Chapter 9 Characters Who Can Comparable to Fat Master

In the dark robbery hole, a worm was dug out of the loess by a big white goose.

This thing is like a louse, but it is about the size of a broad bean, and its body is dark brown.

Looking at the strange bug that was pecked out by the big white goose, Qin Yan instantly understood.

I see!

“Old Hu, I’ll change positions with you.”

Although Hu Payi didn’t know what Qin Yan was going to do, but seeing what Qin Yan should have seen, Yiyan and Qin Yan changed positions.

Qin Yan came to the front of the team, turned around and said, “Fatty, bring some lime powder from your bag.”

After the previous incident, Fatty became more and more convinced of Qin Yan, and he handed it over without hesitation.

Qin Yan took Lime and instructed: “You all cover your noses. If you don’t want to dig into the soil like Lao Hu, don’t cover your noses for a while.”

Why are you covering your nose well?

Although everyone was very puzzled, they all followed suit.

They also saw Qin Yan’s previous performance, so they trusted him.

After covering your mouth and nose obediently,It was watching Qin Yan’s actions silently.

I saw Qin Yan sprinkle lime on the ground in front of him.

next second.

A lot of insects suddenly appeared from the ground.

These things are like small beetles, each one is earthy brown, and the same color as loess, if you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it.

“Fuck, brother Qin is so awesome, there really is something!”

The fat man looked at Qin Yan dumbfounded.

The others were also secretly shocked, Qin Yan seemed to be more powerful than they thought.

Those bugs emerged from the ground and spread on the ground in front of them, densely packed.

If you let people with intensive phobia watch it, it is estimated that they will faint.

Even a few of them have goose bumps all over.

Fortunately, as soon as the bug got out of the ground, it touched the lime that Qin Yan had sprinkled before, and immediately kicked with both feet, dying.

“I said, comrades, what the hell is this thing?”

The fat man couldn’t help asking.

Nine times out of ten, Qin Yan couldn’t answer if he had been asked this question before.

However, after absorbing the biological encyclopedia knowledge rewarded by the system, Qin Yan naturally knew the biological knowledge well.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have known that he could kill them with lime.

Under the gazes of everyone, Qin Yan smiled slightly and explained:

“These things are called earth lice. They are plain in appearance, but they contain hallucinogenic toxins in their bodies, which will be released once they die.”

“Before Lao Hu had hallucinations, he should have accidentally crushed this bug while crawling, so he inhaled hallucinogenic gas and caused hallucinations.”

After hearing Qin Yan’s explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

At the same time, I also felt heart palpitations.

If Qin Yan was not here, the consequences would be unimaginable.

I said before that in the ancient city of Jingjue, it was a hallucinogenic corpse fragrant konjac, which almost wiped out the entire tomb robbery team.

It can be seen how terrifying this kind of hallucination is.

At this moment, Xue Li Yang finally understood why Professor Chen must try his best to recommend Qin Yan.

The young man who looked at Sven in front of him seemed to have the same ability to rob a tomb, or even stronger than Hu Bayi.

Fatty gave a thumbs up and smiled: “Brother Qin is amazing, you are the only guy I have seen over the years who can compare with me, haha!”

Hu Payi couldn’t help but give Fatty a blank look: “I said Fatty, you fucking die if you don’t brag!”

Da Jinya also teased: “Father’s face is thicker than the city wall. I remember who said before, “Master Jin, I don’t think your friend is good.”

Fatty snorted: “Father, I am determined to take the world as my responsibility. How can I do it without being arrogant and not being arrogant? Arrogance depends on strength, and arrogance depends on courage.”

When everyone heard this, they all burst into laughter……

After cleaning up these bugs, there is no danger ahead.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After resting in place for a while, we continued to move forward…

Due to the presence of earth lice, everyone moved more cautiously.

This time, it was Qin Yan’s turn to start, and as he walked, he sprinkled lime…

“Brother Qin, you sprinkled lime all the way, is there enough lime?”

Da Jinya couldn’t help but ask questions.

To be honest, things like lime are not long-lasting in tomb robbery equipment, and they are not used much.

So, this time they also brought a pack of them.

Who would have thought this would happen!

Qin Yan looked at the bag in his hand.

This is indeed a problem, there is not much lime left.

The ghost knows how long the robbery hole is, and this small half bag is not enough.

Everyone suddenly fell into a dilemma.

In the face of hallucinogenic horror earth lice, if you don’t sprinkle lime, who can guarantee that there will be no major problems!

The fat man asked worriedly: “Comrades, what should we do now?”

Hu Payi spread his hands helplessly.

Seeing this, everyone looked at Qin Yan, who had become another backbone…

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