"Do you think I would bring so many people without any preparation?"

"Hurry up and open the door if you know each other, otherwise we should cooperate with each other later, but it won't end so well."

"As for you, the old woman, although she is a bit older, I heard that she is usually well maintained. Our group of big men in Hei Qiao Village will not care so much."

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