Chapter 71: Xieling Chief Chen Blind

The fat man moved his chubby body and came to Chen Blind, squinting at the person, and teasing him in a rather yin and yang tone:

“I said, old man, your four finale poems are so eye-catching. When you swept away all the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, why didn’t you deal with this old man? You are here to tell fortunes and deceive people!”

Chen Blind was the leader of Xieling back then, how could he ever be run on like this, and the older people are, the more they love face.

The blind man was very upset when he heard the fat man’s words.

He pouted and snorted coldly:

“You are not a virtuous junior! The old man couldn’t bear to see you all ruined here, so I made it clear to you!”

“Tell us?”

Fatty and Hu Payi looked at each other and waved in front of the old man’s sunglasses.

It seems that he wants to verify whether the old man is really blind or fake…

But then I found that the latter didn’t respond at all, thinking that this is really an old blind man.

Chen Blind is blind, but his ability to listen to Lei Bian’s tomb has not fallen, and his ear is more focused because of his concentration.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to perceive it. He seemed to perceive the actions of Hu Payi and Fatty, and said arrogantly:

“Although the old man is blind, he knows the principles of heaven. A few escaped from death today, don’t you want to be counted?”

Da Jinya was dumbfounded and couldn’t help but blurt out: “How did he know?”


The fat man also opened his eyes suspiciously.

Qin Yan looked a little funny.

Whether these two people are really stupid or fake, Chen Blind has been here for so long, and he has already heard everyone’s words clearly.

Fortune-tellers have the ability to observe words and exploits, and they will definitely know if they think about it.Qin Yan couldn’t help but said, “I said you guys are stupid, didn’t Fatty just brag to Li Chunlai? The old man must have heard it.”

Hu Payi was also a good man. He waved his hand at the blind man and smiled: “Okay, old man, don’t be embarrassed here, go back to sleep quickly.”

Da Jinya and Fatty laughed too…

Unexpectedly, the blind man looked proud and said:

“Look, you’re overwhelmed, aren’t you? Even though the things in this soil are good, you need to be careful when handling them. People who have passed away long to reach bliss early, and no one wants to be disturbed by outsiders when they sleep in peace. .”

The smiles on the faces of Fatty and Da Jinya suddenly froze. This old man actually knew how many of them were touching gold?

They didn’t say this just now!

And even an ordinary fortune-teller who has never been in the field of tomb robbers should not know these ways.

Fatty Hupa and a few people suddenly became a little surprised.

Regardless, the blind man continued to point at a few people and said:

“Among the five of you, the old man noticed that three of them had extremely heavy Yin Qi, I’m afraid… it’s about to be a big disaster!”

Hu Payi and the others looked at each other, not knowing which three the blind man was referring to, but it was certain that there must be Hu Payi and Fatty among them.

But Xue Li Yang knew that another person was referring to herself, and she also had that weird eyeball on her back.

Xue Li Yang had been listening in for a long time, and at first she was a little disdainful of the old man.

But at this time, she had to pay attention to it.

This old man should have some background, it is very likely that he is a senior in this line!

She stepped forward and cut to the chase:

“Senior, do you know something? If you know it, make it clear that the money will not be short of you. We don’t have time to accompany you to go around in circles. If you have half a lie, we have nothing to talk about.”

When the blind man heard what Xue Li Yang said, he was suddenly startled and lowered his voice:

“Shh… Keep your voice down, it turns out that the girl is also a member of the industry? Listening to what you said, isn’t this Captain Jin Touching? It seems that the people who touch gold are really talented recently!”

Xue Li Yang groaned in her heart, she couldn’t help sitting down, and asked respectfully:

“Master, what do you call me?”

The blind man looked at Xue Li Yang respectfully, so he put down his body and replied:

“The old man is a blind old man, blind, you can call me Chen blind!”

At this time, the fat man was a little unconvinced, and patted the blind man’s booth:

“I said that you, a blind man, have done a good job in the business, but you want to talk about how we are in trouble? If you can’t explain clearly, believe it or not, I will smash your fortune-telling booth to you!”

Hu Payi and Da Jinya pulled Fatty and signaled him to stop.

The blind man sneered: “You ignorant junior, you really have no wisdom roots, and it’s not worth the old man’s words for you!”

The fat man looked embarrassed after hearing this.

Others couldn’t help but smile.

The fat man can usually talk, but the blind man’s words are utterly useless and irrefutable.

The blind man ignored the fat man, but instead pointed at Qin Yan…

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