The system’s reward echoed in Jiang Han’s mind.

Three consecutive prompt tones were all overjoyed for Jiang Han.

The first reward: You Long Light Skill, as the name suggests, this is a skill related to light skill, in the tomb robbery world, the skill is a life-saving skill.

In some specific dangerous situations, empty power without light work, that is also a dead end.

If you want to live for a long time, you must perfect your skill package, and your skills are not pressing!

This You Long Light Skill is obviously too important for Jiang Han!

In addition, the degree of bloodline unlocking has also been increased to 2%, and sure enough, if you complete the task, you will gradually uncover the mystery of bloodline!

In addition, the completion of the main line has reached 60%!

People Control Panel

Host: Jiang Han

Identity: Mysterious unknown

Bloodline: Mysterious unknown [5% unlock].

Knowledge: proficient in history, complete experience in tomb robbery

Skills: Man of Steel, Natural Divine Power, Dragon Light Skill

Backpack: Sixteen-character yin and yang feng shui secret art, a string of big five emperor money

Main quest completion: 60%.

However, to Jiang Han’s surprise, this red-haired monster was the biggest boss in the tomb of General Chen, and after killing him, he actually completed only 60% of the mission.

If Jiang Han remembers correctly, this tomb also contains weapons related to the East Fortress, pig-faced bats, and mercury children.

But these dangers are less than one-tenth of the red-haired monster.

Jiang Han guessed that it may be because his arrival triggered the butterfly effect, and the difficulty in the tomb will increase.

The red hair zongzi turned into a sea of fire zongzi, and burned there for a quarter of an hour before it was finally burned to ashes.


The fat man saw that the fire was extinguished, and the red-haired monster burned not even the hair root hair, so he let out a heavy breath.

Yingzi’s reaction was even greater, she was already very afraid of death, where could she have expected that there was such a big monster in this world, she was so frightened that her face turned pale, and her leather coat was almost soaked with sweat.

“It’s okay, it’s dead.”

Jiang Han walked over to calm Yingzi, and Yingzi’s miserable white face was slightly bloody.

“Lao Jiang, thanks to you, if I want to say that the critical moment depends on you!” The fat man sighed.

Yingzi scoffed at the fat man: “If you weren’t greedy for money, could such a thing happen?!” ”

“Am I to blame for this? If it weren’t for me, would we have been able to get this baby?! ”

The fat man laughed twice, took out the moth jade pei from his pocket, blew the dust on it, and regarded it as a pearl in his palm.

“Don’t have to sue, quickly put it in your pocket, if there is no Lao Jiang on this trip, there are a few of us, maybe now there will be a table of happy wine at Yan Wangye’s place!”

“Happy wine?” The fat man smiled and said, “Could it be Lao Jiang and the sister…”

“Go up!”

Jiang Han glared at the fat man angrily, and looked back at Yingzi, who looked shy.

“Fat brother, the exit has been sealed now, how can we get out?”

“I think something strange over there in the secret room!” Lao Hu said: “The tomb of a general of the Jin Kingdom can never be so simple, I guess there must be other passages on the side of the secret room, not only exits but also other tombs.” ”

Several people nodded and continued to walk towards the secret room.

“Lao Jiang, if I want to say that the strength of your hands is simply too exaggerated, fat master, I can’t move this mace with all my strength, and you will take down that red-haired monster!”

“Okay, don’t be poor, wrap the two clay pots next to you, go back and ask the big golden tooth, and make a price.”

“Gotta go!”

These jars were all pottery, which didn’t look too valuable, but there was nothing good at the moment, and the fat man picked out a few slightly complete clay pots and stuffed them into his backpack.

“Lao Jiang, come and listen, I don’t think the sound here is quite right!”

These four-person detachments had unknowingly turned Jiang Han into the leader recognized by everyone.

“What’s wrong?!” Jiang Han asked.

Huba took the sapper shovel and knocked twice on the mural, the sound was a little thick and a little empty, as if it was empty inside.

“There should be a secret passage in this!” Jiang Han said.

“Let me come!”

The fat man walked over and followed the mural, and it was a kick.

It’s just that this mural doesn’t move, and the fat man was bounced out and fell on his butt.

“Get out of the way, I’ll do it!”

Jiang Han let the fat man and Huba retreat, but he picked up the 400-pound mace, and according to the mural in front of him, it was a hammer!


With a loud bang, the mural in front of me was smashed, the stones shattered, and the dust rushed into the sky!


After the mural is broken, a large hole appears inside, which is the entrance to a passage!

“Boom! Lao Jiang, Lao Hu, this makes you both guess! ”

“Come inside!”

[Ding-dong… Discovery of the Kwantung Army fortress, main mission completion: 70%].

Several people passed through the secret passage and came to the fortress of the Kwantung Army, which was full of various military // fire weapons.

“Oh, I’ll go to Lao Hu, Lao Jiang, we really didn’t come in vain this trip, look at this guy, three or eight big covers, all new, and there is oil on it!”

The fat man excitedly held the three-eight big cover and looked everywhere.

Everyone was also not busy, stuffing their backpacks with all kinds of weapons, grenades, submachine gun bullets, etc.

Although Jiang Han is not an expert in playing with guns, he also served as a soldier in the army, holding a well-controlled submachine gun, stuffed with bullets in his bag, and a few grenades on his waist, fully armed.

Just take this weapon and equipment out, it is also worth his two eldest sons!

It’s just that Jiang Han is a little puzzled, and now the completion of the task is only 70%.

What about the remaining 30%?!

On the other side, Yingzi was flipping over the gun, suddenly raised his head, as if he saw something, and his voice was a little trembling:

“Brother Jiang Han, do you say there will be children in this place?!”

“Blind, there is not even a ghost, where is the child?!” The fat man said loudly.

“Did you see something?” Lao Hu asked worriedly.

“Also… Maybe I’m wrong. Eiko rubbed her forehead and frowned.

“Yingzi is not mistaken!”

At this time, Jiang Han spoke!

“I see children too!”

PS, new books are released, ask for flowers, evaluation votes, rewards, these are more important, thank you for your kindness!!

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