“Bring the pen!”

Jiang Han stretched out his hand to the fat man.

“What… What pen? ”

The fat man was a little suspicious, but suddenly thought of something, and his tone became weak.

“Oh, you said that pen, I put it back into the hands of Li Chunfeng and her old man in front of Chief of Staff Yang.”

“Is it Chief of Staff Yang?”

Sydney Yang turned his head and nodded, “I saw him put it back.” ”

The fat man nodded and smiled: “Oh yes, I really see it.” ”

“Take it, hurry up.”

Jiang Han said with a smile.

Earlier he himself put his brush in his bag and threw it to the fat man.

Jiang Han knew that the fat man would definitely not throw this away, he must save it as a treasure, and he might be able to sell it at a good price if he took it out.

The reason why he didn’t stop it was because Jiang Han knew that he would use this brush.

The fat man saw that he couldn’t put it on, so he had to turn the brush out of his backpack, and then handed it to Jiang Han’s hands.

Sydney saw that the fat man had actually lied to her, and the flashlight hit the fat man’s face.

In the future, believe that the fat man will not carry anything, and believe in the fat man’s greedy spirit of money.

“This is the last time!” Sydney Yang glared at the fat man.

“What… Oh…”

“Trust you!” Sydney Yang flicked a sentence and left.

Jiang Han, on the other hand, took the brush and placed it on a groove in the coffin.

Unbiased, the brush is just right in the groove!

Everyone’s attention shifted from the fat man, and they were stunned when they saw this scene.

Could it be that there are organs again?!

Jiang Han turned the brush, and the mechanism began to rotate like a button.

Immediately afterward, a copper leaf emerged from the coffin.

“This… This is the little seal! ”

Big Golden Tooth felt that the foil had words on it.

Wang Chunlai squeezed in from behind and asked, “What is a small seal?” ”

The big golden tooth said: “Also called Qin Seal, it is a unified script implemented by Qin Shi Huang after he unified the six countries. ”

“What’s written on it?” The fat man poked his head and asked.

Jiang Han said: “This is a passage from the historical record, Xi Bogai took the throne for 50 years, and in his prison, Gai Yiyi’s gossip was sixty-four trigrams, and Xi Bobang was hidden in Bi.” ”

“It’s not Lao Jiang, don’t talk about these gods and gods, what does this mean?”

The fat man asked with a confused look.

“It means that there is a man named Xiber who was deduced here by the ball for sixty-four trigrams, and was buried in a place called Bi after his death, and Li Chunfeng created and transformed Xiber’s tomb through research.”

“But this front side is only half explained, and the remaining half should be on the back.” Sydney Yang Road.

Big Golden Tooth, Huba Yi, and Sydney Yang then poked their heads down, ready to look at the words on the copper foil.

But the fat man’s hand was wrong again, and he directly pulled out the copper foil.

“Look at what, there’s nothing underneath.”

The fat man also shook the back of the copper foil at everyone, with a cute face.


Then everyone heard it, and the entrance stone door that came crashed down again.

“There is no end, and there are organs!”

Wang Chunlai was almost desperate.

Why is this door closed again?!

“This… Why can’t I put it in…”

The fat man reached out and stuffed the copper foil into it again, but he couldn’t insert it.

“Fatty, I’ll just…”

Huba Yigang wanted to reach out and punch the fat man, but a small pit suddenly appeared on the ground in front of everyone, and then a chessboard rose up.

“There is no end, it’s all organs!”

Wang Chunlai grabbed his hair in fright, looking crazy.

Now if there is even the slightest movement, he will think it is a mechanism.

“Lao Jiang, why is this an extra chessboard?”

The fat man stuffed the copper foil into his bag and asked.

“Don’t worry, it’s a good thing.” Jiang Han said.

Just called him could have stopped the fat man, but he knew this was part of the plot.

If you want to go down, you have to pull out the copper foil.

“Good thing?!”

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Huba said: “There is only one chess piece, which means that we are only given a chance to take one step, it seems that the owner of this tomb does not want to kill us immediately, he wants to go through with us.” ”

“Then go over.”

The fat man said: “There are those who can play Gomoku, the next one.” ”

Huba was speechless.

“Fat master, do you know how to count? You see just a few slips, this is not Gomoku, this is Go. ”

“Oh, do you know how to play Go?”

“Aren’t we being surrounded?”

“Can you be serious? This kind of advanced chess game must be a person with great knowledge. ”

The fat man swept over the horse’s bold squeezed body, these few are not expected.

“Chief of Staff Yang, are you okay?”

Sydney Yang shook her head, “I’m a second-level chess player, but I can’t play Go, Lao Hu, will you.” ”

Hu Bayi also shook his head, “I won’t either, Lao Jiang, how are you?” ”

“Strange, strange, strange!”

At this time, the big golden tooth, who had been paying attention to the chessboard, suddenly opened his mouth and shook his head repeatedly at this chess game.

“Jin Ye, don’t rhyme at this time, what’s wrong?” The fat man said urgently.

Sydney Yang also couldn’t wait to get up: “What is strange?” ”

“I just taught me a little fur when I was a child, relying on my three-legged cat kung fu, and I don’t know much about Go, but this endgame…”

“I’m really impressed.”

When everyone heard this, they became excited.

This is thin, the big golden tooth is really a little material!

The big golden tooth said: “Although this chess game may have been very exquisite back then, with thousands of years of research, there have long been chess scores that have broken this endgame.” ”

“As long as this sunspot is placed in this position and eats and eats a piece of white chess, then the basic sunspot will win.”

Although the big golden tooth chess technique is not high, this endgame is really not difficult.

The fat man nodded and said: “Oh, it’s not so difficult to make such a big circle, it seems that social progress is a good thing.” ”

“I don’t think this is right, it’s not to doubt your judgment, I think this matter…”

Although Sydney Yang did not understand Go, he thought it was strange.

“It’s so easy.”

At this time, Jiang Han, who had been standing next to him without speaking, suddenly spoke.

Everyone immediately looked at him.

Jiang Han slowly spoke, “This is a story like Jia Xuan and Emperor Taizong of Song. ”

“When is it, still telling stories…”

Wang Chunlai muttered softly, but was glared at by the fat man.

Sydney Yang said, “I know about Jia Xuan and Song Taizu. ”

“Jia Xuan was a Go wizard during the Northern Song Dynasty, specializing in accompanying the emperor to play chess. He was superb in chess, but due to the relationship between the monarchs and courtiers, he had to lose him once every time he played against Song Taizu, and Song Taizu was very happy and rewarded him from time to time. ”

“I see.”

The fat man nodded, “It’s this chess, we can obviously win, but we must lose.” ”

“Later, after a long time, Song Taizu discovered Jia Xuan’s cleverness and ordered him to use his true skills, otherwise he would be punished, and Jia Xuan was forced to helplessly set up a three-section circular draw.”


Everyone spun around, thoughtfully, and now they are facing the decision to choose 1 of 3.

Either win, lose, or draw!

“Even if this tomb owner is not Li Chunfeng, he must be our senior, and if he wins, he is really not suitable and cannot be said. But losing is too easy, and it is certainly not the solution to the problem. ”

Hu Bayi analyzed: “So, the owner of this tomb wants us to play chess.” ”

“Old Jin, can this chess game be drawn?”

Big Golden Tooth scratched his head and looked tangled.

This kind of three-robbery cycle chess game is not something that a three-legged cat kung fu player like him can see through.

“The situation of the Three Tribulations Cycle also exists in this chess game, as long as this sunspot is placed here, there will be a situation of the Four Tribulations Cycle.”

“Then, you will definitely be sentenced!”

Jiang Han suddenly picked up the black chess piece, and without thinking about it, he directly placed it in that position.

Before everyone could react, they heard a clicking sound.

Jiang Han has already laid out the chess pieces!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This is too troublesome, right?!

It’s good to say it again, it’s just killing people, isn’t it!


Everyone closed their eyes, their hearts rising to their throats, fearing that new dangers would occur.


Immediately afterwards, a hidden wall suddenly fell from the surrounding rock wall!

In all directions, the entire tomb was actually surrounded!

Moreover, in the hidden walls, there are all kinds of different treasures in each void!

Very precious and exquisite treasure!

Every single one is worth a lot!

Everyone couldn’t help but open their eyes and look up.

The golden splendor was dazzling, and the few people who were bold in the horse seemed to be dreaming, rubbing their eyes fiercely.

Golden bottle, golden lamp, golden statue!

Pearls, emeralds, onyx!

Sword, jade ding, pagoda!

All kinds of curiosities, all of them!

Just looking at the style is dazzling, not to mention the materials and workmanship.

Think with your toes and know that every piece taken out is absolutely priceless!

PS, the second is more here, please subscribe automatically and all subscriptions, thank you benefactors.

In addition, there are flowers, evaluation votes, brothers, please! Because there is no recommendation for tomb robbery novels, I can only rely on some data such as monthly passes to rush the rankings, it should be recommended to brush exposure, kneel for monthly passes, thank you for your grace! ! !

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