“I guess this story must have an even more incredible ending.” Ye Yixin said.

Sydney Yang nodded and continued to explain.

“The queen ruled with oppression, and she wanted all the people to worship her as a god, and all those who resisted were put to death.”

“Maybe her actions touched the gods, and the queen suffered from a miracle within a few years of tossing and dying.”

“And her slaves and several neighboring countries oppressed by the queen formed a coalition and washed the queen’s royal city in blood.”

“When the coalition forces were about to destroy the queen’s mausoleum, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the terrible wind and sand engulfed the coalition forces and a royal city together.”

“The queen’s tomb, and the countless treasures she collected, were therefore submerged under the yellow sand, so that after hundreds of years, some women who passed by would cause sandstorms, clouds and smoke, and the direction would be lost, and the treasures would be submerged under the yellow sand.”

After Sydney Yang finished speaking, Sa Dipeng immediately continued: “The murals in this ancient tomb and the records in the book, plus these ancient legends, there are too many similarities between the two. ”

“I don’t think it’s a legend, it’s definitely something that really happened.”

If there is only one legend, then naturally no one can be trusted.

But now that books and murals are available, it’s hard not to be suspicious.

These things are true….

“The next few murals clearly record that the prince’s assassination was unsuccessful, and he continued to plan after returning home, how to get rid of the queen?”

“At this time, he met a soothsayer from an ancient country, and the soothsayer asked the prince to hide the refined chronic poison in the meat of cattle and lambs, and then pay tribute to the queen.”

“Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the news of the queen’s violent death, but the prince also died prematurely due to overwork.”

“He and his beloved wife were to be buried together, and the soothsayer designed a mausoleum for him and buried them under the altar.”

“Mr. Jiang Han, is this correct?”

After saying this, Sydney Yang set her gaze on Jiang Han, as if trying to seek Jiang Han’s affirmation.

Jiang Han nodded, “That’s pretty much it. ”

“If I want to say, let’s open this coffin now, and while the two of us are here, we can also reach out and help.” The fat man said.

“Absolutely not.” Professor Chen immediately waved his hand and refused.

“Prince Gumo and his wife are buried together in a coffin, this kind of joint burial of husband and wife in a coffin is very rare, it is a national treasure!”

“We don’t have the conditions to open the coffin now, and once it does, it will destroy the sealed coffin and the funeral objects inside.”

As soon as Huba heard Professor Chen’s words, he immediately knew that there was no drama, these intellectuals had already been brainwashed, and it was impossible to let them open the coffin.

It’s just that the fat man was very annoyed and said unwillingly: “Professor Chen, we are all here, isn’t this a convenient thing?!” ”

If you don’t let him open the coffin, how can the treasure inside be taken out?!

Professor Chen: “Of course not! ”

Hao Aiguo: “Absolutely not!” ”

The two professors immediately refuted the fat man and reasoned with the intellectuals, which was clearly a pit.

“Definitely not.”

Lao Hu also said to the fat man, and then winked at the fat man vigorously.

The fat man was refuted by everyone, and there was no words.

“Lao Jiang…” he tugged at Jiang Han’s sleeve and made a sound through his throat.

Jiang Han, on the other hand, smiled, did not speak, and made a gesture to the fat man, signaling for him to calm down.

Jiang Han also knew that it would be completely unworkable to talk to these intellectuals about some big ideas.

The task of the system is to let Jiang Han leave the Exquisite Ancient City safely with this group of people, and Jiang Han will not hurt them with his own hands.

But this does not mean that these people can successfully prevent Jiang Han from opening this coffin.


What Jiang Han wants to do, even if the sky is shattered, no one can stop it!!

Not to mention these intellectuals!!

Seeing Jiang Han’s eyes, the fat man immediately understood.

Secretly nodded, the fat man turned back to everyone and said: “Everyone is right, the lesson is right, I was anxious for a while…”

Seeing that the fat man did not mean to open the coffin, everyone began to look at the murals and other objects in the tomb again.

Suddenly, Professor Chen seemed to have made a new discovery, and the whole person was shocked.

“Sydney, give me the notebook!”

Sydney Yang took out the notebook in her bag, and then the two looked at the mural in front of them and found a photo sandwiched in the notebook.

The pictures shown on the mural and in the notebook are generally the same.

“The desert engulfed the royal city together…”

As if Professor Chen had fulfilled his lifelong wish, his old hands trembled and said, “Zagrama Valley, this is the exquisite ancient city, he is not far from us, not far away!” ”

“Great, great.” After Teacher Hao Aiguo understood it, he said, “This shows that we are all on the right path, and this underground dark river is the Zidu Dark River.” ”

“And that Zagrama Mountain is the Magnetic Mountain!!” Professor Chen said excitedly.

Professor Chen was so excited that he almost cried: “Comrade Jiang Han, I really thank you for leading the way, you are our beacon!” ”

“Yes, Brother Jiang Han, thank you so much.” Ye Yixin’s eyes narrowed into two slits.

“If there is no problem, let’s go up and rest for the night, and then continue to take notes tomorrow.” Jiang Han said.

Everyone immediately nodded in agreement, and after a simple record and photograph of the tomb, everyone went to the ancient well to rest.


Jiang Han stood up when everyone was sleeping, and then jumped and jumped off the ancient well.

PS, the second is more here, ask for flowers evaluation votes reward, thank you for your kindness!

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