“Gentlemen, do you smell anything?”

The big golden tooth just woke up, and his nose was quite sharp.

“Come here, there’s a statue here!”

Sydney Yang also noticed the direction Jiang Han went.

There, a two-meter-tall statue fell to the ground, and the scene was very shocking.

This kind of large ding, even in the National Museum, is extremely rare, and it is a very precious cultural relic.

“Oh, I’ll go, this is really a baby!!”

As soon as the big golden tooth saw this good thing, the discomfort just now disappeared.

“But then again, how is this another one?!”

The fat man also looked over carefully, and the big one of the boss seemed to be bronze.

“This ding was used by the ancients for sacrifice, or to record important events.”

Huba’s gaze swept over this big ding, and then analyzed.

“Lao Jiang, then what year do you say this ding?!” The fat man asked.

Jiang Han shone the flashlight on the inscription on the side of the ding: “From the analysis of the inscription on this ding, how can I say that this is also from the early Western Zhou Dynasty. ”

“Western Zhou’s?!”

The fat man’s eyes burst with greed for money again.

Although I don’t know much about history, I can also know that the Western Zhou Dynasty is thousands of years old.

The older something is, the more valuable it must be!

Huba Yi analyzed: “This is an altar, and this ding should have been placed here. ”

“Sacrifice to whom?” The fat man asked: “Sacrifice dirt?!” ”

“How do I know.”

The fat man asked the big golden tooth: “Old Jin, is this thing worth anything?!” ”

“This thing is going to be taken outside.”

Big Golden Tooth shook his head and marveled, “This is enough to eat for eight lifetimes.” ”

The fat man was even more excited when he heard it!

Enough to eat for eight lifetimes, how much is this worth!!

“But such a good thing, it’s too big, we can’t take it with us.”

“Who said you can’t take it away?”

Jiang Han smiled slightly at the fat man.

If this treasure is taken out and sold, it will be enough to eat and drink for at least eight lifetimes.

As the saying goes, thieves don’t go empty!

Come here, Jiang Han has never had a reason not to take this treasure out!

The fat man said: “I almost forgot, our Lao Jiang can do tricks, but the problem is that this guy is too big, Lao Jiang, can you do it?!” ”

“How can a man say that you can’t do it?!”

Not to mention that he received this ding into the space pendant, even if Jiang Han pierced this hole, it was not impossible to carry this ding out.

However, Jiang Han naturally did not choose the troublesome method, put his hand on the West Zhou Ding, and then directly collected it into the space pendant.

Space pendant has 100 square meters of space.

Now in the space pendant, except for the Kunlun Divine Coffin, the corpse of the Exquisite Queen, and the box of a marching ant, the rest is empty.

When he accepted Xizhou Ding, Jiang Han did not carry Sydney Yang.

Sydney Yang didn’t say anything, after all, she is a rich woman, there is no shortage of money, Jiang Han wants to take away the baby to get rich, and she has no reason to stop it.

Sydney Yang was puzzled: “But then again, this Ding is from the Western Zhou Dynasty, Li Chunfeng is a feng shui master of the Tang Dynasty, how can this be Li Chunfeng’s tomb?!” ”


The big golden tooth was also puzzled, “Lao Jiang, you can’t be wrong in judgment, isn’t this place Li Chunfeng’s tomb?” ”

“Don’t worry, this is the inner hidden temple, which is Li Chunfeng’s tomb.”

Jiang Han said, “The reason why there is a Western Zhou tomb here is because Li Chunfeng’s tomb is a tomb within a tomb!” ”

Tomb within a tomb!!

Several people were shocked when they heard this word.

Tombs within tombs, even fat people know that this kind of tomb is definitely rare.

And the more complex and the higher the tomb, the more treasures there are often inside!

Of course, the mechanism inside is more dangerous.

After receiving the big ding, Jiang Han walked towards the white bone corpse.

The closer to the bone, the stronger the fragrance on the tip of everyone’s nose.

“This scent seems to come from here!”

Sydney Yang sniffed with her nose next to the bones.

Huba Yiya said, “And this fragrance seems to have been smelled somewhere.” ”

“Did that big ding stew meat?”

The fat man raised this speculation, and immediately got the contempt of everyone.

Huba approached the corpse and sniffed carefully.

The fat man said: “No, old Hu, are you okay with this mouth?!” ”

“You are good at this mouthful, this fragrance really comes from him.” Huba together.

And Jiang Han directly picked up a piece of jade under the pile of corpses.

“No need to smell it, that scent comes from this jade pei.”

The fat man approached Yupei and sniffed: “It’s really, it’s really fragrant, what the hell is this?” ”

Before Jiang Han could speak, the big golden tooth next to him immediately became extremely excited.

“This is the legendary smelling jade!!”

Big Golden Tooth has always liked all kinds of antique devices, especially jade.

This smell of fragrant jade is famous in their antique circles!

It can even be said to be a legendary baby!!

“Smell Xiangyu?” The fat man said, “What is that?!” ”

The big golden tooth picked up Wen Xiangyu, blew off the dust on it, and confirmed again:

“This is Wen Xiangyu! This thing belongs to the secret treasure of the nobility, which was built in the Warring States period and is rare among the people. The most peculiar thing is that this jade can emit a fragrance that will last for thousands of years, and the drier the environment, the stronger its aroma, which is his preciousness. ”

“I’m right, Jiang Ye!”

Jiang Han nodded and spoke: “I have never heard the end of flowers in the world, but now I have seen and smelled fragrant jade, and the creation of the Heavenly Palace is difficult to remember, and it is infinitely wonderful.” ”

The fat man listened to Jiang Han and read the poem, thinking that it was definitely a particularly precious treasure.

So he showed the look of a wealth fan.

“So isn’t this thing particularly valuable?!”

“Fat master, it’s not just worth money.”

The big golden tooth said excitedly: “Look at this pattern and workmanship, this should be a dragon-shaped jade pendant from the Warring States period, and now it is unearthed and circulated, and there are few good products of such a large size.” ”

“I speculate that this should have been used by the most senior nobles to symbolize their status at that time, just a little fun, definitely not much worse than the big mouth just now!”

“Oh, I’ll go!!”

The fat man listened to this and paid it back.

Just such a little jade pei is actually as valuable as that big ding.

The big golden tooth couldn’t put down this jade pei, but after some observation, he finally handed him over to Jiang Han’s hands.

This jade pei was too valuable, and he did not dare to accept it himself.

This action, if there was no Jiang Han, his big golden tooth would not even have the chance to see the jade pei.

The fat man warned again and again: “Lao Jiang, you have to keep this jade pendant safe!” ”

Jiang Han smiled, so he put this jade pei into the space pendant.

Of course, everyone did not refute it, Jiang Han is the leader of these people, and the treasure is the best choice in his hands.

“Lao Jiang, look, there is also a gold touching talisman here.”

Sydney Yang never cared about that jade pei, but noticed the gold touching talisman hanging from the corpse’s neck.

“It’s really touching the gold talisman!”

Hu Bayi took a closer look, but he didn’t expect to see the touch gold talisman here.

“I’ll go!”

The fat man was taken aback, “This is a gold talisman, so who is he?!” ”

Huba said: “Touch Captain Jin.” ”

But everyone is not too surprised, after all, there is a tomb here, and you are naturally indispensable to robbing the tomb.

Jiang Han threw this golden talisman to the big golden tooth by the way.

Touching the gold talisman is actually not worth a few big bucks, and Lao Hu, Fat Man, and Sydney Yang all have this thing.

So, Jiang Han casually gave the real touch talisman to the big golden tooth.

“Thank you Grandpa Jiang.” Big Golden Tooth took the baby with a smile.

“Fatty, what are you doing?!”

Huba saw that the fat man was pulling things there again.

“Then if he touches Captain Jin, isn’t it a little precious.”

The fat man rummaged through the backpack next to the corpse, except for some shovels or something, he didn’t get anything.

“Oh, I’ll go!”

But this look up can startle the fat man.

On the top of the head of this corpse, someone actually poked a big hole.

It was as if someone had stabbed through the Heavenly Spirit Cover with a spear.

“I’ve never seen a wound like this, maybe it’s caused by the dirt.”

It is clear that the owner of this corpse was fatal because of this wound.

“It was done by a human-faced black-faced ant.”

When Jiang Han introduced the black-faced ant before, the fat man and Lao Hu were not around, so he said a few more words.

“It’s the black face in the hole in the wall you saw earlier, they’re actually spiders.”

“Adult people with black faces and shyness are very large, some can even be as big as the iron-headed dragon king, they are very aggressive, although they do not eat people, but they attack people.”

“Lao Jiang, you just said that this human-faced black-faced ant can be as big as the Iron-headed Dragon King, how is this possible?!”

Lao Hu also found it incredible.

This kind of spider, Huba Yi has actually heard of it, but it is the first time that he has heard of the head of the iron-headed dragon king?!

Jiang Han got up and said, “You will understand in a moment that many things here have mutated. ”

Everyone swallowed their spit unconsciously.

The power of the iron-headed dragon king, everyone has personally experienced it.

No one wants to see that monster like the Iron-headed Dragon King again…

Before leaving, Huba Yi suggested:

“Since we took someone’s treasure, and the person is Captain Touching Gold, it should be regarded as our senior, so bury it.”


So the fat man casually cut a pit, simply disposed of the corpse, and saluted in front of him.

Several people set off to continue their journey.


Jiang Han’s ears were extremely sensitive, and he heard the sound of someone sliding down outside the cave.

Jiang Han knew very well that it was Ma Dao’er and Wang Chunlai’s group of people.

Before on the boat, Jiang Han had revealed the information that he was going to the Fishbone Temple.

So Ma Bold, they can find here, Jiang Han is not surprised.

Jiang Han did not stop them, because the task of the system was to go to the tomb with the original cast in the TV series.

However, as for how long this group of people can live in the tomb, it doesn’t matter about Jiang Han.

This group of bandits and gangs, even if they really have the ability to escape, Jiang Han will not leave them alive.

PS, the third is more here, please subscribe automatically and subscribe all, thank you graces.

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