“Lao Jiang, I have to think too much, this is not a love triangle.” The fat man said, “But what is the soul puppet?” ”

An unfamiliar noun entered the fat man’s ears.

Soul puppet!

“I don’t know.” Huba shook his head.

Even Hu Bayi was at a loss, although the ancestor was a captain who touched the gold, he also knew the half-volume sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret technique.

But he really hadn’t heard of the word soul puppet.

And this word, listening to it, is terrifying enough.

Sydney Yang also felt too weird and asked, “What is a soul puppet?” ”

“Man is composed of two parts, the soul and the body.”

Jiang Han explained: “As for the soul puppet, it is someone else who planted his soul in your body through strange means, helping him continue to live in the world and fulfill his unfulfilled wishes. ”

“If you are really her soul puppet, then you will have those strange dreams, which is easy to explain.”

Even Jiang Han felt incredible, “But these things were originally recorded in Buddhism and Taoism or witchcraft legends, but I didn’t expect them to be real.” ”

Sydney Yang was even more frightened, and his body retreated one after another.

She’s digesting this amount of information.

This is too big a shock for her!

Is it true that he is not himself at all?!

She has always lived for someone else?!

He exists in order to come to the ghost cave one day and meet the Exquisite Queen?!

“The husband is right.”

The Queen of Perfection turned her head to look at Jiang Han with a look of admiration, “King Ben was constantly seeking the elixir of immortality during his lifetime, and in the process of seeking it, I learned that human beings are composed of body and soul. ”

“Therefore, King Ben went through great hardships and found this Kunlun Divine Wood and Corpse Incense Konjac, these two things can make the flesh immortal for thousands of years and youth eternal.”

“These two things were originally used to make the elixir of immortality, but I didn’t expect that the elixir was not developed, but it was poisoned by Prince Gumo in advance, so King Ben had to use this Kunlun divine wood and corpse incense konjac to preserve my body after death.”

After listening to the words of the Exquisite Queen, the fat man and Lao Hu breathed a sigh of relief.

In the end, this exquisite queen eventually died.

If they really lie here for thousands of years and do not die, then it is really someone who has lived for thousands of years and is immortal!

This is really going to ruin the three views!

“However, although your body remains, your soul is dead.” Sydney Yang Road.

“Although Kunlun Divine Wood and Corpse Incense Konjac can make the body incorruptible for thousands of years, and you keep your physical body, the death of your soul cannot be resurrected.”

The Queen of Perfection nodded.

“King Ben has not found an effective way to make the soul stay forever in his life, and let the soul stay forever, and this is the most difficult part of immortality or bringing me back to life.”

“But in our Western Regions, there is a kind of witchcraft that can strip the soul from the body and go beyond to the future to find the next soul puppet.”

Sydney Yang analyzed a few breaths and said, “So, you used this witchcraft before you died, and I am the puppet you chose?” ”

The Exquisite Queen nodded and said, “That’s right, you are the puppet chosen by my thousand-year-old soul. ”

Speaking of this, the Exquisite Queen’s snow-white face was bloody and red, and her lips were raised, and a little weird smile appeared on her face.

“I didn’t expect that the legendary sorcery of the Western Regions is true, and your mission is to come here, bring King Ben’s soul back, and bring King Ben back to life!”

The explanation of the Exquisite Queen has been very clear.

He first used Kunlun Divine Wood and Corpse Incense Konjac to maintain his dead body.

Then he used the sorcery of the Western Regions, which was not sure about it, to record the soul into the future before he died, looking for the next puppet.

Unexpectedly, this Western Regions witchcraft was actually realized, and this puppet chosen by the soul that wandered for thousands of years.

It’s this Sydney Poplar!!


The fat man gasped.

“Old Hu, listen to this queen’s words, is it that her plan to bring back the dead is only the last step, and this Mi Guo Niu has dedicated her soul to the queen of essence.” The fat man asked the old nonsense.

This exquisite queen is dead and the corpse is fraudulent, and the fat man can accept it.

It’s even quite fortunate, fortunately, it’s not a person who has lived for thousands of years and is immortal.

Now this is no longer a question of immortality, and a more nonsense resurrection from the dead came out!!

“It seems that this is the case, this queen girl is using the Mi Guoniu as a tool to complete her plan to bring back the dead and live forever…”

The fat man asked in horror, “If those American girls really gave their souls to this queen, what would happen to her?” ”

“Without a soul, it’s an immovable shell.”

The fat man shouted: “Then isn’t he a corpse?!” ”

Old Hu and fat sweat drops have fallen.

It’s like listening to a ghost story…

Immortality, resurrection!

And turn people into dry corpses!

It’s so ruinous!

Sydney Yang’s expression was a little broken.

Could it be said that he was struggling to find the exquisite ancient city in order to send souls to people so that he could become a dry corpse?

Think about it from another angle, this trip to the exquisite ancient city is your own road to death?!

She took a step forward and burst out with great boldness, “Heaven and earth have natural reincarnation, and people have birth, old age, illness and death. Immortality, resurrection from the dead, this is a thing that goes against human ethics and loses heavenly reason, you are simply ridiculous! ”

Let her take the initiative to send her to death and become the queen of perfection, how can Sydney Yang agree?!

The Exquisite Queen seemed to know that Sydney Yang would not agree easily, and she grabbed Jiang Han’s arm.

“Husband, if you help me kill her, her soul will re-enter my body!”

With seduction and pleading in his eyes, there is an unstoppable beauty.

“Kill her, take my soul back, we can reunite, with the strength of our husband and wife, returning to the outside world can rule the thirty-six kingdoms without much effort, when the time comes, you will be king, and I will be the queen!”

Things are changing so fast!

The fat man and the old Hu were even more confused.

“Groove! Lao Hu, the queen of the elite actually wants Lao Jiang to help kill this foreign girl?! The fat man hurriedly said, “Old Hu, do you say that Jiang Han can listen to this queen?” ”

Huba Yi is also tongue-in-cheek, and he never expected that the Queen of Perfection would make a request to kill Sydney Yang.

“It shouldn’t be, let’s go on this exquisite trip, born and die together, Lao Jiang should not be a person who does not miss old love.”

“But this queen is Lao Jiang’s old friend, and on the old love of Lao Jianghe, this superb queen, maybe deeper than both of us…”

The fat man said, “And isn’t this exquisite queen a little naïve?” Thousands of years have passed, and what are the 36 countries of the Western Regions, which have long been aircraft and missiles to fight. ”

“Can you put your thinking point on business?” Lao Hu was speechless: “Is it time to think about these things…”

“Yes, yes, Lao Jiang, you have to think well…”

The fat man’s palms and feet were sweating.

“Husband, kill her!” The Queen of Perfection begged Jiang Han.

“Lao Jiang!” On the other side, Sydney Yang also looked at Jiang Han, looking at it.

These two identical women stood on either side of Jiang Han one after the other.

One allows himself to kill the other, while the other looks at himself innocently.

It is not the kindness of Jiang Han’s woman, it is like indecision.

Rather, he felt that all this did not seem so simple.

“Husband, kill her, and you and I will share the joy of heaven!”

“Lao Jiang…”

When Jiang Han was hesitating, the two women began to try to convince Jiang Han again.

Jiang Han fell into soul torture, only feeling dizzy for a while, and his head was about to explode.

The steel long knife in his hand tightened a little.

And just when his consciousness was gradually blurred, he suddenly saw from the side of the waist of the Exquisite Queen.

On the coffin of the Kunlun Shenmu, some mysterious ghost cave words are engraved.

Immediately, the blur in Jiang Han’s eyes was swept away.

He swung the steel knife in his hand and slashed it forward!!!

PS, the second is more, although the word count of this chapter is a little less, it is still more than 2800 words, which is a lot more than the ordinary 2000-word chapter.

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