“Husband, you go quickly, if you don’t leave, it’s too late!”

A touch of anxiety appeared on the pretty face of the Exquisite Queen, and she already felt that her soul was about to dissipate.

“I’ll have a way to save you.”

A fierceness flashed in Jiang Han’s eyes, “I will definitely help you find the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book and the Yun Dust Bead.” ”

“As for the physical body, just lie in the Kunlun Divine Coffin, I have a way to take you out.”

Next to Sydney Yang, Fatty, and Lao Hu, the three were like wooden chickens.

“Let’s not talk about the dragon bone heavenly book and the dust bead, how can this boss’s coffin be carried?”

The fat man said with a confused look, the stone road is already very narrow, and it is clearly impossible to carry this Kunlun coffin.

Lao Hu said: “Lao Jiang said that he has a way, that is, there is a way!” ”

There are too many things experienced along the way, and Jiang Han’s strength is even more obvious to all.

Now even if Jiang Han said that he could pick stars in the moon, Lao Hu could sum up.


The beautiful eyes of the exquisite queen flowed, and tears pang out of the corners of her eyes.

Let her have already seen Jiang Han, which is her wish.

But to say that there is no regret in dying is certainly impossible.

After meeting each other for less than 5 minutes, they had to be separated by yin and yang.

The queen couldn’t help herself, and hugged Jiang Han again, and two red lips were attached to Jiang Han’s lips.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Han and Lao Hu turned their heads shyly.

Sydney Yang also looked lonely and chose to look away.

With this kiss, tears fell from the corners of the queen’s eyes.

It’s just that not long after these two lips were attached, Jiang Han felt a cold coldness.

Apparently a wisp of the remnant soul in that staff had dissipated.

The Exquisite Queen transformed into a corpse again.

Jiang Han picked up the Elite Queen and put it safely into the Kunlun Divine Coffin.

“Lao Jiang, is she…”

The fat man saw that the queen was motionless again, and he had already guessed something.

Jiang Han nodded, his expression extremely heavy: “He is now a physical body. ”

“Lao Jiang, then let’s not get tired of being crooked, hurry up, I’ll help you carry it!”

The fat man saw that the collapse around him was even worse, and quickly stepped forward to carry away the Kunlun coffin.

Seeing the fat monkey’s anxious appearance, Jiang Han felt speechless.

Do you really think that you will leave with this coffin?!

“Fatty, do you remember how I picked up the baby?”

The fat man thought for a moment and slammed his head.

“I almost forgot, Lao Jiang will still do tricks!”

Previously, in the burial pit, Jiang Han disappeared out of thin air with a treasure in his hand.

At this time, if you want to leave in this Kunlun coffin, won’t you have to use that trick again?!

Sure enough, Jiang Han’s hand was placed on the top of the Kunlun Divine Coffin, and the Great Kunlun Divine Coffin and the Exquisite Queen inside suddenly disappeared.

All of them were entered into the space pendant by Jiang Hanfang.

“Lao Jiang, I’ve never heard of fire, how can you still do tricks?”

Old Hu said dumbly.

“This should not be a trick, but a space technology.” Sydney Yang Road.

The fat man said, “Imaginary space?!” ”

Jiang Han didn’t have time to explain to these people, and ordered: “Let’s go quickly, return the same way, fat man, you put Professor Chen on your back.” ”

Immediately, everyone left the stone beam and returned from the same way they came.

Passing through the clearing of the stone road, the fat man also carried away Professor Chen, who was already unconscious.

“Where’s Xiaoye?”

It seems that he found that Xiao Ye actually disappeared, and he stayed with Professor Chen before!

Jiang Han said, “Don’t worry, she’s safe now.” ”


The boulders of the ghost cave rock wall are falling rapidly, and even the stone path shows signs of imminent collapse.

[Ding-dong… You are stuck in the stone path, the main story has no mission completion rate: 95%]

The task of exploring the exquisite ancient city only left the last 5%, and Jiang Han guessed that it should be the same as the original play, only the step pointed out by the prophet remained.

With the guidance of restrictions, leaving the ghost cave is considered to be complete!

“Go this way!”

Due to the plot of the original play, Jiang Han immediately brought everyone to a crossing.

Everyone did not question, and Jiang Han quickly followed.

Just after entering the intersection, the road that came from it was blocked by collapsed boulders.

Running all the way down, the fat man and Sydney Yang were exhausted and even showed signs of dehydration.

The fat man couldn’t stand it and had to stop and rest for a while, and at this time the movement in the vicinity was much smaller. It seems that the collapse is over.

“Fatty, don’t stop, hurry up!”

Old Hu was very fit, did not feel tired, and said loudly to the fat man lying on the ground.

“Death is death, I can’t run.” The fat man said angrily.

“Now you can’t run if you want to, do you see that there are still roads around?”

Sydney Yang gasped while looking around, and found that there was no way to go at all.

The fat man said, “Old Hu, are we dead or alive?!” ”

“I see that the dead and the alive are almost the same.”

Lao Hu simply sat down, “Even if you live temporarily, you are not far from death.” ”

“Is that on the way to death?” The fat man said: “I said Lao Jiang, didn’t you say that there is a road in this area?” Anyway, fat man, I followed you dead or alive, and when I die, I should give you a cushion. ”

“Miss Yang, say goodbye to you first, I will get a word from Yan Wang Ye with Lao Hu, you are going to see God, you are far away, take care of yourself.”

Sydney Yang was speechless: “It’s all this time, can you stop messing around…”

“Although it stopped outside, I don’t know if this is breathable.” Old Hu said: “If there is no air, we people will be at most an hour.” ”

The stranger looked at it, the bag next to him was also lost, and the explosives were gone.

The fat man was desperate again.

“Lao Jiang, since we are all dying, I don’t understand something, so why does the queen look exactly like Boss Yang?”

If the queen was controlled by the matter konjac before and gave birth to the same face as Sydney Yang, it can also be explained.

But then the corpse incense konjac fell into the ghost hole, according to common sense, the queen should also restore her appearance…

How is it still Sydney Yang’s appearance?

Jiang Han smiled and said, “Maybe Sydney is a reincarnated descendant.” ”

To be honest, even Jiang Han didn’t have a definite answer to why.

It can only be explained by the fact that Sydney Poplar is the reincarnation of the essence.

“Then you can tell us what the queen said, what are the dragon bone heavenly books and dust beads?”

Before he died, the fat man became interested in these legendary things.

Lao Hu and Sydney Yang also became a little interested.

Jiang Han began a long explanation while looking around for the way around.

“There was a famous feng shui master in the Tang Dynasty, named Li Chunfeng, and Li Shimin, the king of Tang at that time, was quite interested in the legend of the Yun dust bead, so he arranged for Li Chunfeng to go out to find the whereabouts of the Yun dust bead. Li Chunfeng relied on his profound skills to find clues, and finally spent half a lifetime to find the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book, so that he knew the true location of the Yun Dust Bead. ”

“Understand, the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book is used to record the origin and approximate role of the dust beads.” The fat man said.

Jiang Han nodded, it can be said that the words are unreasonable.

However, if you want to get the Dust Bead, you must first get the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book.

Immediately, Jiang Han’s gaze skimmed to Sydney Yang’s side.

Because he knew that whether it was the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book or the Dust Bead, it had a huge effect on Sydney Yang.

His grandfather, Partridge Whistle, spent his life searching for this bead of dust.

Now including herself, she is also working on this matter.

Sydney Yang’s eyes were full of expectation, waiting for Jiang Han’s answer.

“However, at this time, Li Chunfeng began to hesitate, because he felt that this pearl was extremely dangerous, and if he was born, I am afraid that it would be harmful to the people of the Great Tang and the Celestial Empire.”

“So Li Chunfeng thought left and right to figure out a method of both worlds, which is to split the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book in two, and gave the innocuous introduction chapter to the Tang King, and the whereabouts chapter was not born and placed in the extreme depths of the Tang Dynasty palace.”

“And Li Chunfeng himself later brought the other half of the important dragon bone heavenly book into his tomb, which means obviously, that is, he wants the secret of the Yun Dust Bead to disappear from now on, and no one can find it.”

“The dust bead has actually been silent for a thousand years, and this bead is controlled by the last controller and is sleeping somewhere.”

After Sydney Yang listened to Jiang Han’s final explanation, her expression was slightly lonely.

Originally, I thought that I could get some news about Mu Chenzhu, but the result was still a blank piece of paper.

“Even the ancient emperor Li Shimin wants to find this bead, I’m afraid this bead is a priceless treasure, it must be very valuable, right?!”

Jiang Han was speechless, why was this fat man full of money.

“It’s not worth anything, it’s something that money can’t buy.” Jiang Han said.

“The Yun dust bead, also known as the phoenix gall, is actually a sacrificial weapon used by the demon country to sacrifice the ghost cave, which can open the passage between reality and imaginary space, and after the demon kingdom dies, the phoenix gallbladder falls into the Central Plains.”

“I leaned, it turned out that Ya’s was related to imaginary space…”

As soon as the fat man hears the four words of imaginary space now, he has a headache.

“Okay, now I can’t even get out of this ghost cave, and what kind of heavenly book beads…”

The fat man said: “If we really leave this ghost place, even if it is the end of the earth, the fat man will definitely help you find the book and beads of that day.” ”

“Who can’t say that they can’t go to this ghost hole.”

Jiang Han had already noticed the hidden stone gap in front of him.

“Follow me, there’s a way here.”

As soon as they heard that there was a way, everyone quickly got up and found a narrow crack.

All of a sudden, there is a feeling of another village!

“Where is it?” The fat man said with Professor Chen on his back.

Following the gap, several people came to a confined space, which was where the prophet sited.

In front of the prophet, a stone box resembling a coffin was in the center of the space.

The fat man shone a flashlight on the two corpses of the prophet and said, “Lao Jiang, there are two rice dumplings. ”

“What zongzi.”

Old Hu said with disdain: “The face is about to become a fossil, look like this, it must be thousands of years.” ”

“Fuck, this tomb still thinks that there is a way to live, and this combination is from one jar to another.”

The fat man looked around and found that there was no secret passage.

“Don’t be so desperate, since there is a tomb here, there should not be only one road.”

Huba: “Maybe the secret to getting out of here is in this tomb.” ”

The fat man nodded, and his gaze fell on the stone platform in the middle.

“Old Hu, do you say that there are any valuable treasures in this stone platform?”

It’s about to die, and the fat man is still thinking about the treasure.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s worth it or not, there may be clues in it that we left here.”

Jiang Han directly prepared to open the stone platform.

“Here, light the candles.”

Hu Bayi and the fat man took out candles from their backpacks.

This stone platform looks a bit like a coffin, and the rules of the ancestors cannot be less.

At this time, Sydney Yang came over with a serious face, looked at Lao Hu and the fat man skillfully lit candles, and swept his gaze towards Jiang Han.

“How many of you, what sect?!”

The fat man and the old Hu were stunned, and then they forgot that there was also Sydney Yang.

The coffin is not carried by people …

“Say what you, are you overtired?!” The fat man said.

Sydney Yang’s question was tricky enough, and he didn’t ask if a few people were tomb robbers, but simply asked which sect.

Jiang Han had already admitted before that he was indeed a tomb thief.

“What kind of sect? I didn’t understand at all. ”

The fat man is, of course, a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water and does not admit it.

“My hobby is to study some feng shui horoscopes, but we are definitely not tomb thieves, you can’t wronged us, me and the fat man and the two of us and Zheng Miao Hong…”

Even Lao Hu beat to death and refused to admit it.

“I said you two, is it interesting to come to this set at this time?”

Sydney Yang said, “How do you know that I am asking about the tomb thief?” ”

Sydney Yang only asked about the sect, but the two denied that they were tomb thieves.

Isn’t this three hundred taels without silver here?!

“Set the plate to hang thousands of gold, Haizi hangs the sound, hook and kick the pole, pour away the big top Yuanliang, and the moon trick is far away and the color package is not on.”

Sydney Yang paused and said to Jiang Han.

“No, what’s wrong with this, what do you say? Evil?! ”

A look of confusion entered his ears, and the fat man listened with a confused look.

And Jiang Han also spoke: “There is no Yuanliang, the mountain carries firewood and burns the fire under the mountain, dare to ask this top Yuanliang, where did he divide the mountain armor and disassemble a few hill gates?” ”

“A river has two shore scenes, the same mountain to move firewood under the mountain to burn fire, partridges divided into three armor, harriers to solve the hill gate, many once climbed the treasure hall, nowhere to find the dragon tower.”

The fat man was even more confused when he heard it.

Why did Lao Jiang also follow the nagging gods?

“No, are you two evil, or am I evil, let’s not scare people?!”

“This is a code word in the grave robbery world.”

Jiang Han didn’t want to hide anything.

The showdown is a grave robber!

“I didn’t expect Miss Yang to be a mountain mover.”

Old Hu saw that he couldn’t hide it, so he no longer hid it.

Sydney Yang said, “It turns out that you are Captain Mojin.” ”

PS, the first is more, this chapter has a lot of words, a large chapter of more than 4000 words, one chapter is more than two!

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